2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson15Jenny goes to the city 教案1 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson15Jenny goes to the city 教案1 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson15Jenny goes to the city 教案1 冀教版1.使学生能掌握Where are you going ? To zhe .Why ? I want to .2.掌握短语drive a car, ride a bicycle, stay home.3.了解故事大意,训练阅读能力。教学重点:Where are going ? To zhe . Why? I want to .教学难点:故事的阅读理解。教具准备:录音机、磁带。教学过程:一、师生问候: 意图:师生课前对话和相互间的问候不仅增进彼此间的感情,还能缓和课堂紧张的气氛。意图:在简单的对听课教师的问候活动中,渗透了礼仪教育。师:Hello,class! 生: Hello,teacher!师:Whats the date today? Hows the weather today?生:Its _ The weather is_-(1)Sing a song “as I was going down the street? ”意图:这首歌既缓和课堂气氛、激发学生的兴趣,且为下一步学习新的内容作铺垫。二、复习句型:意图:逐步引导学生学习新内容。Lets go to the _ to _ _教师板书句型,出示图片,帮助学生填空。例如:师:(指着图片餐馆) Lets go to the .全班: .restaurant.三、新授:1.创设情境,引出句型:Where are you going ? To zhe .Why ? I want to .板书句型意图:使学生对新授知识有一个初步的认识,明确学习的目的。2.学生分组用Where are you going ? To zhe .Why ? I want to .编对话,上台表演。意图:通过以上环节的句型的操练,学生已经能熟练运用所学句型进行回答。通过让学生由全体到小组,再到两人对话。这样能了解学生对所学内容的掌握情况,并为后面自由交谈做准备。3.听录音,跟读课文内容,讨论。 师: Where are Danny and LiMing? Where is Danny going? Why? Where is LiMing going? Why ? 生:回答4.利用书中图片,讨论引出短语drive a car, ride a bicycle, stay home. 教师板书并教授意图:通过条理清晰、逐步导入的思想,在巧妙的过渡下很自然地让学生接受新的单词,教师利用形式多样的教学形式让学生在愉快、轻松、形象的情境下学习本课单词。5.与学生讨论课本第二部分第三幅图:What happened? Where does Jenny want to do ? 引出故事。6.设计问题,听故事。就故事进行讨论。贴近学生生活的活动,是激发学生学习热情的最好方法,以上活动不仅把课堂推向了高潮,培养了学生综合运用语言的能力,达到学以致用的目的Who is the story about?What is the story about?What might happen in the story? 三、结束课堂教学。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit2 lesson15Jenny goes to the city教案3 冀教版掌握Where are you going?回答:to the grocery store及短语:drive a car, ride a bicycle, stay home.教学重点:Where are you going?教学难点:Where are you going?的回答to the 地方to do sth.学具: 自行车、新裙子、冰激凌盒。教学过程:1、复习lesson 14:T: Hows the weather today?S1: Its hot and sunny.T: Hows the weather in summer?S2: Its hot and sunny.T: Hows the weather in spring?S3: Its warm and rainy.T: Hows the weather in fall?S4: Its windy and cloudy.T: Hows the weather in winter?S5: Its cold and snowy in winter.2、新授:Where are you going?教师推着自行车,拿着购物袋,装作去购物,让一学习好的同学问。S1: Where are you going?T: To the market(去市场),I want to buy some vegetables.(我想买些蔬菜)重复对话几遍,让同学们听明白师生对话内容。3、找几个同学做对话练习。T: Where are you going?S1: to the shop. I want to buy a new dress.T: Where are you going?S2: to the grocery store. I want to buy some ice cream.4、学生分组练习对话Where are you going?利用学生手中的学具S1: Where are you going?S2: to the shop. I want to buy some books.S3: Where are you going?S4: to the shop. I want to buy some pencils.S5: Where are you going?S6:to the restaurant. I want to buy some food.5、听录音,学生跟录音朗读课文。6、学习What are they doing?根据书中图画进行问答练习。T: Look at picture.(教师自问自答)Where are Mr. and Mrs. smith in ?They are in a car.What is Mr. doing?He is driving.Hes driving a car.T: Look at picture 2.What is Jenny doing?S1: Shes riding a bicycle.T: Yes, shes riding a bicycle.T: Where are Mr. Mrs. Smith and their children?T: They are at home.T: They stay home.(stay home 可让同学们自己说出)板书设计:Lesson15: Jenny Goes to the City.Where are you going?To the grocery store.I want to buy some ice cream.Drive a car. Ride a bicycle. Stay home.


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