2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 13教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 13教案 陕旅版这一课的主要话题是谈论一个的兴趣爱好,以及将来打算要从事什么样的职业。于是,涉及到了我们本课要学习的重点句型: I like enjoy doing I often do. I want to be in the future.教学目标及重点难点分析:1. 理解会说会用会写以下短语 An actor, make me happy, a pop star.2. 会说会用以下一般现在时态的句型 I likeenjoy doing I often do I want to be in the future.3. 熟练掌握课文每幅图下面的文字内容,并且能根据文字内容进行自我介绍。课前准备: 教师准备录音机,磁带和各种职业的人物图片。 学生准备自己家人的照片。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师和学生做一组TPR活动来活跃课堂气氛。然后和学生一起进行复习,教师引导学生用英语说出自己最喜欢的动物或植物,还可以谈论自己在生活中喜欢做的事情,并且和别人进行交流。A: What do you like best?B: I like horses best.C: Which is your favorite flower?D: Lily is my favourite flower.E: What do you like doing?F: I like singing pop songs very much. What about you?E: I like playing football very much. And I also like swimming.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师就本课的重点单词和重点句型进行讲解。教师讲解:In this lesson, we will talk about our dreams and jobs in the future and explain the reasons.本节课我们将谈论将来梦想和职业的话题,以及阐述理由。Everyone has his own dream about jobs. 每个人都有自己关于未来职业的梦想.所以当我们想要告诉别人我们的梦想时,我们可以用want to be的短语来表达。For example,What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a farmer in the future.我们还可以用将来时态来表达这一说法。For example,What are you going to be in the future?Im going to be a farmer in the future.What will you be in the future?Ill be a farmer in the future.教师拿出准备好的职业照片,和学生一起学习有关职业的单词。教师可以用不同的体态来传达不同的职业特点,让学生来猜。教师还可以邀请学生来做动作,让别的同学来猜。For example, A (做出敬礼的姿势) B:You are going to be a policeman. A: (做出踢足球的动作) B: You are going to be a footballer. A: ( 做出打篮球的动作) B: You are going to be a basketballer. 教师还可以通过语言描述来让学生猜出是哪种职业。For example A: She works in the hospital. She wears in white. She gives injection to the patients. (教师做出打针的手势) B:She is a nurse.A: He is handsome. He can sing beautiful songs. He always have concert. (教师做出唱歌的姿势)B: He is a singer.教师快速出示职业图片,学生拼读复习巩固。 A farmer- 农夫 An actor- 演员 A singer- 歌手 A football player a footballer- 足球运动员 A doctor- 医生 A nurse- 护士 A teacher - 老师 A policeman - 警察 A driver - 司机 A pop star- 明星 教师将两个句型写在黑板上,I want to be a I am going to be a 教师和学生之间进行互动,互相询问对方以后想要从事的职业, 对上面的句型和单词进行巩固练习。 教师讲解:当别人询问我们喜欢这个职业的原因时,我们可以用 I like I enjoy的句型进行解释. like和 enjoy后面的动词和动词短语应该加-ing. For example, I want to be a farmer. I like enjoy watering flowers and planting trees. I want to be an actor.I likeenjoy seeing films.3. 小结本节课我们学习了自我介绍,尤其是表达自己以后想要从事的职业,用一般将来时态来描述,以及自己喜欢的原因。4. 巩固练习教师引导学生用以上学过的句型来进行对话,并把它改编成一个简短的人物介绍。A:What do you want to be in the future?B: I want to be a farmer in the future.A: Why?B: Because I like trees, flowers and grass. What about you?A: I want to be an actor in the future.B: So you enjoy singing songs.A: Yes, I also like dancing very much.I like trees, flowers and grass. So in the future I want to be a farmer. But she wants to be a singer in the future. She likes singing and she can sing beautiful songs. She also likes dancing very much. So she can be a good singer and a good actor.5. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. 听课文录音回答问题。 (播放课文录音)A:What does the first girl want to be in the future?B: She wants to be a farmer in the future.A: Why?B: Because she likes trees, flowers and grass.A: What is the second girl going to be?B: She is going to be a singer because she likes singing pop songs.A: What about the third boy and the fourth boy?B: The third boy will be an actor because he enjoys seeing songs. The fourth boy will be a footballer because he likes sports very much.6. Do the exercises. Lets practice ()A: Look at the pictures carefully and then fill in the blanks. We must change the words into proper forms. 仔细观察图片填空,在适当时候我们要适当进行单词变形。 My friend and I enjoy watching TV after school. I like cartoons very much and Li Dong only likes TV plays. He wants to be an actor in the future. Tom wants to be a football player, so he often watches football matches on TV. Helen and Alice enjoy Beijing Opera a lot. They hope they can play Beijing Opera in the future. Lets practice ()A: Read the passage carefully and then judge whether the statement is true or false. 仔细读文章然后判断表格中的陈述句是对是错。My cousin and I are in the same grade. Its false.My parents favorite is watching Beijing Opera. Its true.I want to be a singer. Its false.My cousin enjoys singing after school. Its false.My cousin and I go to school 6 days a week. Its false.My mother and father enjoy only the sports channel. Its false.