2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B Unit6(3)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B Unit6(3)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1、能掌握日常交际用语Are you free now? Good idea!How do you go to school?2、能听懂、会说、会读E部分内容3、了解辅音字母组合sh在单词中的发音4、会唱歌曲The wheels on the bus重难点:能听懂、会说、会读E部分内容教学过程第一步:学唱G3歌曲T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. 同学们,你们好,今天我们继续学习Unit 6。T: 下面让我们来学一首好听的英文歌曲-The wheels on the bus。T:Read after me, wheels, wheels, 它的意思是轮子。T:Well, lets read the words.(带读歌词)T:Well, lets listen to the song.T: Can you sing it now? 下面就让我们跟着一起唱一遍吧第二步:完成其他各板块教学1、完成G2 Do a surveyT:OK, do you go to school by bus? I dont. I go to school on foot. How do you go to school?(PPT出示G2部分表格) Lets do a survey. 你的同学是怎样去上学的?请你调查下身边的同伴,四人一小组,完成这份表格。 在表格内写下他们的名字,并在正确的选项上打“”T:Are you ready? 2、学习E 部分T: Its Saturday. The students dont go to school. They are free. Where are they going? Lets go and have a look.T: Look at David and Wang Bing. Where are they going? Lets look and listen. T: Where are they going? How do they go there?T:Can you answer? Theyre going to the park.They go there on foot.T:OK. Lets read. (PPT呈现课文内容,边读边解释 Good idea.) 现在请你们来表演。让我们先看个示范、(学生活动)3、学习F部分 T: Look at this girl. Her name is Li Li. Shes a nice girl. Where is she going? Yes. Shes going to the shop. What does she see in the shop? She sees some shoes and shirts in the shop.T: she, shirt, shoe, shopT:sh 的发音 (带读)T:OK. Can you find some other words pronounce / /? Now lets work in groups. and find out.你能找出含有/ /音的单词吗?请同学们分组讨论一下。T: 你们找出的单词真不少,老师也找了一些,让我们来读一读吧。3、学习G1 Look and readT: Look at Ben and his friend,Xiangming. What do they want to do?Oh, they want to play football. Lets go with them. Ben 和小明正在找球时,其他孩子把球踢到了一位老奶奶家的窗户上,玻璃碎了。老奶奶问球是谁的时,小明承认是自己的,但是 他想说什么呢?对,他一定想说不是自己踢的,可是却不知道怎么说好。你们能把他这种矛盾的心里读出来吗?请你们在小组内试着读一读。现在请准备好的小组来表演一下。结束语:同学们,本单元我们学习了有关地点和交通工具的单词,还学习了一些邀请别人外出的句型,请同学们课外认真复习,把它们掌握好。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit7(2)教案 广东版开心一、教学内容与分析:1. Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 6 所学内容的掌握情况。2. Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。3. Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。二、 教学目标:1. 学会本课的八个新单词。( play video games, visit my friend, listen to music, watch TV, ride my scooter ,play cards, make models, read ic books.)2.在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。3.培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。三、 教具准备:本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带。四、 教学过程Step 1 RevisionAsk and answerT: What do you like doing?S1: I likeT: What does she like doing?S2: She likesStep 2 PresentationPractice 1Getting ready Point to picture to picture A. T: What does she like doing?Ss: She likes listening to music. point to picture D. T: What do they like doing?Ss: They like playing cards. Do the same for the other pictures.Using the book Have individual Ss read the four sentences before listening. Lets to the tape. Play the tape for A, then pause. T: What does she like doing?Ss: She likes listening to music. Have Ss write A in the appropriate box. Continue with the rest.Practice 2Getting ready Have Ss look at the questions on the page. T: A. (S1s name), can you read the question?S1: What does she like doing? Ask another three Ss to read the other three questions. Have all Ss practice reading aloud to themselves.Using the book T: Look at A. What does she like doing? Have one student answer. Continue with the rest of the pictures. Have Ss answer truthfully for D. Provide extra vocabulary if needed. Put Ss into pairs and have them practice the Q&A exchanges.Song activityGetting ready Have Ss cover the lyrics with their hands and look at the pictures around the lyrics. Point to the first picture. T: What does he like doing?Ss: He likes making models. Continue with the rest of the pictures. Have Ss uncover the lyrics.Using the book T: Lets read out the sentences. T: Now its time to sing! Lets listen to the tape first. Play the tape and point to each to each word as it is sung. Play the tape again and have Ss practice singing together.Look and writeGetting ready Point to each picture and ask Ss questions. T: Look at Ben. What does he like doing? ( Point to Ben.) Ss: He likes riding his scooter. Continue and encourage individual Ss to ask other students questions about these pictures using the target language.Using the book T: Look at A. (S1s name), can you read the sentence? S1: Gogo likes listening to music. T: Look at Tony. plete the sentence about him. Continue and have Ss write the sentences on the page. Remind Ss to put periods at the end of their sentences. Put Ss into pairs and have them check their answers with each other.Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1. Look, answer and write. P.37.2. Read unit 7 three times.


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