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课时训练(二十一)Units 13-14(九全)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.Wow, an iPhone X, what a big surprise! Thanks, darling!Its your birthday present. But please read the carefully before you use it.A.informationB.instructionC.invitationD.instrument2.xx滨州 People now in many big cities have to early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning.A.set outB.put outC.take outD.give out3.xx东营 The 119 passengers are Liu Chuanjian. Without him, they would probably have lost their lives.A.hard onB.thankful toC.friendly to D.responsible for4.xx抚顺 The children in the poor area are a good school to learn more knowledge. A.thirsty forB.thankful toC.known for D.harmful to5.xx呼和浩特 Its Mr. Zhangs new movie.But I think its more meaningful than his others.I agree with you.His latest movie has e to his highest .A.spiritsB.standardC.treasureD.development6.xx保定一模 This parking lot is free. You dont have to it.A.look forB.pay forC.ask for D.wait for7.xx乐山改编 Look out! Something down from the building.Dear me! Its too dangerous.A.fellB.fallsC.is fallingD.was falling8.2019原创 Would you like to see the movie Amazing China with me?Its worth seeing. But Iit several times.A.saw B.will see C.had seen D.have seen 9.xx怀化改编 Its necessary for us English well.A.to learn B.learning C.learn D.learns10.2019原创 China hosted Boao Forum for Asia (博鳌亚洲论坛) successfully in April, xx.Yes, many foreign guests to the meeting.A.invited B.are inviting C.were invited D.are invited .xx广州 完形填空Before graduating college, Jackie began to look for a job. She aimed at a famous pany, but the 11 for such jobs was very strong. The pany Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job. 12, Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview. The interview was very 13. The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes. Then the interviewer said to them, “All of you are very good. Please go home and 14 our response.”Three days later, Jackie received a message saying she would not be 15 the job. She felt deeply disappointed. That evening, however, she received another 16. This time it said that she got the job.Jackie later found out that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interviewa 17 to see if she was suitable for the job. All the three people received the 18 text, but only Jackies reply 19 the pany. Of the three, one did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”. This reply showed that Jackie was a(n) 20 person, so the pany offered her the job.11.A.examB.workCpetitionD.plan12.A.ThankfullyB.UnluckilyC.HopefullyD.Immediately13.A.longB.strictC.interestingD.simple14.A.pick upB.wait forC.deal withD.think of15.A.offeredB.returnedC.refusedD.shown16.A.letterB.e-mailC.callD.message17.A.guideB.conversationC.testD.lesson18.A.sameB.otherC.secondD.whole19.A.reachedB.satisfiedC.helpedD.surprised20.A.braveB.cleverC.politeD.honest.2019原创 阅读理解A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you bine(联合) the two to do something for your local environment? It may be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone, you will be able to bury(埋) it in the garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flower. A biodegradable(生物可降解的) mobile phone was introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage people to recycle. Scientists have thought of a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic, but overtime it can break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous chemicals(有毒的化学物质). British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover with a sunflower seed(种子). When this cover changes into waste, it forms nitrates(硝酸盐). These feed the seed and help the flower grow. “We have only put sunflower seeds into the cover so far. But were trying to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time,” said one scientist.As phone technology is developing so quickly, people are always throwing their mobile phones away. This means producers are under pressure(压力) to find ways of recycling them. Some 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away within two years, adding plastic, heavy metal(金属) and chemical waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can reduce the harm to nature, according to the scientists. “The seed is released(释放) and the flower grows in the pot, so you dont have to worry about the phone when you have finished using it,” said Kerry Kirwan, the leader of the research team, which is based at the University of Warwick in Britain. 