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2019-2020年六年级下册中段考检测题有答案 学校:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_ 听力部分一、Listen and choose. (听音,选出你听到的单词或词语。10分)( ) 1. A. that B. than C. tell ( ) 2. A. younger B. older C. saw ( ) 3. A. cleaned B. stayed C. had a cold( ) 4. A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. today( ) 5. A. watched B. washed C. water二、Listen and number.(听音,标序号。10分)( )1、You are taller than me.( )2、What size are your shoes? ( )3、I watched TV last night.( )4、What did you do? ( )5、Zip is thinner than Zoom.三、Listen and choose. (听音,根据问句选择正确的答语。10分)( )1.A. Yes,I did . B. Yes , she did . C. No , he didnt . ( ) 2. A. I wear size 37 . B. Im 12 years old . C . Im 45 kilograms . ( )3.A I watched TV . B. I went to a park. C . I went there by bus . ( )4.A. 46 kilograms B. 1.60 metres C . size 36 ( )5.It was beautiful . B. She went there by bus . C .He went to Hainan .四、Listen and write. (听音,将下面的句子补充完整。5分) 1.Im _and thinner than you . 2.-what did you do ? -I _ football. 3.Your feet are _than mine .4.What _you do last weekend? .5.I _ pictures in the park yesterday .笔试部分五、Think and write.(按要求写出单词的相应形式。10分)A.写出下列形容词的比较级形式。1.strong_2.low_3.happy_4. long_5. good_ B. 写出下列动词的过去式形式。1.wash _2.have_3. read _ 4. sleep _5. do_六、Look and choose.(找出各组中不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。10分)( ) 1. A. taller B. singer C. longer D.stronger ( ) 2. A. went B. wash C. stayed D.watched ( ) 3. A. holiday B. winter C. summer D. spring ( ) 4. A. gym B. library C. size D. museum ( ) 5. A. yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D.before七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. A giraffes neck(脖子) is _(long) than a goats neck。2. Zip is _(thin) than Zoom.3.I _(stay) at home with my grandma. 4. Did Amy _(cook) yesterday?5.I _(watch) some childrens shows on TV last night.八、Look and choose.(选择最佳答案。10分)( )1.He_a book at home yesterday. A.read B.reads C.reading( )2.I washed clothes _. A.tomorrow B.last night C.every day( )3.John went to a park _bus yesterday. A.with B.by C.on( )4.I stayed at home_my grandma. A.and B. to C. with( )5.Youre_than me. A.old B.older C.young( )6.I have a story_you. A.tell B.to tell C.telling( )7.Did he_his clothes? A.washed B. washes C. wash( )8.My father didnt_football. A.play B.played C.playing( )9._you_your homework yesterday? A.What B.Did,do C.Do,do( )10.Did you do _else?. A.something B.anything C.nothing九、Rearrange the word. (连词成句,注意句首字母大小写及标点符号。10分) 1 you what did do yesterday (? ) _ 2. and getting lower its lower (. ) _ 3. stayed at and all home weekend slept I (. ) _ 4. you are heavy how (? ) _ 5. wear I 37 size (. ) _ 十、Read and answer.(阅读短文,回答问题。10分)Wu Yifan went to Shanghai over his summer holiday. He went there by train. On the first day he went to the science museum by bus. He took lots of pictures. He went to the beach on the second day. There were many people on the beach. He went swimming.On the third day he visited his uncle.They had a big dinner in a big restaurant.He liked the food very much.He went back home by plane.He had a good time. 1.Where did Wu Yifan go over his summer holiday?_2.How did he go to the science museum? _3.Did he go swimming?_4.What did he do on the third day?_5.Where did they have a big dinner?_十二、Look and write.(写作乐园。5分)运用一般过去时记录自己上周末的活动。参考单词 watched TV washed clothes did homework went to a park parents went shopping Saturday Sunday _ 附:一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出下面所听到的单词。)