2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(4)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(4)教案 湘少版教学目标:1. Able to understand and read the new words: a cup of, caf, rubbish, bin, sugar, tea, wait, spill, seat;2. Able to understand the dialogue,3. Able to use “ Dont” to express prohibition and suggestion.教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp the new words难点:Use the “ Dont ” to express prohibition and suggestion教学准备: word cards, picture, tape etc.教学方法: 对话法, 解释法教学步骤;Step 1. Warming up:1. Create a situation to help students understand the new sentence T: Sing a Chinese song, please. Ss:2. T: Sorry. Dont sing it. Sing an English song. Ss:Step 2. Presentation and drill 1. Arrange that a student is late for class, talk in class, put his feet on the desk. T: Dont be late. Be on time next time. / Dont talk in class. Listen to me! / Dont put your feet on the seat. They are dirty. /. 2. Listen to the tape, order the following.3.Listen to the tape again, and make sure what the answers are.4.Play the tape again, students listen to it and repeat.Step 3. Practice.1. Discuss in groups, try to understand the text.2. Act out the text in roles.Step 4. Consolidation.1. Group activity. Finish Part C.2. Give assessment to students performance.3. Do practice.4. Homework : recite the text, remember the words.板书: a cup of caf rubbish bin, seatsugar tea wait spill Dont put your feet on the seat. Spill the tea on the table.课后记:Period 2教学目标:1. Able to use imperatives to express order, raising request or suggestions.2. Able to understand and use opposites: naughty-good, noisy-quiet, late-on time, Rude-polite, messy-neat.教学重点及难点:重点: Use the imperatives integrated.难点:Do correctly understand and use opposites. 教学准备: word cards, cassettes.教学方法:比较法,举例法教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings.2. Sing an English song.3. Show the homework in groups. Step 2. Presentation and drill1. Show the pictures, understand and read the words: naughty, noisy, late, rude, messy.2. Finish Part D.Step 3. Practice Group activity. One group do actions, and the other group ask for appropriate requests, suggestions or orders. Step 4. Consolidation1. Assessment. 2. Homework.板书:naughty noisy late rudemessyDont .Period 3教学目标:1. Revise the words in the unit, texts and grammars2. Able to read Part E.3. Able to use knowledge learned in the unit.教学重点及难点:重点;Able to finish part E难点:Use the imperatives and repositions.教学准备:word cards, cassette.教学方法:操练法教学步骤;Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing English songGame-WhisperingStep 2. Presentation and drill1. Teacher draws the picture of Part E, and ask questionsT: Whats this?S: A wall.T: Whats it?S: A bottle.T: What color is it?S: Green.T: Where is it?S: On the wall.T: How many bottles are there?S: Nine.T: Where is it?S; Its lying on the ground.T: How many bottles are there standing on the wall now?S: Nine.2. Read the lyrics in Part E.3. Listen to the tape, and repeat.Step 3. Practice. Sing the first line of the song. Continue the lyrics according to the hint.Step 4. Consolidation1. Group activity.2. Assessment.3. Homework.板书;Dont put your feet on the seat. Spill the tea on the table.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(4)教案 苏教牛津版 第二课时课题unit2 a telephone call三维目标 知识与能力 1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词lunch , speak, feel2.能初步理解并运用句型how do you feel now? i feel.3.能正确地听、说、读日常用语m ay I speak to?this is speaking .see you soon 过程与方法 培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。 情感与态度 学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。 教学资源 预习作业 1. 听录音,跟读课文。 2. 划出生词,查字典。 3. 试着翻译课文。 教学准备 单词卡片、PPT、投影仪、录音机、练习纸 学 程 预 设 导 航 策 略 A. 复习导入(3分钟) Free talk生问师答 生问生答 s: Not so good. s: Ive got a stomach ache s: Thank you. B. 自学展示及合作探究(23分钟) 帮助学生回答I feel ill/ hot /tied s: thank you. 生跟读数遍 看图编对话,练习并表演 s1: Yes, this is xxx./ s2: no, this is xxx . 学生练习用may I speak to 打电话 学生理解absent的意思 学生理解第2句中her的意思学生理解after lunch 学生根据提示问题听课文引言,作完整回答,基础较差的同学也可作简略回答。 What day is today? Where is Helen? Why is she absent? Whats wrong with her? How does she feel now? Is she taking any medicine? 跟读课文。 C巩固练习(3分钟) 学生自读课文。 复述课文。 D 拓展练习(4分钟) 根据对话内容合作编一段新对话。 E. 达标检测(5分钟) 一课一练P9 ,10 F 作业布置(2分钟) 明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。 师生之间以free talk的形式复习句型whats wrong with you?和本单元b部分的单词t: hello, xxx how are you today?(出示图片 要求学生根据图片回答) t: whats wrong with you?t: Im sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. 1. 师关切地询问刚才回答不舒服的学生:how do you feel now? t: I can get a glass of water for you.2、板书:how do you feel now?I feel.I can get a/somefor you.教师逐一出示p7的图片 .复习打电话(5a学过)并新授may I speak to t: hello, is that xxx? t: sorry. (板书speak may I speak to this is speaking) 在此基础上,教师出示课文挂图并用语言直接导入:Helen is not at school shes absent today shes ill,然后指着挂图说 Helen is in her bedroom Su yang is calling her. 教师出示钟面,指针显示12:30 师:Su yang calls her after lunch. 播放录音二遍 帮助学生理解 take some medicine 反馈评价。 领读、倾听、反馈。 跟一学生对话、作示范。 巡视了解完成情况。 反馈评价。 *熟读课文,语音准确。 *默出单词表U2的蓝色单词。 *根据课文写一段简短对话。

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