2019-2020年六年级英语下册第二单元测试题Unit 2.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册第二单元测试题Unit 2Class:_ Name: _ Mark: _听力部分40分一、听辨单词。每小题读两遍。10分( )1. A.cleaned B. had C. loud( )2. A. washed B. watched C. wash( )3. A. stay B. saw C. Show( )4. A. read B. lamp C. loud( )5. A. slept B. shorter C. smaller( )6. A. faster B. last C. fish( )7. A. saw B. stay C. fixed( )8. A. thinner B. taller C. better( )9. A. cleaned my room B. washed my clothes C.read a book( )10. A. What did you do yesterday? B. What did you do last night? C. What did you do last week?二、听音选图。每小题读两遍。10分( )11. A B .( )12. A. B. C.( )13. A. B. C.( )14. A. B. C. ( )15. A. B. C.三、听音判断正()误(x)。每小题读三遍。10分( )16. ( )17. ( )18. ( )19. ( )20. 四、听问句选答语。每小题读三遍。10分( )21. A. I watched TV. B. She watched TV. ( )22. A. It was fine. B. Thank you.( )23. A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, I did.( )24. A. I cleaned my room. B. He cleaned his room. ( )25. A. Im going to wash my clothes. B. Hes going to watch TV.笔试部分60分五、Look and choose.看图选择正确的单词或短语。10分( )1. A. cleaned room B.watch TV( )2. A.stayed at home B.washed my clothes( )3. A. saw a film B.watched TV( )4. A.had a cold B.slept ( )5. A.watched TV B. read a book 六、找出下面每组不同类型的单词。10分( )1. A.cleaned B.stay C.washed( )2. A.had B.watched C.sleep( )3.A.yesterday B.better C.today( )4. A.drank B.lamp C.hotel( )5. A.magazine B.film C.read七、Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。10分( )1. Did you _ the clothes? A. washed B. wash C. washes( )2. I watched TV _ . A.last night B. next Sunday C.everyday( )3. Did your mother wash the clothes yesterday?_ A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, I do.( )4. Yesterday I _ a cold and _ a book. A.had, reads B.have, read C.had, read( )5. He often _ a film with his father. A. see B. sees C. saw八、情景配对。10分( )1. What did he do yesterday? ( )2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday? ( )3. How was your weekend?( )4. Did you go to the park?( )5. What did you do l;ast weekend?A. Yes, she did. B. I went fishing. C. No, I didnt. D. It was fine. E. He reads a book yesterday. 九、连词成句和模仿秀。10分连词成句:1. did what weekend do Mike last (?)2. read did a you book night last (?)3. stay I home at my grandma with (.)4. was how weekend your (?) 仿写句子:例:I/ have a cold/ last weekend I had a cold last weekend.4. He/ stay at home/ last Monday十、阅读理解。判断正(T)误(F)。10分 Hello, I am Bob. I was very busy last weeken. I visited my grandparents. They live in Jilin. My father and I went there by bus. It was my grandpas Birthday. I cleanded the room and washed the clothes. On Sunday morning, we went back home. In the evening, I watched TV with my parents. I was very happy.( )1. Bob visited his grandparents last weekend.( )2. They went to Jilin by car.( )3. It was Bobs grandfathers birthday.( )4. Bob went back home last Saturday.( )5. Bob went to the cinema last Sunday evening.听力参考答案一、BACAA BABBC 二、ACBAC三、 四、AABBA附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册第二单元测试题及答案时间:40分钟 满分:100分Listening Part (40 points).Listen and number.(10points).Listen and choose the correct words.(10 points)( )1.A. body B. bike C. bone( ) 2.A. onions B. cabbage C. fruit( ) 3.A. reading B. running C. walking ( ) 4.A. melon B. coke C. carrot( ) 5.A. strong B. weak C. Sick.Listen and judge a tick()or a cross(X) (10 points) ( ) 1.Listen to your mother and father. ( ) 2.You never need have breakfast for a slim(苗条的body. ( ) 3.For strong muscles, you need exercise. ( ) 4.I brush my teeth once a year. ( ) 5.We must wake up at 9:00 in the morning.Listen and write the correct order.(10 points) ( ) Not often.How about you,Li Ming? ( ) How often do you exercise, Danny? ( ) Twice a day. I think you need to get more exercise,Danny. ( ) Me too! Im going to watch more sports on TV. ( ) No, Danny! You have to play sports for exercise!Writing Part(60 points) .Choose the Odd man .