2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 14(3)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 14(3)教案 广州版 一、教学内容分析 小学中高年级的英语教学以话题教学形式为主,可以打通教材现有的版本和教学内容的局限性,能提供给学生一个整体的语言,有利于培养学生综合的语言素质和能力。因此剪辑教学内容对于一名优秀的英语教师来说非常重要。本节课我设计的内容主要是以食物的话题为主,以课本为平台,滚动以前所学的涉及本话题的知识,拓展孩子关于本话题的语言,使其形成综合的语言概念。本课时是Module5 Eating Habits中的Unit 14 Which Food Do You Prefer?的第一课时,在Unit13 I Prefer Hamburgers 中,学生已经学习了句型Which do you prefer?及其回答I prefer.本课时主要是继续学习表达各人对食物的喜好并用Its/Theyre the most delicious/famous food.来说明喜好的理由,主要的新知识点是用the most来表示部分双音节和多音节形容词的最高级.本课时对话很长,单词也比较多,但有一部分要求四会的单词(restaurant, sea food, again, kind, important, fruit-vegetable)是四年级时所学过的三会单词。二、教学对象分析 学生在二年级口语和四年级英语中均已学习过有关食物的话题.在Unit 13的学习过程中,学生对句型Which do you prefer, or?及其回答I prefer.掌握得较好,在操练时能把句型拓展运用到表达对除西餐以外的其他事物的喜好上.所以本课时学生在对重点句型的理解与运用方面难度不大,难点主要集中在对对话的理解与上口方面,因此教师要求学生在课前听录音跟读单词和课文,做好较充分的预习工作.三、教学目标:语言知识:1. Four-skilled words: shall, restaurant, famous, pork, sea food, menu, strange, again, different, kind, important, agree, agree with;2. Three-skilled words: fruit-vegetable, cereal. 3.巩固学习句型:Which food would you like, ? I prefer. Its /Theyre the most; 4.Grammar:部分双音节及多音节形容词的最高级的表达.语言技能:1.能流利朗读并正确理解对话; 2.用本课时所学句型积极表达自己对食物的喜好并说出适当的理由。情感态度:要求学生做到不偏食,并选择有利于身体发育的食物,养成良好的生活习惯。学习策略:要求学生做好预习工作,在课堂上适时检查学生的预习情况,培养学生的自学能力,同时利用学生身边的事物(Nan Yuewang Restaurant, Hui Dong Restaurant)作为教学资源,在听,读对话时,设置回答问题,填表格的任务,从而吸引学生的注意力,调动他们的学习积极性。四、教学重难点:1.重点句型:Its /Theyre the most;2.部分双音节及多音节形容词和副词的最高级的表达方法;3.单词和对话的理解与上口.五、Procedures. Warming-up Sing along: Pizza and chips.Presentation and practice 1.呈现课题:Which food do you prefer? 2图片复习以前学过的关于食物的单词和询问他人喜好吃哪些食物的句型:What do you like to drink? What do you like to eat? What do you want for starters? Can I have? Would you like some? 2. 拿出一份菜单、拿出单词卡,学习menu, pork, sea food;呈现一个难懂的菜名,学习单词strange和句子The names of the food are strange, I dont understand.3. Ppt示食品图片,请学生用所学句型对话,抽学生进行问答,并询问Why?板书并学习单词famous和句型Its the most delicious food, I think. Its the most famous food in Guangzhou.4. Ppt 示图片:Guangzhou Restaurant,句子Guangzhou Restaurant is the most famous restaurant. 5. 图片呈现Ben一家,请学生看屏幕听对话,然后回答问题What food does everybody prefer? Why? Do they like Chinese food? How do you know? Do you agree with Mrs. Webb? 6. Ppt呈现图片,老师和学生一起利用图片所提供的信息将前面的几段对话串讲一遍。 .请学生读对话最后一段,四人小组完成填表格和填空的任务。meatcerealfruit-vegetablesmilk foods从表格中总结出Different people like different foods.了解人每天应该吃的四种食物,学习fruit-vegetable, cereal. 8.听录音跟读对话,师带读,小组读,小组分角色读。 9. Sum up. .Homework 1. Copy and dictate the new words. 2. Listen to the tape and read after it.3. 用句型Which food do you prefer?调查同学和父母喜欢的食物并设计自己营养的一日三餐( 选做题)。 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 14(4)教案 广州版 一、 Teaching Content:Module 5(Unit 14)Which food do you prefer? 二、Teaching aim: (一) Main Task: 1. Can say these words correctly: shall, restaurant, famous, pork, sea food, menu, strange, again, different, kind, important, fruit-vegetable, cereal, agree, agree with, queen, Snow White, western. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in munication: 1) I am so full. 2) Where shall we have dinner? 3) Which food would you like? 4). Do you agree with me? (二)Difficult point: 1. New words of this dialogue. 2. The prehension of the dialogue of Unit 14 3. Sentences: Which food would you like? I prefer. I like. (三) Affects: 1. Can ask about choice and express preference. 2. To develop healthy eating habits. 3. To raise cultural awareness of foods.三、Teaching Tools: puter, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue,the pictures the food.四、 The time teachers need: 3 long-periods.五、 Teaching Process: Leading-in1. Greeting 2. Review the expressions to ask about choice and express preference from Unit 13.3. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presentation1. Give Ps tasks for listening: 1).What food does everybody prefer? Why? 2).Do the Webbs like Chinese food? How do you know?2. Before listening to the dialogue between Mr. Webb and the waitress, ask the Ps what problems Mr. Webb may have in reading a Cantonese menu. Explain: strange and understand. 3. Allow the pupils to act out the dialogue in their own words.4. Ask the Ps read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference.5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun).Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6. Teach the new words. Shall, restaurant, famous, pork, sea food, menu, strange, again, different, kind, important, fruit-vegetable, cereal, agree, agree with, queen, Snow White, western. Let them read by themselves in groups. 7. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8. The teacher read the dialogue and asks them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Voluntarily. 1. To look at the pictures in the dialogue and predict where the people are and what they are saying. 2. Before listening to the dialogue between Mr. Webb and the waitress, the Ps think about: What problems Mr. Webb may have in reading a Cantonese menu. 3. To act out the dialogue in their own words. 4. To read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference. 5. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak 6. Read after the teacher and the tape. 7. Listen to the teacher carefully. 8. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence.9. Learn the new content.10. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation.11. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves.12. Go over the tense.Practice1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX1 in page 61. 2. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX1 in page 61.To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consolidate and Development1. Ask what we have learned at this section.2. Read the words about food in page 61.3. Answer the questions.4. Read the words about food in page 61. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what theyve Learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue.Homework1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly.2. Do the EX 2f page 613. Copy the new words.


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