2019-2020年二年级英语下册 unit8教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 unit8教案 沪教牛津版【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、从本单元的中心“Time”为主线来看,教材内容是着重围绕一天的常规活动-一日三餐,以“Time”为主题展开;语言的使用环境主要是在家里的、学生真实的日常生活场景。2、词汇方面是围绕着Time学习与之相关的实物“watch, clock”和特征明显的场景”day, night”,并随着一日时间的发展学习一日三餐“breakfast, lunch, dinner ”。3、句型方面:What time is it? Look/ Listen! Its three oclock. 是在教材中第一次出现,因而对于学上而言是全新的句型。4、在数字方面,一年级第一学期1AUnit5Number中学习了数字1至6的表达,一年级第二学期1BUnit2 / Lets act 中在儿歌的诵读和歌曲的吟唱中出现了数字7至10的表达。但11,12 学生在教材中还没接触到。二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、当人们谈论工作时,随即会想到生活,每一天都是新的一天,每一天都是新的开始。通过学习时间与学生的日常活动,让学生感受、珍惜每一天的美好情感,培养学生的珍惜时间,按时作息的好习惯。2、能够看图用正确的语音语调表述watch, clock, day, night, breakfast, lunch, dinner等。3、在情景中能听懂What time is it ?并学会用It is _ oclock.来正确回答时间,从小培养学生良好的时间观念。4、在看看做做的过程中学会用Its _ oclock. Get up. / go to bed./ Have lunch等句子来介绍真实的生活场景,学以致用,增强学习的趣味性。5、在一年级第一学期,第二学期的基础上,学会用数字1至10来表达时间(整点的时间表达),并初步学会数字11,12 ,15, 30的口头表达。6、通过表演学生自己的一天的生活,说说演演,激发学生热爱每一天,养成按时起床,睡觉,吃饭等的良好的生活习惯。三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support) 录音机 电脑 实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids) 图片 实物3、学习材料(Materials) 学生用书 配套练习册 补充材料 教学参考书四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION) 本单元建议分六课时完成。PERIODTITLECONTENTS1st periodLets learnLets talkclock breakfast lunch dinnerWhat time is it ? Its _ oclock. .(one-ten)2nd periodLets learnLets talkday night 拓展:eleven twelveWhat time is it ? Its _ oclock. ( one twelve ) 3rd periodLets actIts_ oclock. Get up/ Have lunch/ Go to bed.4th periodLets playIts _ oclock.5thperiodLets enjoyStory. 6th periodRevision附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit9 How many(2)教案 北师大版Vocabulary: One, two, three, four, five. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, how many, three, flower, birds, frog, duck, sun, snake, salad, zoo, zipper, zebra, zero Structure: How many (books) are there? There are (two). Period 1一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Model the dialog. Borrow some pens and rulers from the Ss. Hold up the pens .Say: How many pens are there? Have the Ss repeat the question after me. Repeat the procedure using other things. Step 2 Now hold the pens once again. Choose a student to ask the question: how many pens are there? Then model the answer here are three. Repeat the procedure with other pictures. Step 3 Talk about the story. T: Open your books. Show them what to do. Repeat the mand and have the Ss open their books at 1: Who can you see in the picture? 2: What are Ann, Ken, and Mocky doing? 3: Where are they? 4: What is happening to Mocky? Step 5 Story Now play the tape, try to catch the words. Give the word in Chinese for small. Ask the Ss to repeat the phrases with plenty of expression, “Look out.” Play the tape twice more, encourage the Ss to say, “Look out.” Step 6 Homework Tell their families about the lesson. 教学后记:通过实物教学新内容,操练新知识,效果较好。有部分学生对故事中的人物区分不是很清楚,以后应在示范作用上下点工夫。故事、重点句型结合多媒体的运用,增添了学习的色彩感,学生较喜欢。Period 2一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Review the story. Step 2 Learn to say Give the mand, “Open your book.” Draw the Ss attention to the picture . Have the Ss look at number, point to the number 1, say one. Then point to the words one and say it. Have the Ss repeat the words as they touch it in their books. Repeat the procedure for the other numbers and their names. Play the tape, pausing after each number. Check the Ss are touching the pictures before moving on. Continue with others numbers. Step 3 Listen to this Have the Ss open the book. Display my book, point to the two rows of pictures at the bottom of page 28. Point to the first group of objects say, : There are six cars. Have the Ss repeat the sentences. Repeat this for the rest pictures. Explain to the class that I will play the tape and I want them to write the number of the sentences pairs in the box. Play the tape. Check the answer. Step 4 Lets sing. Have the Ss open their books. Read the words to the Ss. Play the tape, just listen. Play the song again from the beginning. Sing the song together. At the same time , show the fingers. Step 5 Homework Sing the song ,and review the number. 教学后记:通过多种形式来操练句型和新单词,学生不会感到枯燥,部分中下生也愿意开口。训练了学生的听、说、读、写能力,但应注意学生答题习惯的培养。Period3一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Talk together Have the Ss open the book. Ask the Ss take out a sheet of paper and crayons. Then have the Ss write a number at the top of their paper. Draw a number of objects to match the number they have on their page. Tell them that the objects must have an English name they have on their paper. Have the Ss from groups of three. Ask a student to hold up his or her picture. Have the second student ask How many are there? A student answers, There are Have the Ss change the roles. Display my book, and read the words. Read the words again, and have the Ss repeat. Put the Ss into pairs. Have them role-play the dialog using the picture at the right hand. Step 2 Listen and number Have the Ss open the book. Explain to the Ss that I will play the tape , the Ss should number the pictures. Play the tape, one number at a time. The whole class checks the answers. Step 3 Sound and letters. Draw the Ss attention to the top of the page. Play the tape for snake, salad, six, and sun. Ask, do these words have the sound / s / ? Play the tape again and have the Ss say the words aloud. Repeat the procedure for the / z / words. Step 4 Listen and write. Draw the Ss attention to the row of pictures at the bottom of the page. Play the tape , have the Ss touch the matching picture of each word. Replay the tape, and have the Ss point to the matchin pictures in their books. Play the tape and have the Ss say the words aloud. Step 5 Homework Color the pictures on page 31. 