2019年三年级英语上学期期中试卷(无答案) 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上学期期中试卷(无答案) 冀教版姓名 班级 分数 一、把单词补充完整。(28分)b k d sk ch r sch l b y书本书桌椅子学校男孩y llow b ue e ght f ur thr 黄色蓝色八四三二、连线。(10分)pen 学校school 蓝色blue 男孩boy 钢笔yellow 老师name 椅子teacher 课桌eight 黄色desk 名字chair 八三、请按字母顺序写出所缺字母。(9分)a b c d e f g h i k m o q s u w y 四、将正确译文前的序号填在括号内。(10分)( )1.my nameA.我的名字B.他的名字C.你的名字( )2.three books A.两本书B.五棵树C.三本书( )3.Thanks A.我不知道B.谢谢!C.对不起( )4.close your book A.打开窗户B.打开书C.合上书( )5.under the chair A.在桌子上面B.在桌子下面C.在椅子下面五、按要求给下列词语归类。(只写序号)(15分) red six desk apple chair book blue yellow pencil pen one four marker three two 颜色数字学习用品水果六、请在每个单词后面的括号里填入相应的阿拉伯数字。(18分)1.ten( ) 2.five( ) 3.two ( ) 4.one( ) 5.three( ) 6.four ( )7.seven( ) 8.eight( ) 9.six ( )七、选择(10分)1.当有人问你How are you?时,你应回答( )Thanks Fine ,thank you How are you ?2. Whats his name ? My name is Li Ming Her name is Li Ming His name is Li Ming附送:2019年三年级英语上学期期末测试卷(A卷)一、单项选择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号内。(12分)( )1. How old _ you? A. am. B. is. C. are.( )2. This is my English _. A. head. B. teacher. C. Mr. Li.( )3. 你想知道姐姐在哪,应该问: A. Where is my brother? B. Where is my sister? C. Whats your name?( )4. 当别人对你说Happy birthday!时,你应该说: A. Happy birthday. B. Thank you. C. Hello.( )5. 你想向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应该说: A. This is my mother. B. Whats my mother. C. Hi, my mother. ( )6. - Good morning. - _. A. Good afternoon B. Bye-bye C. Good morning ( )7. - _? - Im Sam. A. What your name B. How are you C. Good morning ( )8.Its _the blue bag. A、up B、down C、in( )9. Its _yellow cap. A.a B.an C. the ( )10.This is Mr Wang . _is a teacher . A. She B.I C. He.( )11“这是一条黑狗”用英语这样表达:_. A. Its a blue dog. B Its a black dog.( )12.“十一个男孩”用英语这样说_. A .Twelve boys. B. Eleven boys.二、在下面方框内选出与图片对应的单词,把序号写在每个图片前的括号内(5分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3.( )4. ( )5.A. bag B book C dog D cap E nine 三、选出与图片对应的句子,并将序号填在括号内。(5分) ( )1. A Its a door. B Its a window. ( ) 2. A Heres your pencil. B Heres your pen. ( ) 3. A Is it a dragon? Yes , it is. B Is it a kite? Yes, it is. ( ) 4. A. Two girls. B. Four girls. ( ) 5. A Its a dog. B Its a panda. 四、从II栏中选出与I栏相应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)。 I II( )1. Whats this?. A. Bye-bye,Daming.( )2.How old are you? B.Thank you.( )3.How many boys? C. Goodmorning. ( )4.Wheres the cat ? D. Nine.( )5.Is it a monster? E. Its a desk.( ) 6. Goodmorning, F. Im five.( ) 7. Good afternoon. G. Good afternoon. ( ) 8.Goodbye,Sam. H. Im fine ,thank you. ( ) 9.Happy birthday. I . Yes, it is. ( ) 10.How are you? J. Its in the bag. 五、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写( ), 错误的写( )。(每小题2分,共10分) This is my family. Look! This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. He is a doctor. My name is Sam. Im a pupil. Im nine. This is my brother, Tom. He is seven. I love my family.( )1. My name is Amy.( )2. My father is a doctor.( )3. My mother is a teacher.( )4. Im a pupil, Im nine.( )5. Tom is nine, too六、请选择合适的句子完成对话,并将答案标号写在相应的横线上。(8分)A.Whats this ? B. How are you? C. Goodbye. D.Yes, it is. Daming: Hello._ Xiaoqiang:Im fine ,thank you. Daming:_? Xiaoqiang:Its a book. Daming:Is it a kite? Xiaoqiang:_ Daming:_ Xiaoqiang:Bye-bye. 七、读一读,画一画。(10分)1. three pens. 2. two catsxx三年级上册期末评价与反馈(A卷)答案一C B B B A C A C A C B B 二B E D A C 三B B B A B 四E F D J I C G A B H 五 六B A D C 七画画标准,画对数量2分,画对物品及动物3分。

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