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 14 Water教案 陕旅版 本课主要谈论的话题是 “water”,进而涉及到了水的一些特点。我们知道:首先,地球上有很多水。There is a lot of water on the earth.其次,海水是咸的;the water in the sea is salty. 第三,水里生活着很多鱼类和植物;Many kinds of fish and plants live in the water. 最后,海水是非常凉的,越深处越凉。The deeper, the colder. 我们对于水的了解还会更多。比如:海水最深的地方在哪?它有多深等等。这一课就将教大家学习一些和水相关的词句,并教大家如何用英语谈论water.教学目标及重点难点分析: 1. 理解会说会写会用本课的一些重点单词和重点句型 A map of the world, the earth, mountains, land, living things, on the top, salty. What do you know about ? the deeper, the colder 2. 通过学习本课的内容了解到水的特点,并能用英语总结出水的特点。 3. 通过本课的学习,让学生了解到水的珍贵,培养他们珍惜水资源的好习惯。课前准备:教师准备录音机,磁带,制作幻灯片来讲解水的特点,准备一张世界地图和地球仪。教学过程:热身(Warming up)1. 教师和学生一起唱上节课学过的歌曲 do re mi, 活跃课堂气氛。 2. 教师引导学生对上节课所学的知识进行复习,介绍自己和自己最好的朋友。Hi! My name is Horses are my favorite animal and I also like flowers. I like swimming and playing football. So I want to be a footballer in the future. This is my friend She likes singing and dancing. She can see beautiful songs. So she wants to be an actor in the future.新课展示(New Presentation)1. 教师就本课重点内容进行讲解。教师:(take out a map of the earth, 拿出一张世界地图)T: Whats this?S: This is a map of the world. (出示图片,世界地图)So when we want to express a map, we should use of. 所以当我们想要谈论地图的所属时,我们要用到介词 ofSuch as, 中国地图- a map of China. 世界地图- a map of the world 美国地图 - a map of America教师拿着地图向学生讲解上面不同色块所指代的地域T:Look at the green part, What is it? 看看那蓝色的部分,那是什么? Its the land. 那是陆地. (出示图片,land 陆地)T: What about the blue part? 那蓝色的部分呢? Its the water.We can see a lot of water on the earth,such as lakes, rivers, seas. 我们在地球上可以看到很多水,它们有的是湖泊,有的是河流,还有的是大海。All of us know that the 70 percent of the world is water. 我们大家都知道地球上70%的部分都是水。 所以我们也可以把我们的地球称作一个大水球。(a ball filled with water)教师用幻灯片来展示地球的全景,简直是一个蓝色的大水球。T: But it is a pity that most of the water on the earth is sea water.Its salty. We cant take full use of it. 但是让人遗憾的是地球上大部分水都是海水。它们都是咸的,我们不能充分利用。Except this, the sea water is still very cold. The deeper, the colder. 除了咸,海水还有一个特点就是冷。 越深越冷。教师出示海水的各个角度图片,总结其特点。Cold and salty. 引导学生来学习这两个单词。T:In the deep part of the sea, many kinds of living things live in the water. 在大海深处,生活着很多生物。Such as, fishes, whales, dolphins and water grass. 例如鱼, 鲸鱼,海豚和海草之类的。A:So the sea is a mysterious world. It has many secrets. We can seek for more. 大海是一个神秘的世界。 它隐藏了很多秘密。我们可以进一步探索。教师用幻灯片展示海底的美丽风光,并且引导学生来学习海底一些生物的名称。 Fishes 鱼类 Whales 鲸 Dolphins 海豚 Water grass 水草小结:本节课我们了解了地球上最珍贵的资源- 水资源的特点: 水资源的广泛分布;海水的味道;海水的深度和其温度的关系;海水中生长的各类生物, 不但让学生增长了见识,还教育了他们要学会珍惜水资源。巩固练习教师给学生3分钟时间再读课文,然后凭借自己的理解来回答教师写在黑板上的问句, 最后通过组织问句的答案来复述短文内容.What can you see in the earth?Is the sea water tasteless?Is the water cold?What things live in the sea water?Is the water cold?学生两个人一组讨论问题答案,并且组织答案复述文章。Look at the map of the world. The blue part in the map is water. We have much water in the world. But most of them is sea water. The sea water is very salty and cold. The deeper, the colder. There are lots of things living in the sea. We can in fishes, whales, dolphins and water grass. 5. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.A: What can you see in the earth?B: I can see land and water on the earth. But water is the biggest part.A: Is the sea water tasteless?B: No, its salty.A: What things live in the sea water?B: There are lots of living thing.A: Is the water cold?B: Yes. The deeper, the colder.6. Do the exercise. Lets practise ()A: This is a reading prehension. Through reading it, we can know more about the sea. 这是一道阅读题,通过阅读,我们可以对大海了解得更多。For example, A: Where does the salt in the sea from? B: The rivers carry the salt from the land into the sea. A: What live in the water? B: Many fishes and plants. The fish live on the plant.A: What is the temperature of the sea water?B: On the top, it is warm, but it bees cold at the bottom.Lets practise (2)A: This is a reading exercise, after reading it; we should judge the statement true or false. 这也是一道阅读题,阅读完以后,我们要判断下面的句子是对是错。 The deepest part of the water is near the USA. No The highest mountain in the world is 11 km high. NoIf you put the highest mountain in the deepest place of water, there would be 2 km of water above. YesPeople can go down into the deepest water of the sea. YesScientist can go to the deepest place of the water by underwater ship. Yes


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