2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 The Third Period教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 The Third Period教案 苏教牛津版课题5A Read and say 第三教时 三维目标知识与能力1.能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话2.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:morning, home, help, Maths.3.能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:Are you free now ? How about? Can you e and helpwith?See you this afternoon和词语do housework, do ones homework ,ring. 过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业* 听U6 A录音,跟着录音朗读对话。* 试着正确朗读Are you free now ? How about? Can you e and helpwith?See you this afternoon和词语do housework, do ones homework ,ring.*试着理解整篇课文的意思,做出口头翻译。教学准备单词卡片、投影仪、录音机、练习纸学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A. 复习导入(3分钟)1. Free talk : What are you doing ? What is he doing ? What is she doing ? What are they doing ?2. Say a chant B. 自学展示(3分钟)1. 学生读句子Are you free now ? How about Su Yang? Can you e and help me with my Maths? See you this afternoon.和词语do housework, do ones homework ,ring.2. 翻译课文中几个重要的句子The telephone is ringing./Is that Su Hai?/Are you free now?/ How about Su Yang?/Can you e and help me with my Maths?/See you this afternoonC. 合作探究(20分钟)a. 学生根据教师的问题回答Who can you see in the picture?What day is it today ?Where are they ?What are they doing ?b.(模拟打电话)T: Whos that speaking?S: This is speaking.呈现电话用语, 注意电话这头用炭火this,电话那头用thatc.T: Hello, is that ? S: Yes. T: Lets go to the park. Are you free now? S: Yes. T: How about this afternoon ? S: OK.d. What is Su Hai doing ? What is Su Yang doing ? What is Nancy doing ? Listen to the tape.e. Answer the questions: Nancy is doing her homework.d. 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。e. 学生分角色朗读对话。D融会贯通 (7分钟)1. 假设在双休日,你打电话给同学询问情况,编成小对话,二人或三人一组。2复述展示。E反馈总结 (5分钟) *翻译下列短语和句子1.Sunday morning 2.at home3.do housework 4.do ones homework5.help me with my Maths 6.See you this afternoon.7.Are you free now? 8.The clock is ringing.*连词成句1. they , homework , at , doing, are , home2.and, me , e, help, can, Maths, you , with, my3. she, is, doing, what , now4. mother , my , is, door, cleaning, the*看图编写对话1.(图:一个妇女在厨房烧菜)2.(图:一个男孩在边唱边弹吉他)3.(图:一个男孩在做模型飞机)4.(图:一群学生在操场上踢足球)2. 校对答案。G作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。教师评价教师评价反馈出示挂图,师生问答 了解对话背景。They are doing housework. The telephone is ringing.板书“do housework”、“ring”,让学生明白其意思并跟读,组词造句。 板书Are you free now? How about this afternoon ? 板书do ones homeworkdo my/your/his/her/our/their homework(呈现模型小汽车)I cant make it, can you e and help me with my model car ? 板书Can you e and help with? 电脑屏幕显示整篇课文文字稿及插图、并配有录音,学生听整段对话,并模仿跟读两遍。教师巡视 * 听录音跟读五遍,模仿正确的语音语调。 * 初步背出课文。 *仿照课文写一段对话并表演。要求: 划出A部分的疑难问题,下次小组交流。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson13教案 闽教版教学目的与要求 能听懂、会说十二个月份的名称。 能听懂、并用所学的句型谈论各个月份的天气情况,如:Whats the weather like in spring?Its always warm in March, April and May.对学生来说,要记住十二个月份的英语名称有一定的难度,由于本课把月份和天气结合起来教,建议老师按照课文中月份出现的顺序,先教春季的三、四、五月份的英语名称。老师先教单词March, 然后给同学讲解三月份的名称的来历,以引起学生的兴趣。在反复带读March之后,教师问学生:Whose birthday is in March? 一个班级的学生中很可能有几个人的生日在三月份,教师可以让他们站起来说:My birthday is in March. 然后老师统计共有几个同学的生日在三月份。教师还可以继续引导学生说出类似的句子,如:My mothers birthday is in March. 等。1. Learn to say. 学说英语 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词March, April和May。学生能够熟练地说出这几个月份的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在黑板上事先画好的表格里(如下图),并用说:March, April and May are in spring. Whats the weather like in spring? 学生回答:Its warm. 教师在表格的天气一栏填上warm, 接着问:Does it often rain in spring? 学生答:Yes.SeasonMonthWeatherSpringMarchWarmRainAprilMay 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,June, July 和August。在教June时,教师可以说:Childrens Day is in June. 学生能够熟练地说出这几个月份的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Do you go to school in July and August? 学生答:No, we dont. 教师接着问:Whats the weather like in June, July and August? 学生回答:Its hot. 教师在表格的天气一栏填上hot, 接着问:Is there any typhoon in summer? 教单词typhoon, 并在表格里的天气一栏填写typhoon。SeasonMonthWeatherSummerJuneHotTyphoonJulyAugust 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,September,October 和November。在教September时,教师可以说:Teachers Day is in September. 当学生能熟练地说出这几个月的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Whats the weather like in September, October and November? Is it hot or cool?学生回答后,教师总结说:Its still hot in September. Its cool in October and November. 教师在表格的天气一栏填写如下信息:SeasonMonthWeatherFallSeptemberHotOctoberCoolNovember 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,December,January 和February。在教December时,教师可以说:Christmas Day is in December. 教January时,教师可以说:New Years Day is in January. 教February时,教师可以说:Spring Festival is in January or February.。当学生能熟练地说出这几个月的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Whats the weather like in December, January and February? Is it cold?Does it snow? 学生回答后,教师总结说:It is not too cold in December. Its cold in January and February. 教师在表格的天气一栏填写如下信息:SeasonMonthWeatherWinterDecemberNot too coldJanuaryColdSnowFebruary Whats the weather like in Fujian? (福建的天气怎么样?) 这一句中的like是介词,词组be like的意思是“具有特点”。 cool down 是动词短语,意思是“凉爽起来”。cool也可以做形容词使用,如:Is it cool in fall? (秋天天气凉爽吗?)2. Fill in the chart. 填表课本82页的“填表”练习目的在于检查学生是否真正理解课文。课时紧的话,可以不知学生可后完成。3. Play a game. 游戏这个游戏的目的是让同学复习巩固十二个月的表达法,让全班每个同学在小纸条上用英语写上自己出生的月份,放到一起,选出一个代表,来读小纸条,由一个同学在黑板上统计每个月份有几个同学生日。统计数据出来后,代表向全班同学用英语报告结果(如最后一图对话框所示)。4. Look, ask and say. 看图问答这个练习主要操练本课的主要句型和月份的表达法,要求学生根据图表中上海的各个月份的天气情况进行问答。


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