2019-2020年六年级英语上册练习题 Unit 1 Period 1(1)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册练习题 Unit 1 Period 1(1)教案 北师大版一、听录音,选词完成短文。 a The party is going to start at _ (A7:50 B7:45)this evening bThe shop is going to open at 9:30 on _ (ASunday BSaturday) cShall we go to the _ (Amovie theater Bmuseum)on Wednesday? dIt is going to be _ (Awindy Brainy)on Monday二、中英文对照连线。 1英语 A数学 2Math B科学 3Art CPE 4历史DMusic 5Geography E语文 6体育 FEnglish 7音乐 G艺术 8Chinese HHistory 9Science I地理课堂练习三、根据时间写出正确答案。Today Yesterday are Were move ( ) ( ) wentsee ( ) eat ( ) ( ) got ( )had live ( ) swim ( )四、听课文录音,将人物与他们喜爱的课程连线。Daniel English Ann Math Ken Music Sue Science Lisa Art Charlie History Matt Geography课后测试五、根据课文,判断句子的正误。1Ann and Ken moved here today ( ) 2Daniels favorite subject is math ( ) 3Ann likes music ( ) 4Ken likes English ( ) 5Lisas favorite subject is science ( ) 6History is Charlies favorite subject ( ) 7Matt thinks geography is the most exciting ( ) 8Sue likes geography ( )六、选择正确答语。1Hi! Are you a new student? AOn York Avenue 2What subject do you like? BYes,we moved here yesterday 3Where do you live? CMusic4Whats the club called? DThe BINGO Kids参考答案课前预习一、aA bB CA dB二、1F 2A 3G 4H 5I 6C 7D 8E 9B课堂练习三、略四、略课后测试五、1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F六、1B 2C 3A 4D附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上学期 Module 5 活动一、二的两个课时教案 外研版教学目标:语言知识目标:1、学习pleased,meet,address,pen friend,4个单词。2、学会句型“Can you? Yes,I can/No,I cant,You can be I(dont)like Why do you ?Because “的意义和用法。语言技能目标:能运用以上句式进行交友会话练习。 情感目标:培养学生利用所学句型来描述事物。1、检查单词 1)学生领读单词2)学生轮读单词2、读以下句子。Can you speak English?I can speak English.Can I write to your friends?Can you be my Chinese pen friend? But I cant write Chinese.Module 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!导学案教学目标:语言知识目标:1、学习pleased,meet,address,pen friend,4个单词。2、学会句型“Can you? Yes,I can/No,I cant,You can be I(dont)like Why do you ? Because “的意义和用法。语言技能目标:能运用以上句式进行交友会话练习。 情感目标:培养学生利用所学句型来描述事物。重点难点:1、 掌握情态动词与动词的用法及表达。2、 如何根据兴趣爱好等结交笔友或网友。教学过程:一) Let us have a dictation.(检查单词) 二)引入新课Answer the questions. 1、Can you speak Chinese? 2、 Can you speak English? 3、Can you write Chinese? 4、 Can you write English?三)学习新课Step1: Let us have a listen and find these new words.(让我们听课文并找出这些新单词)Step2: Listen to answer the following questions.(听录音回答下列问题)Whos Laura? Where is Laura from? How many English friends has Daming got? Can Laura write Chinese? Can Daming write English?Can they be pen friends?Step3: Listen again and answer the questions.(再听一遍,回答下列问题)Step4: Learning address” My email address is wsmsohu. 学生模仿。Step5:学习句型”Can you ”Step6:四)Language points:1 be from 来自2 speak English 讲英语3 two friends from England 两位来自英国的朋友4 their names 他们的名字5 write to 给 写信6 my Chinese pen friend 我的中国笔友7 of course 当然8 my address in China 我在中国的地址9 write Chinese 写汉语10 play the violin 拉小提琴 五)Standard test (达标检测)根据汉语提示完成下面句子。1、_ (高兴) to meet you .2、You_ (讲英语讲得很好).3、Ive got a _ (来自美国的笔友).4、I cant _ (踢足球),but I can _ (拉小提琴).5、Can I _ (给你写信)?六)Expand extensions.(拓展延伸)一)连词成句(注意标点及格式)1、is,address,my ,China ,in, this_.2、my, be, pen, friend, can, you_?二)情态动词can的用法1、主语+can+动词原型,如I can jump.2、一般疑问句把can提前,如Can he read this book?3、否定句直接在can 后加not,如I cant do that. 其过去式为could,用法同,表示能力、能够七)Homework.To recite the text.(背诵课文)Module 5 Unit 1 Pen Friends预习案教学目标:语言知识目标:1、学习Australia,French,pet3个单词。2、学会句型“Can you? Yes,I can/No,I cant,You can be I(dont)like Why do you ?Because “的意义和用法。语言技能目标:能运用以上句式进行交友会话练习。 情感目标:培养学生利用所学句型来描述事物。1、检查单词 1)学生领读单词2)学生轮读单词2、作简单的自我介绍。Module 5 Unit 1 Pen Friends导学案教学目标:语言知识目标:1、学习Australia,French,pet3个单词。2、学会句型“Can you? Yes,I can/No,I cant,You can be I(dont)like Why do you ?Because “的意义和用法。语言技能目标:能运用以上句式进行交友会话练习。 情感目标:培养学生利用所学句型来描述事物。重点难点:1、 了解French和Australia这两个国家。2、运用所学知识,谈论有关pen friend等话题教学过程:一) Let us have a dictation.(检查单词) 二)引入新课Step1:Answer the following questions.(回答下列问题)A: This is my pen friend. His name is Hao Xin. He studies in a middle school. He can speak English very well and hes learning French. He likes playing football and swimmingB:Can I write to your friend? We can play football together.A:Yes, of course. This is his address.Step2:Let us have a listen and find these new words.(让我们听课文并找出这些新单词)Step3:Listen again(再听一遍)Step4:Listen to the tape, please imitate recordings of the pronunciation and intonation and read.(听录音,请学生模仿录音的语音和语调跟读)Sept5: 听录音,读出单词的重音。以及单词在句子中重读的情况。Sept6: Learn songs.(学习歌曲)Sept7: Read the following phrases(读下列短语)1、speak French 说法语2、ride a bicycle 骑自行车3、my pet dog 我的宠物狗4、play puter games 玩电脑游戏5、write emails snd stories in English 用英语写电子邮件和故事6、sing English songs 唱英文歌7、again and again 一次又一次三)、Standard test (达标检测)根据问句找答语,并连线1、Who can be your pen friends? A.No,I,dont.2、Can you speak Japanese? B.I like singsing songs.3、Why? C.We are from Australia.4、What do you like? D.Mike can.5、Where are you from? E,Yes,I can speak very well.6、Do you like dancing? F.Becouse she likes listening to music. 四)Expand extensions.(拓展延伸)Like 的用法1、like 后常跟动词ing 形式,表示“一直喜欢”,例:I like singsing.2、常与would/should连用表示“希望,想”例I would like to know that.3、作名词讲常用复数,表示“爱好”,例ones likes and dislikes 好恶,爱憎Homework.:写一篇自我介绍的小文章。English SheCu(英语拾趣): Time flies. 光阴似箭。


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