2019-2020年四年级英语上册Module7 Unit2作业设计.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册Module7 Unit2作业设计班级 _ 姓名_预习作业一、写出下列单词。1、老虎_ 2、动物 _3、大象_ 4、狮子_5、熊猫_ 6、猴子_二、完成下列句子。1. I am going to _.2. We are going to _.探究作业读课文,小组合作回答问题。1. Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs ?_.2. When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs ?_.3. What stone animals are they going to see ?_.4. Who are afraid of the scary animals ?_.5. What are these scary animals ?_.课后拓展一、轻松写短语。明陵_ 参观明陵_ 第二天_ 石头动物_吓人的动物_ 去北京 _在公园_ 去动物园_二、单项选择。( )1. Were going to _the pandas.A. visit B. visiting C. go visiting( )2. Look at_ stone animals. A. this B. that C. these( )3. Whats that ? -Its_. A. monster B. camels C. a tiger( )4. Im going to_. A.Qingdao B.China C.go to Shanghai 吴凤芹附送: 四年级英语上册Recycle2练习题 一听录音,选择正确的图片,并圈出该图片的序号。(10分)卧室图卫生间图米饭图面包图客厅图学校图1. 2. 3.2019-2020年四年级英语上册Recycle2练习题 考 生 答 题 不 要 过 此 线 镇 区学 校班 别姓 名座 号 四年级英语上册Recycle2练习题内容一二三四五六七八九十合计得分 一听录音,选择正确的图片,并圈出该图片的序号。(10分)卧室图卫生间图米饭图面包图客厅图学校图1. 2. 3. A B A B二听录音,判断图片的对错,用“”或“”表示。(10分)爷爷图蔬菜与果汁图小刀与叉子图妈妈在看电视一个书房图1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据你听到的录音内容,用阿拉伯数字标出序号。(10分)一个叉子一个女教师 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )热狗一个客厅 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四听录音,选择合适的单词填在横线上,每空填一词。(10分)door, home, brother, windows, school, student, rice, beef, room, classroom1. A: Whats in your classroom? B: Look! A _, and five _.2. A: Whos that man? B: Hes my _. Hes a _.3. A: What would you like for dinner? B: Id like some _and _.4. Wele to my _! This is my _.Its nice.5. I like my _. We have a big _.五听录音,将各人物与其相应的职业和食物用线连起来。(10分) 鱼的图面包图牛排的图一碗汤的图一碗面条的图六听录音,选出最佳的答语,将序号填在前面的括号里。(10分)( )1. A. Her names Amy. B. His names John. C. My name is Mike.( )2. A.I dont like Coke. B. No, thanks. C. Id like some Coke.( )3. A. Sure. B. Really? C. Thank you!( )4. A. He like sports. B. Yes, he is. C. Hes a baseball player.( )5. A. No, they arent. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is.笔试部分(满分40分)七. 根据图意及上下文意思,选择单词将短文补充完整。(10分) bed, door, desk, fish, eggs, beef, home, room, chair, rice一个家的图卧室图Wele to my . This is my You can see a , a and a 米饭Whats on the ? Its my dinner. Id like some 牛排两个鸡蛋鱼some , some and some .八将下面的问句与相应的答句配对,把序号写在括号里。(10分) ( )1. Whats in the classroom? A. I d like some noodles. ( )2. Is this your bedroom? B. Sure. Here you are. ( )3. What would you like ? C. Shes a nurse. ( )4. Can I have some juice? D. Two desks and ten chairs. ( )5. Whats your sister? E. Yes,it is. 九根据上下文意思选句填空,将序号填在横线上。(10)Mike: Good morning, John. Wele to my home! John: Wow, its so big! _ Mike: There are four. Look, my parents, my sister and me.A .Whats your sister?B. Is this the kitchen?C. How many people are there in your family?D. Are they on the table?E. What would you like for breakfast?John: _ Mike: Shes a teacher. John: _ Mike: Yes, it is. _ John: Id like some vegetables and noodles. Mike: (10分钟后)Here you are. Your noodles. John: Thank you. Where are the chopsticks? Mike: _ John: No! Look, they are under the plate. 十阅读短文,完成下面的选择题,把序号填在括号里。(10分) Hello, Im Jack. This is my family photo. They are my grandparents, my parents and me. My grandpa is strong and tall. Hes a farmer. He likes sports. My grandma is a housewife(家庭主妇). She likes painting. My mother is a teacher. Shes thirty-two. She likes music. My father is a doctor. He likes music, too. I love my family! 1. There are _ in my family. A. 6 B. 5 2. My grandma is a _. A. housewife B. farmer 3. My grandpa likes _. A. sports B. puter 4. My mother is _. A. 32 B. 335. My parents like _. A. painting B. music东莞师范学校附属小学陈凤葵听力材料及参考答案一听录音,选择正确的图片,并圈出该图片的序号。(10分)1、a bedroom 2.living room 3.Id like some rice. 4.This is my sister. 5.This is a farmer. 二听录音,判断图片的对错,用“”或“”表示。(10分)1. I have a study. 2.Watch TV. 3.Knife and chopsticks 4.Id like some vegetables and soup. 5.This is my grandma.三、听录音,根据你听到的录音内容,用阿拉伯数字标出序号。(10分)1.I have a puter in my room.2.Pass me a fork,please.3.Give me a spoon,please.4.Would you like some hot dogs?5.Go to the living room.6. There is a fan in our classroom.7. I have a baby brother.8. How many Chinese books do you have?9. My mom is a teacher.10. Where is my chair?四听录音,选择合适的单词填在横线上,每空填一词。(10分)1. A: Whats in your classroom? B: Look! A door and five windows.2. A: Whos that man? B: Hes my brother. Hes a student.3. A: What would you like for dinner? B: Id like some rice and beef.11. Wele to my home! This is my room.Its nice.12. I like my school. We have a big classroom.五听录音,将各人物与其相应的职业和食物用线连起来。(10分)1. My grandpa is a farmer.He likes noodles.2. My grandma is a teacher.She likes fish.3. My father is a doctor.He likes beef.4. My mother is a nurse.She likes bread.5. I am a student.I like soup.六听录音,选出最佳的答语,将序号填在前面的括号里。(10分)1. Whats his name?2. What would you like?3. Here you are.4. Whats your brother?5. Are they on the table?答案一. BBBAA二. 三. 9,8,6,1,2,5,4,3,10,7四1. door windows.2. brother student.3. rice beef.4. home room5.school classroom.五1 My grandpa is a farmer.He likes noodles.2 My grandma is a teacher.She likes fish.3 My father is a doctor.He likes beef.4 My mother is a nurse.She likes bread.5 I am a student.I like soup.六 BCCCA七 home room bed chair door desk rice fish beef eggs八 DEABC九 CABED十 BAAAB

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