2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5(1)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5(1)教案 人教PEP教学内容:Lets learn. Lets chant. Lets start.教学重点:1、Lets learn部分的单词:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming.在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的单词。2、听、说、读、写单词:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming。教学难点:1、walk, run, jump, swim的末尾字母与ing连读的发音。2、running和swimming的单词拼写。教学准备:教学过程中所需的图片(lets start)、录音(lets learn, Lets chant)、课件、动画素材。本课时的五张单词图片和卡片。教学过程:一、 Warm-up活动一:唱一唱教师播放三年级上册第四单元A部分Lets do的录音。教师适时出示各种动物的词卡,学生边说边做相应的动作。教师播放三年级上册第四单元B部分Lets do 的录音,方法同上。活动二:做一做教学参考时间:2-3分钟(1) 教师将jump, walk, fly三个词写在黑板上,然后手指相应的单词发指令,如:jump like a rabbit. Walk like an elephant. Fly like a bird.学生边跟读边做相应的动作。(2) 教师继续发指令,学生做动作,适时提问:What are you doing?,引导学生回答:Im (jumping) (like a rabbit).。教师在黑板上的jump后面加上ing,呈现新词:jumping。同法引入walking和flying。二、Presentation活动三:学一学教学教师出示Lets learn部分的教学课件,提问:What animals can you see in the picture?让学生回答。教师指着大象说:Look at the elephant! Its walking! The elephant is walking.教师让学生重复句子。分别指着一只鸟和小兔子,让学生模仿句子说出:Look at the bird! Its flying! The bird is flying. Look at the rabbit! Its jumping! The rabbit is jumping. 让学生看图回答:Why is the rabbit jumping? What animal is after the rabbit?引导学生回答:A tiger. 教师再问:What is the tiger doing? 引导学生回答:Its running. The tiger is running.教师板书:running。教师指着正在水里游的鱼,问:What is the fish doing?引导学生回答:Its swimming.教师板书:swimming.教师播放课件中的对话,让学生重复句子。让学生看板书,读出单词。教师手指running, 问:How many “n” s are there in this word?引导学生回答。用同样的方法提示学生swimming中的字母m也要双写。 让学生拼读单词。running, r-u-n-n-i-n-g, running活动四:说歌谣教师出示图片,让学生听Lets chant部分录音2-3遍,以小组为单位将图片按听到的顺序摆好。教师让学生通过图片理解单词leaping, fighting, biting, climbing, snoring的中文意思。教师给学生解释never boring的中文意思。听录音,跟说歌谣并表演。活动五:编歌谣(1)教师出示Lets start部分的图片,让学生看图说句子:Look at! Its The is(2)让学生两人一组,根据Lets chant部分,自编歌谣。(3)把自编的歌谣说给大家听。三、Lets play活动六:玩一玩(1)教师请一名男生和女生上台,女生做一个动作,其他学生根据动作猜动物的名称,如:Its a rabbit.动物名称猜对后,男生做一个动作,其他学生根据动作说一个句子,如:The rabbit is jumping.除了Lets learn部分的五种动物外,教师还可以让学生表演其他的动物和相关动作。(2)同桌或四人一组做此游戏。活动七:猜一猜(1)教师准备一些动物玩具,让学生摸一摸、猜一猜动物的名称。(2)教师可以问:Whats this? What is it dong?也可以用布将玩具盖住,让学生猜一猜。四、Consolidation and extension活动八:练一练(1)活动手册A 1Listen and number.先让学生看图说一说他们所看到的小动物以及小动物们正在做的事情。然后听录音按听到的顺序标号。(2)活动手册A 2 Listen again and write.让学生再听一遍录音,在横线上添上所缺的单词。然后让学生读一读这段话。活动九:小结本课我们学习了如何表达动物们正在做什么:The is.;还学习了五个带有ing形式的动词:flying, swimming, walking, running, jumping,教师提醒学生注意swimming和running的拼写。五、教学后记: 本课主要学习了Lets learn部分的单词:flying, walking, running, jumping, swimming.并能在情景中使用对话中的句子,还能恰当的替换句中的单词。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(1)教案 广东版开心一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives) 1、Vocabulary: take a test, go on vacation, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes, have a party, write letters, meet some friends.2、Conversation: A. What are you going to do? B. Im going to ask you questions.A. Are you going to cook some food? B. No。二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)A: What are you going to do?B: Im going to .三、 教学难点:(Teaching key points)What are you going to do?Im going to 四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)planner, Picture Cards 25-32, large calendar, ball, Bonus Words Cards WB p.70, paper tokens, coins, chalk / markers五、教学课时:三课时六、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)The first periodStep 1 Review1.What are you going?2.Are you going to bank?3.听写单词:saw, blew, fell, sat, broke, swept, took, cameStep 2 ConversationGetting readyl Bring a planner to class and show Ss.l T: What are we going to do today?l Open the planner to todays date and pretend to read.l T: Today were going to study English!l Draw a time lime on the board (see below).l T: (Point to now.) What are you doing now? Repeat. Ss: What are you doing now?l T: (Point to past.) What did you do yesterday? Repeat. Ss: What did you do yesterday?l T: (Point to future.) What are you going to do today? Repeat. Ss: What are you going to do today?Using the booksl Have Ss look at the page.l T: (Point to the first picture.) Whats Gogo asking Jenny? Ss: What are you going to do today?l T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story.l Play the tape and have Ss follow by looking at the page.l T: Lets listen again and repeat.l Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.l Put Ss into pairs to practice acting out the dialog.l Ask volunteers to perform for the class.Extension activityBring in a large calendar and show it to Ss.T: (Point to yesterdays date.) I (watched a movie) yesterday.T: (Point to todays date.) Im going to (read a book) today.Write What did you do _? And What are you going to do _? on the board.Point to the dates on the calendar and have individual Ss ask other Ss questions using the structures on the board.Have the Ss answer truthfully.VocabularyGetting readyl Write Im going to on the board.l T: (Hold up Picture Card 25 take a test word- side up next to the phrase on the board.) Take a test. Repeat. Ss: Take a test.l T: Show me “take a test”, (Demonstrate a pantomime.)l Repeat the procedure with the rest of the cards.Using the bookl T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.l Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture.l Have individual Ss say the words and have the rest of the class point to the corresponding pictures (or do the pantomimes).l Introduce the Bonus vocabulary, tonight, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, using a calendar.Practice 1Getting ready Ask four Ss to read the questions aloud.Using the book Write Hes going to _. On the board. T: (Point to each picture.) Whats he going to do today? Ss: Hes going to (go on vacation). Play the tape for A, then pause. T: Is he going to write a letter today? Ss: No, hes not. Hes going to shop for clothes. Have Ss put a check in the correct box. Continue with the rest.Extension activityAsk a volunteer to e to the front. T chooses one of the pictures from Practice 1 and shows it to S1 to pantomime. Before S1 starts pantomiming, S1 asks What am I going to do? Have other Ss guess what the pantomime will be by saying Youre going to (Write a letter)., ect. When several Ss have made their guesses, ask S1 to pantomime. The student who made the correct guess pantomimes next.教学后记:

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