2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module4 Unit11(2)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module4 Unit11(2)教案 广州版一、教学内容分析本课的教学是在完成Unit 10和Unit11课文的教学任务的基础上进行的,学生主要通过读小诗、游戏、竞赛、句型操练、故事追踪等各类学习活动,学习各种职业的职责,相关问题的询问以及回答。二、教学对象分析本课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,学生有一定的语言表达能力,但所积累的词汇、句子都还是非常有限。四年(2)班学生大多数都较活跃,能积极参与课堂活动,富有趣味的教学手段能很好地激发他们的学习兴趣,能充分调动他们学习的积极性,但要注意课堂调控。三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标:词汇:clean up, everything, deliver, letter, serve, food, drinks句型:What do(cleaners) do? They What can do? They can.(二)语言技能:能够询问别人的职业,表达职业的职能。(三)情感态度:让学生了解各种职业在社会中的贡献,教育学生尊重所有劳动者。(四)学习策略:对所学用语和单词能主动练习和实践。四、教学重点有关职业及职能的表达,以及正确运用相关的句型中。五、教学难点1.新单词的理解和掌握。2.与询问非第三人称职业的区别。六、教学策略1.通过以旧引新的学习方法,吸引学生积极学习新知识,具有学习的成功感。2.通过新旧知识的对比学习,更牢固掌握新的知识。七、教学过程StepTeacher activitiesStudents activitiesDesign aimsRevision:1.to tell the students how to play the game “simon says”2.ask the students look at the pictures and review the structure “ What does do? Hes/Shes a .”3. check1. play the games.2. look at the pictures and make the dialogue in pairs.3. make the dialogue one by one.Take part in the warming up activities for interest.Review the structures what they have learn.Presentation1.after the last pair of students ,ask the students look at another picture and try to understand the new structure.2.write down the sentences on the blackboard.3.ask the students look at the pictures and make the dialogue whole class.4.check 5.present the new structure: What cleaners do/ They clean up everything.6. teach the new words and phrases: clean up, everything, deliver, letter, serve, food and drinks. 1. learn the new structure: What do the men do? Theyre cleaners.2.read the sentences on the blackboard.3.look and say4.make the dialogue one by one in train.5.learn the new structure6. look at the pictures and learn the new words.To introduce some vocabulary to talk about duties associated with the helpers jobs.Summing up:Sum up the phrases about what the people do.Open the book and look at the phrases.Understand correctly.Practice1.Ask the students do the exercise on P52 ex. 1Then check it.2. ask the students pare the two structures and finish the exercise.1. Do the exercise.2. do the exercise and then check.To give practice in the two structures.DevelopShow a story and ask the students try to retell the story with pictures and key words.Look and try to understand the story.To encourage in retelling the story.HomeworkCopy the homework八、 板书设计Unit 11 The Fireman Can Help (Work With Language)What do the men do?What do cleaners do? clean upTheyre cleaners.They clean up everything.everythingdeliverletterservefooddrinks附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module4 Unit11教案 广州版Module/Topic模块及话题People Who Help UsUnit 单元Unit 11Title题目The Fireman Can HelpPeriod课时4thType of lesson 课型巩固课Objectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:新单词短语:take care of, housewife.短语:cleans up everything, help us to learn, etc.Sentences句型:Whats his/her job? He/She is a What can he/she do? He/She canDo you? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.2.Language skill语言技能:熟练掌握短语和句型,运用短语和句型进行交际基本目标能综合已学知识读懂描述人物职业的文章并进行仿写拓展目标3.Affect 情感态度:培养学生的阅读兴趣与信心。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:学会与同学合作朗读对话或短文;学习仿写的基本技巧。Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:教学重点:1. 对职业职责短语的熟练上口和交际。 2. 分层次阅读引导学生综合运用所学内容进行阅读,拓展知识面。教学难点:把所学知识综合运用到写作当中。TeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体自制课件Teaching Resource教学资源课外相关的资源,如图片、单词卡等。Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略Purpose设计意图一、Warming up1.Chant.2.ppt 出现Who can? can 出示十组动词短语,提问Who can? 引出动词短语的复习。3.Lets guess. Play a guessing game.教师给个别学生关于职业的单词卡片,让其他学生来猜。Using the sentence“Do you? Yes, I do./No, I dont. ”热身。根据出示句型Who can? 巩固复习动词短语的上口。巩固各职业的职责功能。一个学生拿到单词卡,其他学生用“Do you?”句型来提问,再次操练对短语的巩固。营造轻松的氛围。从Chant引出短语的复习。通过回答Who can? 引出对动词短语的复习,并通过齐问到小组问来巩固动词短语。学会用句型来操练短语,在游戏中让学生操练所学动词短语的内容,进一步掌握。二、Before reading三、While reading四、Post reading1.Pair work: 出示四幅图片,让学生用Whats his/her job? He/She is a What can he/she do? He/She can句型来进行简短的小对话,图片的内容为下面的阅读做好铺垫。2.Present a picture of Mrs. Webb 出示Mrs. Webb 的图片,介绍Mrs. Webb.同时提出问题:Whats Mrs.Webbs job?3.Listen and tick. 学生听对话录音,选择听到内容中有哪些“What can Mrs Webb do?”听到的内容在练习题后面的括号打勾。 对问题答案的过程中引出新词组take care of的学习。1. Read out the dialogue in pairs. 同桌合作朗读对话,带着Whats Mrs Webbs job? 这个问题,通读全文,最后找出答案。She is a housewife. 引出新单词housewife.2. 说明本阅读材料的dialogue来自Mr. Webb和他朋友的对话,出示另外一篇Janet 写的关于自己妈妈的文章。后半部分有些挖空,让学生集体或个人完成blank filling。1. Write a passage about your mother. 用刚才填好空的文章为材料作为范文提供给学生,设置表格帮学生归纳外貌、性格、职业、职责、在家干的事情等栏目的词汇。让学生通过对词汇总概,写出一篇关于自己妈妈的小短文。2. 展示学生的习作,并做出适当的修正以及指导。学生综合运用复习巩固内容,配合已学句型,完成小对话,运用所学知识与交际当中。关注出示Mrs. Webb的图片,思考问题。听对话找出相对应练习中Mrs.Webb能做的事情。初步从听力中感知阅读材料。学习新词组take care of.学生同桌阅读短文,找出问题的答案。学习新单词housewife.通过同桌阅读初步掌握阅读材料的内容,完成文章后半部分的blank filling.根据老师提供的表格里的词汇和范文,尝试仿写文章,仿写自己的妈妈。检查学生小短文的完成情况,对其小短文的写作进行评价。检查学生对职业职责的掌握情况,并通过实际的交际对话,让学生充分运用所学内容。为下面的阅读做好铺垫。设置问题为下面的听力做好准备。锻炼学生的听辨能力,学会通过听,获取一些大概信息。通过合作阅读,解决问题。提高学生的合作能力。通过文章的整合,更好更深入地了解Mrs.Webb作为housewife每天干的工作。通过写,提高学生的综合运用能力,帮助学生如何学会归纳总结,并综合运用所学知识。检查是否能将所学知识 运用到自己的仿写中去。HomeworkRead the passage to your mother.把你写的短文读给妈妈听。Write a new passage about a person you like.写一篇介绍你喜欢的人的短文。Evaluation& Reflection教学评估及反思


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