2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit3(第3课时)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit3(第3课时)教案 苏教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit3(第3课时)教案 苏教牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit3(第3课时)教案 苏教牛津版一 教学目标和要求:1、review what the students have learnt in the first two lessons (simple past tense of the “be” verb)2、Ss can have a brief understanding of the text in Part A and can retell or recite this part according to the notes.3、Ss can know the meaning and the pronunciations of those new phrases appeared in the text二 教学重点和难点:Simple Past Tense of the “be” verb三课前准备:单词卡片,实物,多媒体课件等。四教学过程:Warm up: listen to the song on page 29(缓和情绪,做好上课准备,并为以后的歌曲教学做铺垫)(一) revisionFree talk:T: Can I have a look at your pencil?T: (put it on another students book) Where is it now?But where was it a moment ago?(continue this conversation with more students)Pair work:Show Ss some real objects (including the new words in Part B), and ask Ss to make dialogues in pairs using these things.Sample: S1: Where is/are? S2: Its/Theyre S1: No, it isnt/ they arent there.S2: But it was/they were there a moment ago.(通过 Free talk 和 pair work 两个活动来帮助学生复习在第一和第二课时中学过的新单词和新句型。)(二) PresentationT: Now we are going to listen to the tape, please listen carefully and tell me the answer to the following questions (listen to the first paragraph of part A twice)When?Where?Who?What?(Ss: Sports DaySs: maybe in the playground, it isnt mentioned in the tapeSs: Su Hai and Su YangSs: They are watching a running race. )T: very good. Now please open your books and turn to page 22. Lets get some further information about what happened. Just read the first paragraph.T: Now lets see what we have on the blackboard. Sports Day. SuHai and Su Yang, watch the running raceT: Can you think of more key words that can make our retell much easier? Please discuss in pairs.(Ss discuss and get the following key words:Sports Day- all(excited)-Su Hai and Su Yang(watch)-Su Hai( take photos)-look for camera(Su Hai)-help ( Su Yang))T: So it must be very easy for you to recite this part. I give you 2 minutes to prepare. And then I will choose some Ss to try.(通过听录音,找出where, when , who, what 这四大要素, 来引出课文的学习。 这样既可以锻炼学生的听力,也能很快引出情景,使学生将注意力集中到课文的学习上。然后让学生归纳这一段的KEY WORDS,并在这些词的帮助下试着复述或背诵这一段,锻炼学生的语言组织能力和口语表达能力)T: Now, lets look at the dialogue part of the text. And see what happened next. Please read it by yourselves. Then I will ask you some questions. While you are reading, circle those words, phrases and sentences you dont understand. (2 minutes)(Ss read and circle the words phrases and sentences you dont understand.)T: Now please show the words, phrase and sentences to your partner and see whether he could help you. (1 minute)(先让学生自主学习,找出不理解的难点,加深他们的印象,然后通过group work,让他们在小组学习中互相帮助,解决以上困难,如还有问题存在,学生会更认真的听老师接下来的讲解,从中找出答案)T: Here are my questions:Where is the camera? Is it in Su Hais bag?Is it in Su Yangs bag?(teach the phrase a moment ago, and introduce more phrase like two days ago, a month ago, etc)T: What did they look for next?T: Where are they? Are they in Su Yangs bag?Are they in Su Hais bag?So, where are they?( teach the phrase “just now”)(三) consolidationT: Ok, till now I think everyone has a good understanding of the text, so please finish the T/F exercise on page 23( check the answers)(通过这一练习对学生对于课文的理解做一个检测)listen to the tape and ask Ss to repeat sentence by sentenceT: please pay attention to your pronunciation and stress(训练学生的语音语调)underline the important phrases in the text for the students(帮助学生找出重点词组或短语)Homework:1. copy the underlined phrase2. recite or retell the text3. listen to the tape for more than 10 minutes(以上教案由苏州市实验小学史祎提供)附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 unit3复习提纲 苏教牛津版单词:1.was(am,is 的过去式)2.excited激动的,兴奋的3.monent片刻,瞬间4.ago以前5.were(are 的过去式)6.glasses眼镜 7.camera 照相机 8.CD Walkman 光盘随声听 9.roll卷,卷状物 10.film 胶卷11.ground 地面 12.exciting 令人激动的,令人兴奋的13.earphone耳14.diary 日记,日记簿15.remember记住,记得 16.werent=were not 17.mobile phone 手机,手提电话 18.race 比赛词组:1. Sports Day体育运动日 2. all the students 所有的学生 3. watch a running race 观看赛跑 4. very excited 非常的兴奋 5. look for 寻找 6. very exciting 非常的令人兴奋7. a moment ago 一会儿前 8.let me see 让我看看9. just now刚才 10. on the ground 在地上11. pick them up 把它们捡起来 12. cant find 找不到13. want to know 想知道 14. behind the door 在门后面15. a pair of glasses一副眼镜 16. a roll of film 一卷胶卷 17. beside the copybooks on your desk 在你桌子上的抄写本旁18. try to remember 试着记住 句型:1. Wheres my diary? Its on the desk. It isnt there now. It was there a moment ago. 我的日记在哪里?它在课桌上。它现在不在那里了。一会儿前它还在的。2. Where are your glasses? Theyre beside my pencil case. They arent there now. There were there just now,你的眼镜在哪里?它在我的笔袋旁。它现在不在那里了。刚才还在的。3. Can I have the films, please? 能把胶卷给我吗?4.Su Hai is teaching her the names of some of the things in the sitting-room. 苏海正在教她客厅里一些东西的名称。5. Try to remember where the things are.试着记住物品所在的位置。6The bear was under the pear tree over there,but where is it now?有一只熊在那里的梨树底下,但是现在在哪里呢?语法:一般过去式含有be动词的句子结构肯定句:主语was / were + 其它否定句:主语wasnt / werent + 其它一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语其它特殊疑问句:疑问词以was/were开头的一般疑问句

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