2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 13(7)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 13(7)教案 广州版教学目标:1.语言知识目标:(1) 掌握以下单词: elephant; snake; lion; bear; polar bear; throw; thing;(四会) giraffe; deer; photograph; litter.(三会)(2) 懂得运用句式: Dont + verb.2.语言技能:(1) 能正确说出所学的动物名称。(2) 能在实际情景中运用句式“Dont”去劝告别人;能用所学内容讲出并能写出一些环保标语。3. 情感态度目标:渗透人文教育:培养学生爱护动物,保护环境,热爱大自然的环保意识以及人与大自然、人与人和谐共存协调发展的人生态度。教育学生养成良好的生活习惯,遵守各种规章制度,提高学生人格修养。 4.学习策略目标:结合生活中的实际情况,小组表演环保小故事;写环保标语。教学重点:动物名称的拼写;句式Dont + verb .的运用。教学难点:词组throw things at; leave litter 的拼读与理解运用.教学媒体和手段:游戏教学法;情景教学;渗透人文精神;多媒体辅助教学;图片、实物等等。5.文化意识:让学生意识到人与大自然之间,人与人之间应该和谐共存,协调发展。教学过程:StepsTeachers activityPupils activityPurposeLeading-in:1. Chant2. Review the words3. Show the title1 Show them how to chant.2 Show them pictures of animals and get them to spell the words quickly.3. Show the title.1 Look at the screen a n d ch ant together.2 Stand up and spell the words quickly.1 Warming-up;2 Review the words of animals.Pre-task:1. Watch a cartoon learn the new words.2. Play games3. Practice the structure: “Dont”4. Learn the new words: throw, thing , litter5. Learn the sentences on page 61.6. Watch a cartoon.1. Show them a cartoon and ask them questions: What animals can you see? And teach them new words. 2. Lead them to play the guessing game :( 1)” What words do you see how to spell them?”(2) “What animal is missing? Why do they disappear? What do you want to say to the hunters?” Show the structure: Dont 3. Show them pictures and get them to say: Dont”4. Show the pictures and teach and practice the new words.5. Show the pictures and sentences.6. Ask some questions about the cartoon.1. Watch a cartoon and tell the animals names. And learn the new words.2. Try to remember the words quickly and spell out. And tell what animal disappears and tell why.3. Use “Dont”to talk about the pictures.4. Look at the pictures and talk about them and learn the new words.5. Talk about the pictures in the zoo.6. Watch a cartoon and answer the question.1. Learn the new words in an interesting and direct way.2. Play a game to practice memorizing the new words of animals names in a new way. Let them know that the hunters kill the animals are not good and try to say something to them.3. Practice the structure.4. Learn the new words in a set-up situation.5. Learn and practice the sentences on P61.6. Let them know the animals can help each other, so people shouldnt hurt the animals, people should help each other and live and develop harmoniously. While-task:1. Act out their stories.2. Stick the apple cards on the apple tree.Go around and give them some help.1. Discuss about the story about protecting environment and then act out.Write some posters on the apple card. 1 Develop what they learn today.2 Humane educations. Post- task:1 Read aloud the posters and sticks them on the apple tree.2 Assessment1 Give them assessment.2 SummaryRead aloud the sentences and stick them on the apple tree1. Check out.2.Humane education.