(10 points) ( ) 1. A. muscle B.bone C.skin D.body ( ) 2. A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.meat ( ) 3. A. healthy B.strong C. sick D.health( ) 4. A.once B. twice C.first D.three times( ) 5. A.wash B.brush Cb D.wish.Rewrite the words.(10 points) 1.health(形容词_2.sick(反义词)_ 3.after(反义词)_4.lets(完全形式)_ 5.tooth (复数)_ 6.wake(现在分词)_.Choose the correct answers.(10 points) ( )1.This horse is strong.Its _ . A.healthy B. weak C.sick ( )2. Why? _ its good for you. A. Because B. So C. But. ( )3.-_ do you eat porridge? - Twice a week. A. How many B. How often C. How much ( )4.I never eat noodles _ supper. A. to B. for C. at ( )5. _ much water is good for your health. A. Drink B. To drink C. Drinking ( )6. 你怎么表达“一天两次”? A.Twice a day B.Two a day C. Two times a day ( )7.当你想让你的同桌听老师的话,你应说:_ A. Listen to your mother carefully. B. Listen to our teacher carefully. C. Listen careful. ( )8.当你想对别人说“祝你身体健康”时,应说:_ A.Happy birthday to you. B. Good health to you . C.Happy New Year to you. ( )9.当老师问你“多长时间进行一次多练时”应说:_ A.How long do you exercise?B.How often do you exercise? C.How often are you exercise? ( )10.当老师或家长说“早饭前要洗脸,饭后要刷牙”你应说:_A.Wash your face before breakfast and brush your teeth after it. B.Wash your face before breakfast and b you hair after it . C.Wash her face before breakfast and brush her teeth after it.Translation.( 10 points) 1.be good for_ 2.work hard _ 3.锻炼_ 4.上周_ 5.put on her clothes _.Write the words in correct order.(10 points) 1. I, always, clothes,my,clean _. 2.favourite,your,What,food,is _? 3. I, to, vegetables, more,eat, need _ . 4. you, This,good, for, is _ . 5.do, homework, Always, your _ . .Read and tick or cross X .( 10 points) Jenny goes to school five times a week ,from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 6:00 in the morning. She likes to run in the morning. Then she washes her hands and face. At 7:00, she eats breakfast. She eats breakfast. She likes to eat soup for breakfast. After breakfast, she brushes her teeth and bs her hair. She goes to school on foot because her home is near the school. ( )1.Jenny goes to school five times a week. ( ) 2.At 7:10, she eats breakfast. ( ) 3.She doesnt like to eat soup for breakfast. ( ) 4.Jenny walks to school. ( )5.After breakfast, she never brushes her teeth.一、答案:听力材料:1.French fries 2.coke 3.milk 4.noodles 5.fish 6.carrot.1.bone 2.onions 3. running 4.carrot 5.weak .1.Listen to your mother and father.2.You need have breakfast for your healthy body.3.For strong muscles, you need exercise.4.I always brush my teeth.5.We must wake up at 7:00 in the morning.1.How often do you exercise,Danny? 2.Not often. How about you, Li Ming?3.Twice a day. I think you need to get more exercise, Danny.4.Me too! Im going to watch more sports on TV.5.No, Danny! You have to play sports for exercise!笔试部分:.1.D 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.D .1.healthy 2.weak 3.before 4.let us 5.teeth 6.waking. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.A.1. 对 有益 2. 努力学习/刻苦工作 3. exercise/do exercise 4. last week 5. 穿上(她的)衣服.1.I always clean my clothes. 2.What is your favourite food? 3.I need to eat more vegetables. 4.This is good for you. 5.Always do your homework.1.X 2. 3.4. 5.二、典型试题说明及评分标准: 1.听力部分:第一题,是一道基础试题,主要考察学生关于食品,由于时间紧张,图片不很清楚。本题答对1个得2分,错一个扣1分;第二题也属于基础题型,每小题2分;第三题点儿有难度,主要考查学生平时听力训练如何,及对本单元有益于身体健康的内容的理解,每小题2分;第四题是排序,出自于课本,主要考查学生对教材是否学的透彻,每小题2分。 2.笔试部分:第五、六题,是考查学生基础单词的。第五题是找出不同一类,每小题2分,第六题,按要求写单词,对1个得2分,错一个扣1分;第七题是单项选择属综合题,考查学生平时对知识的积累,每小题1分;第八题英汉互译,也属于基础题型,每小题2分;第九题连词成句,考查句子的,难度较大(对中下学生来说)每小题2分,若学生将句子的前2、3个单词顺序写对了,后面有一个单词顺序反了,或者标点符号错了,或者句子的首字母没有大写,可减1分;第十题是阅读题,难度系数中等,每小题2分。三检测意见本套试题注重基础知识的积累,以教材为本,以人为本,以学生为主,充分体现新课标要求,以课本为中心、为重点,注重知识的连贯性,并上升为行动,比如:通过本单元学生对饮食、作息习惯、锻炼的学习,明白了这样一个道理,要有一个健康的身体和好的学习成绩,就要从每天的饮食、卫生习惯做起,还要每天坚持锻炼,在家里听父母的话,在学校听老师的话。做到面向全体学生,全方位的检测学生对所学知识的理解与应用,题目叙述清楚,内容繁简适宜。卷面设计合理,留足了学生答题的空间。难易程度符合本次命题要求,分数分配合理。试题反映了课程标准对学生语言知识技能、交际功能、情感态度和价值观等方面的基本要求,杜绝了繁、偏、怪题。符合小学生的心理要求。调动了学生学习外语的积极性。 检测人 李婷


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