2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 4 on Holidays Lesson 7教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 4 on Holidays Lesson 7教案 闽教版教学目标词汇:stream, miss句型: On October 1st, we went to Wuyishan by train. What did you do today? In the morning we climbed the mountains. Did you go to see the waterfalls? Yes, we did.功能:讲述到某景区旅游的情况。情感:培养学生对拥有壮丽山河的祖国的热爱之情。教具准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Good morning! Where did you go for the holidays?What did you do there? Did you have a good time?朗诵童谣:Did You Have a Good Time?Step2.Review1复习学过的动词过去式2第五课中所学的动词短语:go to Wuyishan by train, stay at a nice hotel, go on a raft trip, see the mountains, climb the mountains, see the waterfalls, have a good time将以上动词短语改为一般过去时3揭示并板书课题Step3.Presentation:1) T: Do you remember Chen Ling and Li Hongs plan for the holidays? They planned to go to Wuyishan. Look at this picture. Theyre on a raft trip down the Jiuqu Stream. Theyre having a good time.教学stream , the Jiuqu Stream2)出示问题:When did they go to Wuyishan? Hows the weather on October 2nd? What did they do in the morning? What did they do in the aternoon? Did they have a good time?3) Read the dialog教学miss 4)一般疑问问:Did you go to see the waterfalls? Did you take photos? 特殊疑问句:What did you do today? What did you do in the afternoon?Step4.Look and say.Step5.Learn “I Love China”Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,熟读课文。2.完成活动手册上的练习。3预习Lesson 8附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 4 on HolidaysLesson 8教案 闽教版教学目标词汇:e back句型: When did you e back?On October 3rd.Did you?Yes, I did.功能:向朋友介绍外出旅游的情况。情感:培养学生热爱祖国、热爱大自然的健康人生观。教具准备 单词卡片(how, what, when, where, e back),录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up and review“I Love China” “Hello”( Hello, hello. May I speak to Apollo? Speaking, speaking. This is Apollo speaking.)Step2.Presentation:1. Review: A: Hello. This is A. May I speak to B, please? C: Hi, A. This is C. Hold on, please. B: Hi, this is B speaking.2.揭示并板书课题Step3.Learn to say:e back-Chen Ling is calling Sally. What are they talking about? Lets listen to the tape.请判断下列句子正、误:( ) Sally answered the phone first.( ) Chen Ling came back on October 2nd.( ) Chen Ling climbed the mountains.( ) Their raft trip was very interesting.Step4.Read and write出示单词卡片how, what, when, where进行教学,学生跟读,并说出这四个词的意思。Step5.Listen and circle the right answer.Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.完成课本第36页的自我评价。 2.完成活动手册上的练习。Review 2教学目标复习一般将来时与一般过去时。学唱歌曲:Here es the Train.语音语调:继续学习英语语调中的降调。教具准备 单词卡片(will,have,do,go, take,clean,wash,room,clothes,zoo,camera,photos,agood time)录音机,磁带。教学步骤和方法 Step1. Warm up Good morning!Where did you go for the holidays?What did you do there?When did you e back?Sing a song “Here es the Train”.Step2.Review:一般将来时的概念、结构、时间状语。1 复习:have, do, go, take, clean, wash.2 Room, clothes, zoo, camera, photos, a good time.3 牵线搭桥:在它们中间搭上合适的词,组成词组:Clean the/ my / your / his / her roomWash the/my/your/his/her clothesGo to the zooTake some photosTake a cameraHave a good timeStep3.Read and fill in the missing words.Step4.Review 2一般过去时的概念、结构、时间状语及人称和数的概念Step5.Read the diary.判断正、误:( ) It was sunny on October 2nd.( ) Li Hong and Chen Ling climbed the mountains in the morning.( ) They went on a raft trip in the afternoon.( ) They sang songs abut the mountains and the stream.( ) They were tired, but they had a good time.语调练习:Page 40Step6.Summary.Step7.Homework:1.复习第三、四单元所学过的知识。2听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。 3.完成活动手册上的练习。

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