2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(2)教案 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(2)教案 人教新版 教学内容:1. 学习对话2:“How much is it?”。2. 学习单词:chocolate cheap expensive kind price。2. 复习功能句:“How much is it? How much are they?”及答语。教学目的:1. 通过复习句型:“How much is it? How much are they?”及答语,使学生掌握有关购物时询问价格的功能句,并能够在正确的语境下使用。2. 鼓励学生自设情景,创编、表演对话,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。课型: 新授课教学重点:功能句“How much is it? How much are they?”及答语。教学媒体:1. 实物:巧克力(两种)、磁带(两套)、词典、小锤子(做拍卖游戏)、若干玩具。2. 卡片:字母卡片(用于读单词)、号码卡片(做拍卖游戏)、九格纸(做bingo游戏)。3. 课件:用于巩固单词、复习句型、练习对话。教学步骤:Section 1、学习单词Step 1. 新词导入设置情景,理解单词。教师通过让学生猜购物袋中的物品,引出新词chocolate等。(Yesterday , I went to a shop and I bought some things. Guess what are they?)Step 2. 学习单词:chocolate教师出示实物“巧克力”及单词卡,提示元音字母发音并启发学生读单词。 Step 3. 学习单词:price教师通过出示贴有价签的实物 “磁带、词典”, 让学生理解“price”的意思。Step 4. 学习单词:expensive、cheap教师通过磁带的对比 “一盘20元、另一盘15元” 让学生理解“expensive、cheap”的含义。Step 5. 学习单词:kind教师让学生观看不同种类的巧克力来理解“kind”的意思。Step 6. 巩固、练习单词做Bingo 游戏,由一名学生上前代替老师读单词,指挥大家做游戏。Section 2、复习功能句Step 1. 创设情景、引出重点功能句“How much is it? How much are they?”(教师:“Yesterday , after I bought the things, I went to a restaurant and had a good dinner. Do you want to know the price of the meal? You can ask me as you like.” 引导学生用“How much is it? How much are they?” 提问价格。)Step 2. 复习功能句 用课件出示两个句子,“How much is it? How much are they?”并通过句子旁边香蕉的个数让学生理解两句的不同含义(单、复数)。 给出幻灯片显示各种商品(单数、复数、混合)及价格,先由教师示范提问,然后找三个学生分别到前面进行问答练习。 生生利用手中的实物做问答练习。 反馈Step 3. 唱一首英文歌曲“Bingo”出示动画、音乐,学生拍手唱歌,活跃气氛。Section 3、学习对话2Step 1. 出示情景图、让学生看图,听一遍对话Step 2. 提问:“How many people are talking? Where are they?”,学生可根据自己听到的内容任意回答。Step 3. 听第二遍,让学生自查“回答”是否正确。Step 4. 听读、练习对话 给学生自由练习的时间,以小组的形式复述听到的内容。 检查学生复述的情况。Section 4、创编对话及表演Step 1. 创编对话学生利用准备好的实物编对话。Step 2. 组内表演 学生在小组内表演,其他同学可帮助改错,教师加以指导。Step 3. 表演对话学生表演对话(自设情景)。Section 5、拍卖游戏 讲游戏规则。 教师示范,学生参与。 学生代替教师拍卖东西(实物),其他同学参与竞买活动。Section 6、小结Step 1. 游戏结束时,小结本课的重点内容。Step 2. 教师教育学生购物时应使用文明礼貌用语。Section 7、作业预习Lesson Two Dialogue 1 and 2。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(2)教案 广东版开心TargetGetting readyl Write What are you going to do _? On the board.l Write one of the bonus words, e.g. tomorrow, in the blank and read the sentence.l T: What are you going to do (tomorrow)? (ask Ss to repeat.) Ss: What are you going to do (tomorrow)?l T: Im going to (meet some friends). (Answer truthfully.)Using the bookl Play the tape a few times and have Ss repeat.l Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences.Practice 2Getting ready Write What are you going to do _? on the board. T: (Point to tonight in the chart.) (S1s name), can you ask the question? S1: What are you going to do tonight? T: (Point to tomorrow in the chart.) (S2s name), can you ask the question? S2: What are you going to do tomorrow? Have all Ss read the questions aloud by themselves.Using the book T: (Point to the top row in the chart.) Now write your answers on the page. Walk around the classroom to provide help if needed. Put Ss into pairs. T: Now ask your partner the questions and write the answers on the page. Give Ss time to ask the questions and write the answers. Have individual Ss talk about their partners, e.g. (S1s name)s going to (meet some friends) tomorrow.Extension activity After doing the Practice 2 activity, have Ss choose one of the answers from their partners. Then Ss walk around the room, talking to as many other Ss as possible, e.g. (S1s name) is going to (play video games) tonight. Are you going to (play video games) tonight? Give Ss a time limit, and ask them to find at least two other Ss who are going to do the same activity. Then ask individual Ss to tell the class about their findings, e.g. (S2s name), (S3s name) and (S4s name) are going to (play video games) tonight.Chant activityGetting ready Have Ss look at the pictures around the lyrics. T: (Point to the picture on the left.) What are they going to do? Elicit the answers from Ss, e.g. Theyre going to go to the beach/ swim/ play. Write Im going to go to the beach. And Im going to the beach. On the board. Explain that both sentences mean the same thing. Using the bookT: Now lets listen to the chant.Play the tape and have Ss listen.T: (Point to the blanks in the second verse.) Lets finish these sentences. Listen again.Play the tape again, pausing when necessary for Ss to write the words in the blanks.T: Now lets chant.Play the tape and have the whole class chant.When Ss have learned the chant, divide the class into two groups.One group chants the questions and the other group chants the answers. Then switch. Extension activityUse the Practice Cards or Student Cards for this game. T invites a student to the front and has him/ her select a card without letting the other Ss see it. Then, Ss try to find out which card S1 chose by chanting questions, e.g. Are you going to (take card he/ she chose, e.g. No, Im not./ questions until S1 answers Yes, I am. Then, select another volunteer and repeat the activity. 教学后记:


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