2019-2020年五年级英语下册Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起)一、教材分析:1. 本课主要复习以往所学的单词和词汇。了解定冠词的用法。2. 根据此年龄段学生活泼好动的特点,教师应灵活运用多种教学方式,充分调动学生的求知欲,让学生体会到英语语言的魅力。3. 本课重点: 词汇与短语:play the guitar, play the piano loudly, softly, down, wantto do二、教学建议:1. 教师可以找一些相关的形象的图片来给学生讲解主要概念,例如: They are singing loudly.He is playing the guitar.2. 在给学生讲短语弹吉他和弹钢琴时,告诉学生一定要在乐器前加上定冠词the,同时问一问哪些学生会演奏乐器,都会演奏哪些乐器。然后告诉学生有时间多听一些音乐,慢慢培养乐感,而且还可以陶冶情操、培养音乐欣赏能力。3. 利用课件为学生放第14课的歌曲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让他们从中找到乐趣。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册Unit 4 What are you doing第六课时教案 人教版pepTeacher : Huadan Duojie Grade : Grade Five Teaching subject : Unit 4 What are you doing? Lesson 6School : Gonghe No.3 Primary SchoolTeaching aims(1) let the Ss to understand and speak: “what is he/she doing ? and Hows everybody doing?” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2) To help Ss to finish the survey.(3) Let Ss finish the assessment of “Lets check” in this unit.(4) To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking.Key-points of this lesson(1) To help Ss ask and answer the question: “what is he/she doing ? and Hows everybody doing?(2) let the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss interest in English. Difficult points(1)Let the Ss ask and answer the question “what is he/she doing ? and Hows everybody doing?” and make sure they can use the sentences correctly. (2) To finish the survey by themselves.Teaching methodsListening and speaking methods.Teaching steps: 1、Warm up (热身)活动一:自由对话。活动二:歌谣演唱教师播放B部分的歌谣录音,师生共同跟录音演唱。3、Presentation (呈现新知)活动三: 学习短语教师出示短语卡片,全班学生齐读。之后,请第一组学生代表将短语卡贴到相应的动作图片下,贴的同时第一组其他组员共同说出一个句子,如:Hes writing an e-mail. 接着由第二组代表贴图说句子,第二组组员说句子,依此类推,直至各小组都进行过。活动四:读读写写教师播放Read and write部分的录音,学生认真听,之后凭借记忆回答老师的问题。教师再次播放,学生跟读。教师问一名学生:How are you? 学生作答后教师板书:How are you doing today? How are you? How are you doing? 用手势和动作告诉学生三个句子意思相同,并划个大括号,最后,板书 Just fine. 。教师在用三种方法向学生提问:“How are you doing today? How are you? How are you doing?”引导学生回答:Just fine. 教师板书everybody 并带读,教师问一名学生:Hows everybody doing? 提示everybody一词的含义,引导学生理解,并作答。4.Exercises活动五:判断下列句子,并改正。在学生理解的基础上,教师请学生合上课本,判断下面句子的对错:Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.Dad is writing a letter in the study.Grandpa is reading newspaper.The boy is doing homework.Brother is cleaning the room.活动六: Finish the sentences。教师指导学生书写四会句子,看谁写得又快又好,包括:“ Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an e-mail in the study. ”。活动七:听力判断(趣味操练)教师指导学生完成教材P53的Lets check的练习。录音内容如下:听力原文:I am doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner. Dad is reading a book. Sister is writing a letter.5.Summary6.Homework 1. Let Ss tell each other “what are they family people doing?” 2. Take care of everything they have.五、板书设计

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