2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 7(5)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 7(5)教案 广东版开心课题Unit 7 I like eating. 教 学目 的1.认识目标:能够三会语言-What do you like? I like riding my scooter.- Do you like reading ic books? -Yes, I do.2.能力目标:Listen and look3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语问别人喜欢做什么及回答。教材分析重点重点、难点是句型的运用难点重点、难点是句型的运用教具及电化教学手段录音机 单词卡 挂图教学步骤、内容与方法个性化设计教学过程:1. Listen and sing. I like making models.2.利用课件复习单词。3.复习单词引出句子:-What do you like doing? I like riding my scooter.- Do you like reading ic books? -Yes, I do. 4.学生利用句型互相问答,小组比赛,看谁说得多。5. Listen and answer.6. Read the tape. 理解句子 -My hobby is painting. -You cant ice skate at the beach!7. Act.8.Homework: 朗读对话,和同学表演对话。板书设计: Unit 7 I like eating.-What do you like doing? I like riding my scooter. - Do you like reading ic books? -Yes, I do.-My hobby is painting. -You cant ice skate at the beach!板书设计Unit 7 I like eating.-What do you like doing? I like riding my scooter. - Do you like reading ic books? -Yes, I do.-My hobby is painting. -You cant ice skate at the beach!布置作业。Homework: 朗读对话,和同学表演对话。教学后记要通过大量的句子练习,学生才能掌握表示方位的句型。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 7(5)教案 苏教牛津版课题 4B Unit7 At a snack bar A部分(第一课时)学习目标1.能熟练表达食物类单词。2.能用What would you like?询问同伴、他人想要吃什么。3. 能用Id like-告诉别人你喜欢吃什么食物。.采用合作交流的形式,能够用所学句型What would you like?询问对方想要什么;能够用所学句型Id like-回答问题。5.通过本课学习培养学生与人交往,合作精神。培养学生的竞争意识。教学重难点1.能熟练表达食物类单词。2.能用What would you like?询问同伴、他人想要吃什么。预习作业1. 预习B部分的单词,理解它的中文意思。2. 翻译下列句子:What would you like? 你呢?教学资源实物、单词卡片,图片,录音机,磁带 学程预设导航策略调整反思A.预习展示(5分钟)1. T: Boys and girls, lets sing a song: Im a little teapot. 歌曲、儿歌导入,作好铺垫。2. Say a rhyme: Hungry, hungry, Im hungry. Hamburger, hamburger, heres a hamburger. Thirsty, thirsty, Im thirsty. Coffee, coffee, heres some coffee.B.合作探究(15分钟)S: Id like (some bread, some cakes, a sandwich, a hamburger) 让学生通过Id like please这句话来表达自己的意愿,把食物和准备好的单词图片奖励给他们。4. The students ask and answer in pairs. 5、Ss: Its over there! T: Who wants to go to the snack bar with me? (和学生共同表演去快餐店买食物的小品。)在表演中引出新句型:Anything else? T: What would you like? S: Id like a hamburger. T: Anything else? S: Some juice, please. T: Here you are. (课件出示对话框架,要求学生对话练习。) C.融会贯通(12分钟)1.教学句型:How much is it/are they? Its/They are 2.Play a game:Guess how much is it/are they ?让一位学生猜,猜对有奖励。 3.教学对话:(和几位学生谈话) A:What would you like? B:Id likeplease。 A:Anything else? B:please. A: Here you are. B: How much are they? A: please. 1. T: Here we have 2 snack bars,you can buy what you want in the snack bar. Lets see whos the best waiter or waitress, and whos the best customer. Open your presents, theres some money in it, you can use it to buy what you want. 2.出示对话形式: A:What would you like? B:Id like.please. A:Anything else? B:please. A: Here you are. B: How much are they? A: please. 3. Sing a song: Ali Babas farm. D检测反思 (7分钟)翻译句子What would you like? _How about you? _Something to drink? _Anything else? _How much? _A cup of coffee_填上适当的单词。How much _ the pencil?How much _the cakes?Something to _? Orange juice, Please.Something to_? A hamburger, Please.E作业布置(1分钟)* 听A部分的录音,完成抄写本相关内容。* 改编一个购物对话,写下来。* 编一个购物对话,并和伙伴表演出来。教师放录音。教师出示一个chant,来巩固学过的单词。T: Hi,xxx. What would you like?猜一猜:电脑屏幕中的人物想要什么?教师在讲台前问:What would you like? 下面的学生猜,或者全班一起问,一位学生猜,猜对的给予奖励。T: Look! I have lots of food here. What would you like? (拿出准备好的食物,问一个个学生。)板书句子What would you like? Id like please.) S: Id like please. T: Here you are. S: Thank you. Oh, I dont have any food. But Im hungry now. Wheres the snack bar? (多媒体出示KFC店的图片。)多媒体出示句子,区别单复数。Count the numbers1-20。多媒体出示一些图片,教师说How much is it/are they?或全班一起说,多媒体出示对话框架,让学生之间进行练习。创设情境,拓展思维,学以致用创设两个快餐店,让学生根据自己的需要自由购物并评选出“最佳服务员”和“最受欢迎顾客”。 先独立完成,再集体校对。作业指导。


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