2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2(10)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2(10)教案 北师大版课时进度(第6课时)课型特点复习课教学目标技能目标1.复述课文。2.能正确进行自我学习情况评价。知识目标1.一般过去时态。2.看图写话。情感、文化、策略目标反思本单元学习情况,体验成功的乐趣。教学重点看图写话复述课文教学难点看图写话教具准备图片,卡片教 学 过 程活动进程学生活动教师引 导设计意图重点关注歌曲语音讲述故事完成练习自我评价S:分角色表演唱S:独自回忆字母R、L本单元讲的读音个别回答展示P5的读音S:听回忆内容与T一起描述lesson1的故事四人小组内复述自己复述个别复述P12、练习1.S独立完成四人小组讨论与T订正P13、练习1、2S看图自己说一说个别说动笔完成P12、练习2S看图准备小组内交流完成练习S读反思内容提出不懂的自己评价小组内交流全班交流T:活动组织T:出示字母ea、i引导评价T:放录音(故事描述部分)T出示挂图和主体句型T巡视T引出story巡视T引导看图巡视T要求:每幅图至少写一句话,完成在作业本上T:引导S反思自己本单元学习情况通过歌曲的形式复习本单元内容复习本单元语音教学内容引导学生回忆其中规律口头表达训练知识的迁移能力了解S对一般过去时态的掌握情况指导S看图写话的方法并让S由口头表达落实到笔头,由模仿自由练笔让S学会反思,能正确评价自我学习能准确把握歌曲节奏,唱出歌词S对语音规律的把握S都在原有水平上有所提高知识内化迁移笔头表达能力的训练正确进行自我评价作业设计完成P25练习2预习unit3 lesson1板书设计Unit2 Mockys bad day Lesson6 Write story and self-assessment Assessment What didKen and his father do T1 T2 T3 Yesterday Ken visited a friend. My diary:I was at home this morning.教学反思附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2(2)教案 广东版开心Warming up: sing the song. Step 1: review the words and sentences. Step 2: Bring in glue, paper, paper clips, stapler, stamps, tape and a torn or broken box. Show Ss the object and say the words. T: This box is broken. I want to fix the box. Pick up the tape and start fixing the box. Writing the word fixing on the board. Step 3: Have Ss look at the page. T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story. Play the tape, pausing after each sentences to have Ss repeat. Put Ss into groups of three and give them the roles of Gogo, Tony and Jenny. Have groups practice acting out the dialog. Step 4: Give one student some stamps. T: Do you have any stamps? S1: Yes, I do. I have some stamps. S2: No, I dont. I dont have any stamps. Look around your desk and answer truthfully. Do the exercise of Practice 2. Give Ss a few minutes to answer. Then put Ss in groups of four to interview each other to plete the chart. Step 5: Ask some Ss to e to the front. Give them some items to hold. (Point to S1 at the front.) Does he have any paper? Have Ss answer accordingly. After asking about other Ss at the front, ask some other Ss to e to the front and repeat the procedures. Have Ss look at the page. Go over the characters names if necessary. Ask individual Ss to answer the question based on the picture. Give Ss time to write the answer on the page. Ask individual Ss to read the questions and the answers for all Ss to check. Step6: Homework. The third Period 3Step1: Warming up: greeting and review. Dictation of words. Step2: Write pet and cat on the board and underline the ending t. T: Lets practice this sound. Make sure to show Ss that your tongue remains on the alveolar ridge. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T: Lets listen to the tape. Play the tape and have Ss point to the each word as the tape says it. T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat. Have Ss repeat after the tape. After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the word. Step3: have Ss look at the passages on the page. T: Listen to the sentences. Circle the words that have the final t. Read the passages slowly. Read the again if necessary. Check if Ss circled the right words. T: Now its time for you to practice the final t in the sentences. Give some time for Ss to practice reading aloud to themselves. When Ss are ready, ask some confident Ss to read the passage out loud. Step4: position: use the sentences- I have some-. I dont have-. To write a short position. Step5: Homework. 教学后记:通过游戏,学生对单词的识记掌握的比较好。能够熟读课本的内容。对句型Do you-?的回答也较好,但是对问题中出现的some or any,学生的运用出现了较多的混淆。

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