21.Scientists did this type of research about biodegradable mobile phones in order to .A.make the mobile phones more beautifulB.encourage people to recycleC.find a new way to grow flowersD.produce more mobile phones22.Millions of mobile phones have been sold this year and people will within two years.A.bury most of them in the gardenB.put sunflower seeds into most of themC.take out their coversD.throw most of them away23.What does the underlined phrase “break down” mean?A.change into chemicalsB.not workC.be dividedD.break out24.We can infer(推断) from the passage that .A.the new type of mobile phones is already on the marketB.some 650 million mobile phones have been sold within two yearsC.British scientists are doing the researchD.roses perform best in this type of mobile phones25.Whats the best title of the passage?A.The Harm to NatureB.The Developing Phone TechnologyC.Phones and FlowersD.Mobile Phones and Environment.xx定兴三模 任务型阅读阅读短文,并按要求完成2630题。Every time we turn on the TV or take a ride in a car, we could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨). In this article, well learn something important about acid rain.The formation of acid rainWhen people use fuels(燃料), such as coal and gasoline(汽油),poisonous gases are given off. When these gases e together with rain, acid rain forms. Many power stations burn fuels in order to create the electricity that we use in our homes and offices every day. Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline. When rain meets these gases, harmful things called acids form. This is acid rain.The harm of acid rainAcid rain destroys everything that it touches. It poisons our rivers, ponds and lakes and oceans along with the life in them. It pollutes our soils and crops, harms trees, and can even kill fish and plants. Acid rain also eats away at our buildings.The prevention of acid rainWe need to reduce and even stop the pollution that gets into our air. Turn off lights, televisions and other electrical appliances(电器) if we are not using them. Walk and take a bike whenever possible. If we are traveling a long distance, take a bus or train to save fuels.As research shows, acid rain harms our environment. But people everywhere can take small steps now to help our environment for future generations. 26、27题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;29题找出并写下第三段的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26.When these poisonous gases with rain, acid rain forms.27.Acid rain pollutes our soils and crops and can even kill . 29. 30. .词语运用根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。I have 31. online friend called Suzy. After chatting with 32. (she) on the Internet, I know that 33. (America) schools are different from 34. (our). Students in America also have many subjects like us, 35.they dont have so many 36.(exam). There are 37. (few) students in an American class than in a Chinese one. They have more activities 38.aschool than we do. They have less homework, so they can finish homework in a 39.s time. Thats 40.(real) amazing.参考答案.1.B2.Aset out意为“出发,开始”;put out意为“熄灭,扑灭”;take out意为“把倒出;取出”;give out意为“分发;发出”。根据严重交通可推测,应该早点出发。故选A。3.B根据后面的假设“Without him, they would probably have lost their lives”可知,乘客应该对这位英雄机长表示感激。故选B。4.A句意:贫困地区的孩子们渴望一所好的学校来学习更多的知识。be thirsty for意为“对渴望”;be thankful to意为“对感激”;be known for意为“以闻名”;be harmful to意为“对有害”。故选A。5.B句意:“那是张先生的新电影。但是我认为这部电影比张先生的其他电影更有意义。”“我同意你的观点。他的这部最新的电影达到了他的最高标准。”spirit意为“精神”;standard意为“标准”;treasure意为“金银财宝”;development意为“发展”。空白处意为“标准,水平”。故选B。6.B7.C考查动词的时态。 根据“Look out!”可知,此处指动作正在进行,故用现在进行时。故选C。8.D9.AIt s+形容词+for/of sb.+to do sth.意为“做某事是”。其中it作形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth.。结合选项可知A项符合。故选A。10.C.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。尽管就业竞争非常激烈,但大学生Jackie却准备去一家仅招收一个名额但却有20多人参与竞争的公司去碰运气。公司最终从中确定了包括Jackie在内的三个候选人。在等待的三天中,Jackie却收到没有被录取的通知。失望中,Jackie给该公司回复了“谢谢”,没想到她竟然被录用了。可见,礼貌待人也是取胜的重要法宝。11.C考查名词辨析。根据下文“20多个竞争者中选一个”的描述可知,找工作的竞争是激烈的。故选C。12.A考查副词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,20多个竞争者,最终只确定三个候选人。这只能说是Jackie很幸运或谢天谢地。故选A。13.D考查形容词辨析。根据下句“The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes.”可知,面试官仅仅问几个问题,而且在10分钟内就结束了。可见面试还是很简单的。故选D。14.B考查动词短语辨析。根据常识,面试过后,面试官肯定会让应聘者回家等待答复。故选B。15.A考查动词辨析。根据后句“She felt deeply disappointed.”可推知,三天后,Jackie收到了一条信息,说不会为她提供工作。故选A。16.D考查名词辨析。根据后句“This time it said that she got the job.”可知,那天晚上她又收到另外一条信息。故选D。17.C18.A19.B考查动词辨析。根据下文Jackie被该公司录用的描述可知,只有Jackie的回答让公司满意。故选B。20.C考查形容词辨析。根据上句可知,Jackie在收到没有被录用的信息之后没有抱怨,而是说了声“谢谢”。说明Jackie是一个有礼貌的人。因此这家公司录用了她。故选C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家们研究出来一种可降解的新型手机。2125BDACD.26e together27.fish and plants28.(In order) To create electricity.29.Acid rain destroys everything that it touches.30.轿车和卡车在燃烧汽油时,也同样将这些气体释放到空气中。.31.an32.her33.American34.ours35.but36.exams37.fewer38.after39.short40.really

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