2019-2020年四年级英语下册 MODULE4 unit1(1)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 MODULE4 unit1(1)教案 外研版Function: Describing things in the future and talking about abilities Teaching points: 1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. 2. Words and phrases: robot everything one day housework learn our that 3. Using will to describe things in the future Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAITeaching procedures: (1) Warming up: -Greeting. -Listen and act : e.g. wash clothes watch TV run walk play the flute play football jump do homework make a cake row a boat play table tennis (运用肢体语言来复习动词及动词词组,为本课will 的学习做好铺垫)(2) Presentation: Show a robot to the class and say “Today were going to talk about the robots.”Describing the robots, it can sing. It can dance. One day, robots will do everything. (运用图片展示robot的含义) Ask to the students “What else will the robots do?” Show the CAI to students. (让学生看课件了解机器人能做什么不能做什么) Now show the text to the students. Look at the book and ask. What can Damings robot do? Will robots do the housework? Will robots help children learn?.Write the answers on the board: It can walk.Then drill this sentence and then change the word “walk”.Talk about the sentences: They will do the housework. They will help children learn.Write the sentence on the board One day, robots will do everything. (用磁卡带替换动词及动词词组,让学生运用所学。同时理解one day的含义)Continue the words learning: housework help children learn In groups, talk about the robots then report.(3) Practice: Do exercises in AB. In pairs act the text. Draw a robot and say what the robot can do .In pairs or in groups then report. (4) Production: Look at Exercise 3 in the book and talk about what the robots will do in the future. Game: Guess what their robots will do. Then act. (让学生先画出自己的机器人,并展示给其他学生看,让其他学生猜一猜。运用任务并检查。) (5)Sum: (6)Homework: Draw a robot and describe it. Using This is _. It can _. It will _.Design: Module 4 Robots Unit 1 Robots will do everything.robot It can walk.One day, robots will do everything.Retrospection:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 MODULE4 unit1教案 外研版本模块由unit1Robots will do everything和 unit2 Will it be windy in Beijing两个单元组成。分别向我们介绍怎样用will谈论将来可能发生的事情;运用动词can 描述能力;谈论将来的天气状况等等。解释rain与rainy的区别:rain所指的是短时性的降雨,而rainy的意思是“多雨的”,指的是一段时期内的气候特征。与它一样的还有snow与snowy的区别。Unit 1 Robots will do everything.Teaching aims: It can walk . Robots will do everything.Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to use willand can?Teaching tools:RecorderTeaching steps:step1: Warm up 1)Sing a song 2) On the board draw a robot (draw a square for the head, rectangle for the body, rectangles for the arms and legs, squares or rectangles for the eyes, nose and mouth on the head). 3)Then write It can.under the picture. 4)Point to the robot and say,This is a robot.Have the students repeat the sentence .Then say, It can walk and begin to walk around the class.Try to walk in a very awkwardrobotway.(do more example by pointing to the robobt and saying,It can.and then miming the action.) 5) Now have individual students say something they think the robot can do and you have to mime the action. 6)Have pairs of students e to the front .Student Asays what the robot can do and StudentB does the action. You may want to write a list of suitable verbs on the board.Step 2: Learning and practising 1)Have the students look at the pictures.Ask questions in Chinese ,e.g. What is Sam looking at in picture 1? What is the robot doing in picture2? What has the robot done in the last picture? 2)Now say that you are goint to call out the names of different objects and people in the pictures and the students have to point to them. 3)Point and say Explain to the students that you are going to point to the different pictures in Acitivity 3 and make statements about them . They have to tell you if they are true or false by calling outTrueorFalse.(do a lot examples with the class.) 4)Now have the students sontinue the activity in pairs.After three turns,they should swap roles.Step 3 : Homework


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