(人文教育)Homework教学反思:本课时是Module Five Zoo Animals的一部分,主要是以谈论动物为题材,学习新动物名称以及对句型“Dont”的巩固操练与运用,由于学生对本单元出现的单词比较感兴趣,而且他们在低断口语课中所用的教材是大胡子伯伯讲英语这一套教材,该教材里面涉及动物的内容较多,所以学生对动物名称的单词比较熟悉,在听、说、读方面有了很大的优势。因此,我在设计这节课时,并没有设计过多的拼读练习,反而把更多的时间放在拓展“Dont”部分以及突破难点“throw things at”这一词组的拼读以及理解运用。另外,在设计教学过程中我很注重渗透人文教育,这也是本节课中的一个亮点。在英语课堂中,为了能保证有更多的时间去巩固基础知识,比如抓单词、句型操练,语法训练等等,老师们往往忽略了人文教育。即使有时偶尔讲到一些,例如环保教育,学习习惯的养成,性情的培养等等,但毕竟都是蜻蜓点水般一句带过,学生并未能很深刻地去领会其中意义。那么为了更好地渗透人文教育,使学生能真正领悟到人与自然和谐相处这种人文精神,在设计这一课时,我花了很多功夫去斟酌。例如,在复习旧单词以及呈现新单词时,利用动物世界卡通片来呈现,不仅生动有趣,而且能在学生面前展现动物世界;在引入“Dont”句型时,设计猎人打猎的画面,教育学生人类不应该伤害动物;在做任务写环保标语之前,又让学生看一个关于动物世界里他们如何互相帮助的卡通片,再次展现动物之间如何相处的情景;此外,还让学生通过表演环保小品、小故事等等, 通过生动的画面、真实的情景给学生清楚地展现动物间如何相处,人与动物之间该如何相处,从而教育学生爱护生物,保护环境,热爱大自然,从小树立一种“人与大自然和谐共存及发展,人与人之间更加应该和睦相处,协调发展”的人生观。现在已经有不少的文章在谈论关于人文教育在英语课堂教学中的体现,主要观点就是:人文教育就是将人类优秀的文化成果,通过知识传授,环境熏陶,使之内化成为新一代人的人格、修养。而我校英语科组打算在这方面做一些尝试和探索,那我这一节课就是一个尝试探索的开始,希望今后能在这方面取得一定的成效。通过观察学生在这一节课堂上的表现,例如看卡通后回答问题的情况,他们所写的环保标语,特别是课后他们的环保小故事的精彩表演(本来是设计在课堂上完成的,后来时间不足,因此课后再找时间让他们表演,这也是这一节课所留下的遗憾之一。)等等,都能看出学生已经领悟到了人文精神教育,可见,学生不仅学会了本节课的语言知识,而且又能受到更深层的教育,真可谓一举两得。当然每节课都会存在一些不足之处,总会有这样或那样的遗憾。同样,我这一节课也还存在着一些不足。例如,未能很好地顾及中下生,他们在记忆单词还有一些困难,在理解和运用“Dont”方面还不够熟练,拼读还比较困难。此外,由于本人在执教过程中心情紧张,有些教学环节之间衔接方面还欠流畅,有些情景设计的很好却未能充分地利用,等等。“旁观者清”,相信到场听课的老师还能看出一些不足之处,希望大家提出来一起讨论学习。也欢迎没有到场听课的老师在看了我的教学设计和反思之后,给我提出宝贵意见,多多指教。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 13(8)教案 广州版Objectives:1. to build the pupils vocabulary of wild animals systematically2. to engage the learners actively in learning the vocabulary3. to learn vocabulary for zoo activitiesLanguage Focuses:1. words: bear, polar bear, lion, elephant, giraffe, snake2. structure: Dont + verbMaterials Needs:puter, CD-Rom, CAIProcedures:Activity 1: 1. Sing the song “animal sounds” 2. Chant the rhymeActivity 2: CIA: present a picture of a zoo (no animal in the picture) Guess: what animals in it? (Pupils guess)Activity 3: CAI: present a picture of forest (no animals in the picture) Guess: what animals in it? (pupils guess)Activity 4: present the words of animals Animal words learnt before: New words of animals: Other words of animals:Activity 5: learn the new words: bear, polar bear, lion, elephant, giraffe, snakeActivity6: play a game: ask the students to use a dice to decide which word they should readBear1Snake2Lion3Elephant4Polar bear5Giraffe6Activity 7: do the exercise p16 ex.1 Look at the pictures and put the stickers under the animalsActivity 8: CAI: present the pictures on page 61ex.2 and present the sentencesActivity 9: consolidate the language dont + verbActivity 10: do the exercise p16 ex 2 Look at the pictures and put the words under the picturesActivity 11: homework:1. recite and copy the new words2. do the exercise in Activity Book

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