2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson3(5)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson3(5)教案 冀教版年 级四年级科 目英语课 题Lesson 3 Bicycles学习目标知识与技能目标 :1.Read and remember the words:bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle near far 2.听懂对话 Is the library far from here?能力目标:理解本课对话的大意能熟练运用, 使用礼貌用语进行对话。重点New words教 具Flashcards tape难点准确运用所学单词.自 学 指 导 与 思 考 题授课教师修改或补充 导学过程 Step1 Organize and do some greetings.1. Greeting each other.2.Check the homework.Step2 Revision.Look at the flashcards, and say the words: office stairs classroom gym library 导 学 过 程 Step3 Study the new lesson.1.The teacher draw a bike. And say the names of the parts.2.learn the new words.3.look at the flashcards, make the groups to memorize the words.bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle4.Make the samples to learn the words: near far5.listen to the tape,first only listen ,and then read after teacher.Explain:A、Is the library far from here?B、across from help follow meStep4 listening practiceStudents listen to the orders and play games;make some situations make conversations.Step5 Practice Step6 Summary and do some exercises. 训 练 检 测 题一. 写单词 b_ll t_e wh_l ch_n s_t bi_cle二. 画图并写单词。 Draw a bicycle. 教后反思 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 Lesson8(2)教案 冀教版教学目标:知识目标:复习本单元17个四会单词。能力目标:能正确运用本单元的句子。情感目标:培养学生懂礼貌的习惯。教学重点:复习本单元17个四会单词。教学难点:本单元重点句型。Where are you going? Turn left . Turn right . Go stright. Excuse me.教具准备:1.本单元的单词卡片 2.1100的汉英两面卡片3.活动手册磁带作业超市:Write these words: classroom gym Make a dialogue.(用上本单元所学得简单的有命令的指示用语。Turn left . Turn right . Go stright.等)板书设计 Lesson 8 Again, please! twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred教学过程一、 Review 1.Sing a songThe wheels on the bus .这一内容可以分组进行,男、女同学分段,或者分行等形式。2.Play a game “CLAP”.这一游戏既复习了所有的数字,又能提高学生的学习兴趣。节奏可以逐渐加快。二、 New1 四会单词的巩固练习。朗读黑板上单词:twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred可以先找同学做示范,在逐个同学读。 单词竞赛,以小组为单位,在一分钟内反复呈现单词,累计数量,赢者为胜。A. 出示图片,说出单词(classroom, gym ,library)B. 出示阿拉伯数字图片,说出相对应的英语(1-one,2-two)C. 教师指定一位学生说英语,其他同学快速抢答出汉语。(one hundred-100.twenty-20) 2、小组编对话要求用上本单元所学过的一些简单指令,或者如何问路的句子。对话展示。完成此练习时,尽可能多的给学生练习机会,并且每次展示结束,都要及时恰当的鼓励。 3、完成活动手册。1、2题较简单,学生可独立完成。教师可带做听力题。三、 Class is over.


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