2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit8 Lesson16教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit8 Lesson16教案 闽教版CONTENTS:Clothes(2)AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Describe clothes2. LAGUAGE:We must all wear shirt. It is largesmallall right. What size do you wear?3. VOCABULARY:too large too small just right sizeLANGUAGE FOCUS:We must all wear T-shirt. It is too large too smalljust right. DIFFICULT POINT:1.laguage: What size do you wear?2.vocabulary: large sizejust right TEACHING AIDS: a recorder, some cards, a tapeTEACHING STEPS:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEWarm upRhyme: Put .on. Your sweater.: Put.on.your.T-shirt. :Put .on. . Your. Shirt:Put .on. Your. Jacket.Put .on. . Your. Tie.Put .on. Your. Dress. .Read and do the action.激发兴趣,活跃课堂。RevisionWhose jacket is this?Tie?sweater?-It.is .s. dress.?hat.?book?pencil?老师拿出事先准备好的学生衣物提问:Whose jacket is this?学生回答: It is .s.接着让生生之间一问一答进行互相交流。复习旧知识,为学新知识做铺垫。Presentation1: teach words: too largetoo smalljust right2:teach sentences: we must all wear T-shirt. It is too largetoo smalljust right. What size do you wear? Size L/S.3: listen to the tap for two times, and then read it for yourself.4: 找规律:bike kite bike size L., 请你再说出类似的词设置一个Sport Meeting 的场景引出We must all wear T- shirt.让同学们知道熊猫要到保管处领取衣服,引出单词的教学.根据衣服适与不适回答It is too largetoo smalljust righ.组长问What size do your wear?小熊回答: Size L. SIZE S.老师让学生不断分角色进行句子操作练习。边学习边进行变化不大的句子操作性练习,让学生从中找到规律,探究学法,以达到融会贯通,真正掌握本堂课的内容。Assignment1: Copy the word three times.2:Read the text to your parents for two times.3: Do the group work to practice the sentences.巩固所学单词和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。教学追记附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit8 period1教案 湘少版Periods:ContentsPeriodsPart A, BOne periodPart C, DOne periodPart E, FOne periodLanguage Function:Getting to know something about fruitLanguage structure:Is this a ? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.This is a/an Vocabulary:Banana, mango, orange, lemon, apple, pear, fruit, pineapple, wall, wheel, watch, windowSounds:Know the sound w in the words. Period 1Basic aims of this lesson:1. understand and say the new words and phrasesbanana, mango, lemon, orange, market, apple, pear, fruit2. To read and understand the dialogue and the main sentence structureIs this a .? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.This is a /an Important points:To say the words and structureDifficulty points:To say: a banana, an orange, an apple, This is a market.This is a / an Is this a /an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isntTeaching aids:Tape-recorder, fruit, word cards, word picturesStep 1 Warming up:1.Greetings;How are you? Im fine, thank you.How about you?Im not very well.Im sorry.Thank you. You are kind.2. Sing and chant Sing the song “Hello, teacher” Chant: Rabbit and rat, saw raindrops, pitter-patter, pitter-patter, on their red roof tops.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T show a bag, “Look, I have a bag, whats in it?”e touch and guess.T: What is it?S: apple, Show the apple, to learn the word: apple, Pass the apple and say: appleThe same way to touch, to see, to smell, to learn the word: pear, lemon, banana, orange, pineapple2. To read the words for many times, ask little teacher to read the words3. Game: Look and guessT show the pictures quickly, and ask: Is this an apple?Ss answer with yes or NoHave Ss to ask and answer with their partner : draw , ask and answer4. To learn the sentence: Is this a / an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Game: show the words and draw the fruit5. to learn the dialogue of the text.Ss listen to the tape and read the after the tapeStep 3 Practise1. To read the text, loudly, imitate the pronunciation and stress 2. act the dialogue, in the fruit market3. Have a match: who can say the most fruitStep 4 Consolidation1. free talk2. Assessment.3. Exercise book4. Home work: Listen to the tape, read the text.

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