2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 5 Period 2教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 5 Period 2教案 沪教牛津版一、教学说明:1学生已经能听懂Smell the Feel the Taste the的句子并做出相应的反应。 2他们已经能听、说、读melon, orange, melon, pear, peach, apple。 3部分学生还能再说一些常见的水果。如grapes, banana等。 4在上一个单元学生已经学过This is my arm. 学生也已经在歌曲中对Its 已经理解并上口。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.能听懂、会说这些句型This is Thats What is this? Itsb.能听说coconut, papaya两个单词。 2)能力要求:在学习和生活中能用这些句型This is Thats What is this? Its 表达。3)情感态度:a. 了解中国之大,水果之丰富。b. 各种水果有各自的营养,大家都爱吃。三、教学步骤:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation:Warming up and revision1.Game “Simon says”Eg. Stand up, please. Open your books. Raise your hand. Smell the apple.通过游戏,活跃课堂气氛,让学生尽快地进入英语学习的氛围和状态。并且复习了p.222.Teacher shows the fruit and the students sing the song. 复习单词p.24 以及句子Its II.While-task procedure:1. Learning “What is this? Its ”Guessing game 1. Teacher asks and the students guess the fruit with their eyes closed.Eg. T: Smell it. What is this? Eg. T: Feel it. What is this?复习smell, feel, taste,学习答句。Its 2. Students imitate “What is this?” said by different people. 学习问句。3. Group work问答练习2. Learning “This is a Thats a”1. Teacher puts up the wallchart on the board and tell a story.May and Amm like to do shopping. They also like to eat fruit. One day, they came to a fruit shop near the school. There were many kinds of fruit. Students listen to the tape.“This is an apple. Thats a pear.”让学生感受This is a Thats a的用法。用手势明确远近。This is句型在上一个单元已出现,这里主要强调Thats。2. Students say after the tape.模仿操练This is a Thats a3.Students act out the dialogue, substituting with other fruit names they have learnt.替换操练This is a Thats aIII.Post-task activity:Learning a play. 1. Students watch the video. A tour guide is saying:-Wele to Hainan. You can see beautiful sea and you can eat many fruit. This is a melon. Thats a lemon. This is an apple. Thats an orange.A girl is ing.-Whats this? -Its a papaya.-Whats that?-Its a coconut.创设情景,让学生在情景中理解语言,在情景运用语言。并作一点拓展。2. Learn the words. Papaya, coconut3. Group work: Say and actIV. Assignment:Listening, reading and speaking1. Listen to the tape and read after it. P.23, P.252. Speak English with their parents.3. Play games with friends or parents.巩固课堂学习内容。四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,录像,水果等2.教学关注点:1)关注This is Thats 的使用区别。2)关注This is Thats 的发音。3.设计思路:1)在歌曲中理解并操练Its2)以故事引出This is Thats 3)通过录像创设情景,让学生在情景中理解语言,在情景运用语言。4)拓展两个热带水果单词:papaya, coconut4.教学反思:教学What is this? 时,尤其要注意语言的交际性。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 5 Period 3教案 沪教牛津版一、教学说明:1学生已经能听懂会说This is Thats What is this? Its2他们对水果单词已经很熟练了。二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.能听懂、会说这些句型Is this ? Yes, it is. No, it is not.b.能听说单词banana。c.能读故事p.26 2)能力要求:a.在学习和生活中能用这些句型Is this ? Yes, it is. No, it is not.表达自己的意愿。b.能将故事扩展并表演。3)情感态度:小猴聪明又调皮,真是可爱,是人类的好朋友。三、教学步骤:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation:Warming up and revision1. Teacher shows the fruit and the students sing the song. 活跃课堂气氛,让学生尽快地进入英语学习的氛围和状态。并且复习了p.24 p.252. Act a play.既复习了单词以及p.23 p.25,又起到以旧引新的作用。II.While-task procedure:1. Learning “Is this?Yes, it is. No, it is not. “1. Watch the video. Continue the last play. (An old woman is ing.)-Is this a lemon?-Yes, it is.-Is this a lemon?-No, it is not. Its a papaya.(A little boy is ing.)-Is this a banana?-Yes, it is.-Is this a melon?-No, it is not. Its a coconut. 继续创设情景,引出新句型与单词banana,(板书),并在情景中帮助学生理解与学习。2. Students say after the video. 3. Students act the whole play.4. Guessing gameOne students show parts of the fruit and asks the others to guess what it is. Using the question, “Is this ?”在游戏中进行有意义的操练问答。注意问的学生要靠近被问的物体。5. Guessing gameGroup work.One student puts one thing at the back and lets the others guess what it is. Using the question, “Is this ?”2Learning the story.1. Students look at their books and try to read the story by themselves.培养学生的阅读能力。2. Teacher asks some questions.检验学生是否真正理解。3Students say after the tape.训练朗读。III.Post-task activity: Acting a play.1. Act out the story. 培养学生创造能力,组织能力,表演能力与语言的运用能力。2.Group work: Add something to make a little play.IV. Assignment:Listenin, speaking and reading.1. Listen to the tape and read after it. P.262. Tell the story or act the play to the parents. 巩固课堂学习内容。四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,水果,录像等2.教学关注点:1)关注Is this ? 及其答句的运用。2)关注Is this?的升调。3.设计思路:1)在已有的短剧中引出新的句型,在情景中帮助学生理解与学习。2)通过游戏操练新的句型。3)书上的故事作为阅读材料,先培养学生的阅读能力,再让学生表演,最后鼓励他们对内容进行拓展,在语言训练的同时也培养了他们其它的能力。4.资源共享小学生英语读物一年级第一学期中有Fruits一课;英语故事阅读精编A有A very hungry pig一课,都可供参考。5.教学反思:引入与操练Is this?句型时,要注意情景的创设。

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