2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教案 人教版PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教案 人教版PEPl Topic: clothes and colourl Language systems:1. Lexis:jacket,sweater,skirt,shirt,T-shirt,dress,pants,jeans,shorts,socks,shoes,red,blue,yellow,green,white2. Grammar: (1)有关描述衣物大小,新旧和颜色的句型,如:What colour is it? Its . My jacket is gray. They are so small.等。(2)有关询问衣物所属的一些问题的句型,如:Is thisthat your skirt? Yes,it is. No, it isnt. Thesethose are your pants. Whose is it? Its yours.(3) 服装名词的单复数使用习惯。3. Function: 能够提问并回答有关衣物所属的一些问题和简单描述衣物大小,颜色,新旧及搭配。4. Phonology: Pronunciation中i的发音规律;shirt与skirt,those与these的区别l Language skills:Listening: 听懂描述衣物的词句。Lets do中的指令Speaking: 能描述衣服的大小,颜色,搭配以及所属。Reading: 读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如如何快速查找关键信息,根据上 下文猜词等。Writing: 规范书写四会单词和四会句子; 养成良好的书写习惯。l Objectives:1能力目标(1)能够简单描述衣物的大小、新旧和颜色,如:My jacket is gray. Theyre so small.等(2)能提问并回答有关衣物所属的一些问题,如:Is this your skirt? Is that your shirt? Whose is it? Its your baby brothers. (3)能够听懂并发出衣服相关的一些指令。(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Clothes”。2知识目标(1)掌握A、B部分Read and write四线格中的单词和句子,能够听、说、读、写。(2)认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的生词和句子。(3)理解Lets do、 Lets chant等部分的内容。(4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。3情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:能得体穿衣,不出穿衣尴尬局面。(2)学习策略:注重合作学习,鼓励学生创新,尝试服装设计。(3)文化目标:了解不同国家的服饰常识以及一些常见外来语的由来。Evidence: 1.利用游戏、Task time 检测学生认识衣物和颜色。 2、利用Lets play检测学生描述衣物以及询问衣物所属的一些问题。 3、利用情景对话,活动手册和同步精练,检测学生对本单元知识的掌握情况。 l Procedures:The 1st lesson: A. lets learn/Lets do/.C.Task timeThe 2nd lesson: A Lets talk/Lets play The 3rd lesson: A. Read and write The 4th lesson: B.Lets learn /Lets chant / Good to know/Lets singThe 5th lesson: B.Lets talk/ Lets find out / C.Story timeThe 6th lesson: B. Read and write /C. Pronunciation/ Lets check附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教案 新世纪版Teaching Aims: 1. Learn new words: number, animal, drink, colour, easy, difficult.2. Describe the different condition with the words: difficult and easy.3. Use the new words to make a short dialogue or tell something about ourselves.Key Points:1. The new words.2. To tell something using the new learning.Difficult Points:1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the word “difficult”2. So many + plural nounTeaching Resources:Cards, recorder, puter and so on.Teaching procedure:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparation1. Rhyme2. Chat3. Topics1. Say a rhyme2. Chat3. Work pairs1. 通过儿歌,活跃了课堂气氛,让学生尽快地进入英语学习的氛围和状态。2. 以旧引新。在熟悉的韵律中,学生能比较容易地上口。While-taskprocedureA witch and A Prince1. To elicit: number 2. To elicit: animal3. To elicit: easy/difficult4. To elicit: drink5.To elicit: colourThe students say their lucky number and tell the reason.A game “Whos my mind reader”Work out the questions.Help the prince to buy something in the different shops.The students choose the flowers for the Prince.和现实相联系,学生会乐意表达自己喜欢的数字,对所学的单词更感兴趣。整合教材,在练习的同时活跃气氛。通过游戏,使学生更好地理解easydifficult.在不同的情景中操练句型so many,让学生在语境中学会运用。通过说说色彩,引出生活是多彩的,从而让学生更好地热爱生活。Post-taskactivities1. Listen and read. 2. To remember the words. 3. Fill in the blanks.4. Spot dictation5. HomeworkListen to the recording twice then read together.Ask the students try to remember the words in two minutes.Make sentences with the new words.For example:colour:I like red, because I like the sun. Thats the colour of the sun.强化学生记忆,达到即时的效果。综合训练新知,并加以拓展。从口头表达到书面表达,充分发挥学生在语言上的创造性。


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