教学后记:学生的评读单词能力有了进步,但也应加强中下生的训练,注意学生识图能力的培养,巩固学生的听、说。Period 4一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Trace the words. Hold up two pens, say how many pens are there? Elicit from the Ss , there are two. Have the Ss open the book, draw their attention to the first sentences, say we are going to write what we said just now. Have the Ss trace the word two. On the second line, have the Ss copy the word two by themselves. Step 2 Match the number. Draw the Ss attention to the pictures. Tell them the words on these strips are the name of numbers, but they were broken by someone. Tell the Ss that restore the words. Play the tape , as the Ss listen to the word they should point to it. Have the Ss match the numbers. Step 3 Uncle Bookys Bb Hold up the card: How many birds are there? Read it to the Ss, point to the words, as I read it. Repeat the procedure with the word: bird. In the same way, review There is and there are. Model the structures on Uncle Bookys Bb by reading them to the Ss. Have the Ss repeat the question and answer after I in class drill. Step 4 Touch and say Display the book. Point to the bananas. Ask, how many bananas are there? Elicit, There are Read the names of the objects on the table, point to each object. Have the Ss repeat after me. Point to an object and ask, How many are there ? Elicit, There are Have the Ss repeat the activity in pairs. Make sure each student takes a turn at asking the question and responding. Step 5 Homework Finish the tracing task on page 32. 教学后记:用开火车的形式来教学单词单数和复数,个别学生掌握较好,能正确区分单数与复数,作出相应的回答。但是,个别学生还区分不清,有待加强。Period 5一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Read and check . Point to the picture, explain to the class that two sentences are correct, and one is not. Say, what are these ? Elicit the correct answer, they are two. Have the Ss repeat the question as they touch each word I their books. Point to the sentences and read it, ask if this is correct, repeat for the others. Repeat for the other pictures. Check and answer. Step 2 Lets chant Use picture or real objects to review the words. Read the rhyme to the Ss, have the Ss listen and point to the words and the pictures Play the tape and have the Ss point to the sentences. Chant together. pair work. Have the Ss role-play the thyme while say it with the tape. Step 4 Play a game. Ask a child to hold my mask of apples. Ask :What are they? And elicit They are apples. Read the card. Point to the words as I read them. Have the Ss repeat. Play this game with other words. Play this game in group. Step 4 Play a guessing game to review the sentences and the words. Step 5 Sing a song together. Step 6 Homework Say the rhyme to their families. Color the pictures on page 34 in the book. 教学后记:让学生操练的机会较多,学生都能积极参加课堂各项活动,课堂气氛较好。通过小组操练的形式让学生练习chant,既巩固了知识,也培养了学生的合作精神。Period 6一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1 Tell a story Tell the Ss open the book, at page 36. Draw their attention to the picture. Listen to the tape , and answer the question, have the Ss talk about the story. Listen to the teacher tell the story. Listen to the story once again, and do the action after teacher. Tell the story together and touch the speaking character. Group works. Ask some Ss tell the story . Step 2 Sing a song. Write the words on the Bb. Chant the rhyme, taking care to stress the correct syllables as do so. Have the Ss chant together. Step 3 Bingo Use this game to review the words and vocabulary ,from one to ten and other. Take their cards for this Unit and get ready for the game. Then, play the game in group. Step 3 Snap This game review the new words and vocabulary in this Unit. Ask the students to take out their small flashcards for this Unit. Then, play the game in pair. Step 4 Self-assessment Have the Ss do this pairs. For the first activity, in pairs. Ask, how many cats are there? One child point to a picture, the other says the answer. Then have different letter cases. For the second activity, the Ss need to write the name of numbers by themselves. Have the Ss look at the picture carefully. Draw the Ss attention to the first question on the right and ask, how many bikes? Elicit the correct answer Eight. Then have the Ss write out the name of number on the line below the question. Tell them to finish the other question. Step 5 Homework Read the sentences and words. Finish the last part. 教学后记:通过游戏形式复习旧单词和句子,形式好,而且能调动学生学习的积极性,大部分学生都能积极参加,课堂气氛活跃。让学生来评价自己的学习情况,可以树立学生学习的信心。


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