2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit5 第四课时教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit5 第四课时教案 北师大版教学目标:1. 知识与能力1)通过教学使学生能够正确听懂、说出、认读以下单词circle, shirt, girl, bird, nurse, purse, turtle;能够根据字母ir的发音,找出发音不同的单词。2)通过学生的模仿,使学生能够在适当的情景中运用本课涉及到的词组正确描述“某物在某地”;能够比较有意识地询问“Where is it?”并进行回答。2. 过程与方法通过引导学生看课件和书中的创设环境的图片,使学生能够比较有意识地询问“Where is the _?”并进行回答;能够根据发音找出发音不同的单词。3. 情感态度与价值观通过在教学中,通过小组活动和分角色表演,培养学生与他人合作的意识,感知与他人合作的方法,体会用英语交际的快乐。教学重点:帮助学生学习分析ar的发音,鼓励、指导学生用英语进行交际。教学难点:鼓励、指导学生用英语进行交际。教学准备:课件,录音磁带,录音机,词汇大卡片。实践活动:使学生跟着课件分角色朗读课文和为课文配音。板书设计:Unit 4 Where is it?ir circle shirt girlbird nurse purse turtle教学过程设计:一Warm up and review.(5分钟)Activity1:出示单词大卡片,引导学生朗读,复习单词。Activity2:复习元音字母,和ar在单词中的发音规律。二Presentation (1) (5分钟)Drill:感知字母ir在单词中的发音。Activity1:1.引导学生自己认读单词P56. 1 Listen and repeat.2.鼓励学生自己尝试朗读circleir-circle3.播放录音机,请学生跟读,从中体会字母ir的发音。Activity2:鼓励学生自己再朗读单词,并根据ir的发音规律,猜测ir的发音。三Presentation (2) (5分钟)Drill:感知ir的发音规律。Activity1:引导学生汇报自己的发现。预设:学生的观察比较片面,所以要请多一些学生汇报,教师再根据线索进行引导,往发音规律上引导。Activity2:教师总结强调发音规律,再引导学生复习地感悟地朗读一遍。四Presentation (3) (5分钟)Drill:练习ir的发音。Activity1:指导学生做练习Listen for ar.1.请学生独立做题,Cross the word that doesnt belong.2.指导学生做题时做上标注,如:listen-ir3.核对答案:请学生自己核对答案,教师做一总结。Activity2:指导学生练习朗读:Read with Uncle Booky.1.请学生根据发音规律自己练习朗读单词。2.请学生示范朗读单词。3.请个别学生跟随录音跟读。4.请学生发散思维,再找出一些具有这些规律的单词。预设:如果学生能说,就让他们说出来,如果临时想不到,就让他们回去找一找,留心观察,再汇报,还能进一步培养他们随时留心学英语的习惯。设计意图:通过引导学生自己体验、感知、发现字母的发音规律,培养孩子的主动探索的精神和能力,锻炼孩子的各方面素质,主要体现面向全体学生实施素质教育的理念。五Drill and activity together. (10分钟)Activity1:请学生看图P57。1.请学生分析本课重点句型。老师进行板书。2.请学生分析每幅图对着的地点,然后在思考用什么句型提问,用什么句型回答。3.教师与学生示范练习,然后再请学生分组练习。教师巡视,进行个别辅导。4.鼓励学生进行展示,进行整体辅导。Activity2:请学生进行复习地朗读Uncle Bookys Blackboard.1.请学生根据提示自己练习朗读。2.请个别学生示范朗读单词。3.请学生跟随录音跟读。4.请学生齐读。六Language ability. (8分钟)Activity1:教师手指map,提问学生Wheres the library?引导学生回答。然后如果时间允许,请一个学生和自己合作,展示对话,为学生做示范。Activity2:给学生分组,在组内运用所有的资源,练习说话。七Class closing and homework. (2分钟)必做作业:听录音磁带,读书、唱歌5遍。选做作业:同家人一起玩单词小卡片,记忆单词。设计意图:运用学生所有的资源,练习英语,也是联系实际,利用资源,拓展学用渠道的理念的体现。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit5(1)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express likesdislikes, talk about school subjectsTEACHING KEY: to help students to prehend Conversation and vocabulary, targetTEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the first periodPROCEDURES:ConversationGetting ready l Bring in a variety of objects, e.g. a microscope for science, an English dictionary or paints for art and old pictures, books and maps for history, etc.l Write the school subjects across the top of the board.l T: do you like math? (Write 1+2=3 on the board.) I like math. Its fun.l Continue with other regalia to introduce science, English, art and history.Using the bookl T: (point to the first picture.)Look at the picture.l T: whats that? (point to jennys book.) Ss: its a book. Thats right. Its her science book. (Point to the science materials in the classroom).l T: lets listen to the tape. (Play the dialogue once.)l T: lets listen again repeat.l Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.l Read out the dialog. Sentence by sentence, and ask for volunteers to repeat the sentences.Extension activity TB p.54VocabularyGetting ready l Put picture cards 25-32 on the board.l T: look at the picture cards.l Say each word as you hold up the picture cards.l T: now listen and repeat.l Hold up each picture card and say the word. Give Ss time to repeat.Using the book l T: listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it .l Play the tape and have Ss repeat.l T: is this English? (point to math picture card.) Ss: no, it isnt. its math.l Model if necessary.l Repeat with several picture cards.Extension activity TB p.54Target Getting ready l Ask for three volunteers. Put the picture cards on the board.l T: do you like science? s1: no, I dont. what subjects do you like? s1: I like (P.E.). (Have s1 point to the picture cards.)l Do the same for s2 and others if time permits.Using the book l Have Ss point to the first picture of Gogo and jenny. Model the dialog.l Have Ss point to the second picture of Gogo and Tony. Ask two Ss to model the dialog.l Repeat with third dialog.l Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat.Extension activity TB p.54Optional activity TB p.56


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