2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson2教案 人教pep.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson2教案 人教pepTeaching aims:1. Make Ss be able to use “Can I wear my? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. Its cold/hot/cool/warm today.”2. Review the words about fashion and weather.3. Good to know.Difficulties and importance:Can I wear my new shirt? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. Its cold today.Preparation: Some clothes, the cards of word, recorder and tape.Steps: 1. Warm-upa. Sing an English song “My Clothes”.b. Lets chant.2. Previewa. Greeting. T: Whats the weather like today in Shanghai? Is it hot today?b. T: Its hot today. Can you wear a sweater? Direct Ss how to speak “No, you cant”. Ask and answer in pairs.c. Clothes for warm days/Clothes for cold days3. Presentationa. T: I have a new jacket. Whats the weather like today? A: Its warm. T: Can I wear my new jacket today? B: No, you cant. Direct Ss how to speak “Can I wear my?”. Ask and answer in pairs.b. Look and listen. T: Mike has a new shirt. He likes it very much. Can he wear it? c. Listen, read and point.d. Lets act in pairs. S1: Lets play football.S2: Whats the weather like today? S1: Its warm.S2: Can I wear my?S1: Yes, you can. /No, you cant. Put on your.4. Consolidation and extensionTeachers note:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson30(1)教案 冀教版教学目标:1、学习和理解 like to 句式的意义和用法。2、 熟练地用此句式回答相关的问句,如:whatyour favourite school work?3、能听会说本课的句子 。4、培养学生的自主、合作精神和英语表达兴趣。教学重、难点:1、本课新短语、句子的认读、理解记忆。2、Whats your favourite school work?的理解和答句。教学准备:磁带、教学光盘教学方法:情境教学法、愉快教学法。教学过程:一、复习热身:1、唱“ONE,TWO,TIEMYSHOE”并演示每一行的伴随动作。2、复习单词上节所学句式。 二、引入新课内容:1、汉语提示,引出新授内容。 2、播放光盘,教学新句 : I like to draw picture .thats my favourite school work.I like to draw pictures,and i like to write stories.I like to draw pictures and write stores,but my favourite school work is to read books.等句子。3、师领读。(以多种形式。) 4、听磁带范读。5、以小组为单位合作练读,师辅助教学。三、巩固练习:1、学生演练对话。2、鼓励展示。四、活动手册:L30五、学唱英语歌曲。1、听磁带录音范唱。2、教学歌词。1)、引领学生理解句子的意思。(借助图片内容)2)、教读。3、跟磁带范唱学歌曲。4、学生合作试唱。5、以各种形式练唱及表演歌曲内容。

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