1. than 2.younger 3. had a cold 4. yesterday 5. watched .二、Listen and number.(听音,标序号。) 1、I watched TV last night.2、Zip is thinner than Zoom.3、You are taller than me.4、What did you do?5、What s ize are your shoes? 三、Listen and choose.(听问句,选答语。)1. Did you wash your clothes yesterday ? 2. How heavy are you ?3. Where did you go last weekend ? 4. How heavy are you ?.5. How did she go there ? 四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,将下面的句子补充完整。)1.Im shorter and thinner than you . 2.-what did you do ? -I played football. 3. Your feet are bigger than mine.4.what did you do last weekend?5.I took pictures in the park yesterday .答案:一、BACBA二、35142三、ACBAB四、1.shorter 2.played 3.bigger 4.did 5.took 五、 A 1.stronger 2.lower 3.happier 4.longer 5.better B 1.washed 2.had 3.read 4.slept 5.did六、BBACD七、1.longer 2.thinner 3.stayed 4.cook 5.watched八、ABBCBBCABB九、1What did you do yesterday? 2. Its getting lower and lower. 3.I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 4. How heavy are you? 5.I wear size 37.十、1、He went to Shanghai. 2、He went there by train.3、Yes,he did.4、He visited his uncle.5、They had a big dinner in a big restaurant. 附送:2019-2020年六年级下册代数初步知识总复习专项训练 班级: 姓名: 一填空。(38分)1、王老师到书店买了4本数码天地,每本A元,还余下18元,王老师共带了( )元钱。2、三个连续偶数,中间一个是m,另外两个是( )和( )。3、把4千克白糖平均分装在m个瓶里,每瓶重( )千克,占总重量的( )。4、动物园里有斑马x只,猴子的数量是斑马的6倍,动物园有猴子( )只,猴子比斑马多( )只。5、把边长为1的正方形纸片,按下面的规律拼成长方形: 用5个正方形拼成的长方形的周长是( );用m个正方形拼成的长方形的周长是( )。6、某林场今年植树a棵,成活b棵,成活率是( )。如果a=5000,成活率是95%,那么b是( )。7、工地上有x吨水泥,每天用去3.5吨,用了b天,剩下的用式子表示是( )。如果x=50,B=8,那么剩下的是( )吨。8、每张课桌的价钱是m元,椅子比课桌便宜170元。那么,m170表示的是( ),m+(m170)表示( )。如果3张桌子和8把椅子的价钱相等,将这一关系用含有字母的等式表示出来是( )。9、周长为m的长方形与周长为m的正方形相比,( )的面积较大。10、a比一个数多25%,那么a(1+25%)25%表示( )。11、a、b、c代表三个不同的自然数。如果a+a+a = b,b+b+b = c。那么b+c = ( )个a,c一b = ( )个a。12、如果a+b+c = 21,a+a+b =20,a+bc =7,那么a= ( ),b=( ),c= ( )。13、五个完全相同的小长方形刚好可以拼成一个如图的大长方形,那么小长方形的长与宽的比是( ),大长方形的长与宽之比是( )。14、( )时整时,钟面上的时针与分针成直角。钟面上时针与分针的速度比是( )。15、1.2千克:250克化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。两个圆的半径比是1:3,面积比是( )。16、一个三角形三个内角度数的比是3:4:5,这个三角形最小的内角是( )度,这是一个( )三角形。17、一个比例由两个比值是2的比组成,又知比例的外项分别是1.2和5,这个比例是( )。18、已知被减数与差的比是5:3,减数是100,被减数是( )。19、甲与乙的比是6:5,甲与丙的比是3:5,乙与丙的比是( )。20、一条2.5千米长的飞机跑道,如果把它画在比例尺是1:50000的图纸上,这条飞机跑道长( )厘米。21、甲、乙两人各走一段路,两人速度比是34,所用的时间比是45,则路程比是( )。 二、判断:(16分)1、A、B、C、D均不为零,如果AB = CD,那么DC = BA( ) 2、如果ab + 5 =12,则a与b成反比例。( ) 3、X Y = 0, 且X、Y均不为零,则X与Y不成比例。( ) 4、路程一定,车轮的直径和转数成正比例。( )5、实际距离一定,图上距离与比例尺成正比例。( )6、如果定期五年的存款利率一定,那么定期五年存款的本金与利息成正比例。( )7、在同一幅地图上,甲、乙两地的图上距离越长,它们的实际距离也越长。( )8、已知被减数与差的比是5:3,减数是100,被减数是160。( )三、选择:(26分)1、方程4x2=10的解是 ( ) A、2 B、3 C、32 D、482、当a=4,b=5,c=6时,bcac的值是( )。A、1 B、10 C、6 D、43、甲乙两地间的铁路长480千米,客车和货车同时从两地相对开出,经过4小时机遇。已知客车每小时行65千米,货车每小时行x千米。正确的方程是( )。A、654+4x=480 B、4x=480-654 C、65+x=4804 D、(65+x)4=4804、一块长方形试验田,周长170米,长比宽多25米,长方形长是多少米,用方程解,设是X米,正确方程是( )。A、X+X25=170 B、X+X25=1702 C、X+X+25=1702 D、(X+25+X)2=1705、a的一半与4.5的和用式子表示是( )。 A、2a+4.5 B、a2+4.5 C、a24.5 D、2a+4.56、把一根绳子对折后,再对折,一共折了4次后,每段长a米,这根绳子原来长( )米。 A、4a B、8a C、16a D、21a7、 是以15为分母的最简真分数,则x可取的自然数有( )个。A、5 B、4 C、3 D、28、小明今年a岁,小华比小明大3岁。再过4年,小华比小明大( )岁。A、a+4 B、7 c、3 D、a+79、代表一个不为0的自然数,那么,得数最大的是( )A、 B、 C、 D、10、在浓度为10%的1000克盐水中加入100克盐,溶解之后,盐与盐水的质量比是( )A、2:10 B、2:11 C、2:9 D、2:711、工作效率不断提高,工作总量与工作时间( )A、成正比例 B、成反比例 C、不成比例 12、小娟每天为妈妈配一杯糖水,下面四天中,( )的糖水最甜。A、第一天,糖与水的比是1:9。 B、第二天,20克糖配成200克糖水。C、第三天,200克水中加入20克糖。 D、第四天,含糖率为12%。13、如果A2=B3,那么A:B=( )。A、2:3 B、3:2 C、1:6 D、 6:1四、解方程。(20分)2.1(x0.6)= 1.4 (x +7)1= 6.44 x 123 = 14 x x = 4 .52


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