2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 第一课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 第一课时教案 苏教牛津版单元简析:本单元的主要教学内容是学习there be结构的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语等句型,用How many are there ? 句型来谈论“学校及游乐设施”。在教学过程中,教师可以运 用实际场景从复习there be的陈述句开始,然后引出本单元的一般疑问句和特殊提问句及其答语。教学中教师要注意any 的用法。单元教学要求:1能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词day, all, a readingroom ,sure, floor, a garden, a house, a flower 。2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Is there a/an? Yes,there is./ No, there isnt. Are there any ? Yes, there are./ No,There arent. How many are there ? Theres / There are3能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型 Glad to seeyou . Im not sure. Its on the first floor. Lets go and see. LetsGo and have a look.4了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。5会唱英语歌曲Two jackets。单元教学重难点:1能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词day, all, a readingroom ,sure, floor, a garden, a house, a flower 。2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Is there a/an? Yes,there is./ No, there isnt. Are there any ? Yes, there are./ No,There arent. How many are there ? Theres / There are单元教学安排: 本单元共计六课时。第一课时学习A部分Read and say。第二课时学习B部分Look, read and learn 。第三课时学习C部分Ask and answer。第四课时学习D部分Work in pairs。第五课时学习E、F、G、H部分。第六课时复习及完成本单元练习册内容。The First Period (第一课时)一、教学内容:5A第一单元A部分Read and say二、教学目标: 1三会掌握单词first,a term,each other,glad,a building, a sports hall,table tennis,second。2四会掌握单词day,a reading room ,all,sure,floor。3三会掌握日常交际用语Glad to meet you. Im not sure.It is on the floor. Lets go and see. Lets go and have a look. 4熟练朗读并能初步表演对话内容。三、教学重、难点:1四会掌握单词day,a reading room ,all,sure,floor。2熟练朗读并能初步表演对话内容。四、课前准备:1事先板书好课题Unit 1 The first day at school 2教学图片和卡片。3磁带和录音机。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up 1打开课本,理解歌曲, 听英语歌曲Two jackets。 2师生课前自由会话,引出Glad to meet you。Step2 Revision 1教师出示4B第八单元的图片,结合已学过的有关词语 复习There is/ are句型。There is a library in our school. There is a blackboard in our classroom.鼓励学生用所复习的句型说话。 Step3 Presentation 1教师出示a reading room的图片,用There is的句型引 出a reading room 和 floor。There is a reading roomin our school. Where is it?Its on the first floor. 2教师出示课文图片,师生问答引出三会单词和There be 的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句:Look!This is a new building. Is there a reading room init?Yes,it is. How many reading room?Im not sure. Lets go and see There are two. (a table tennis room等方法同上)Step 4 Practice 1学生合上书本听录音,整体感知对话内容。 2学生打开书本,听录音跟读模仿。 3分小组活动,在小组内表演对话。 4请三至四名学生到台前表演对话。Step5 Consolidation 教师可将学校平面图发放给学生,学生分组讨论,以介绍校园为主题进行对话练习。Step 6 Assign homework1听录音朗读并表演对话。 2以口语小组为单位,课后自由交谈学校情况和布局,口语 组长检查。六、板书设计: Unit 1 The first day at schoolA Read and say(挂图) Im not sure. Its on thefloor. Lets go and see. Lets go and have a look.七、教后记:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 第三课时教案 苏教牛津版 The Third Period (第三教时)一、教学内容:5A 第一单元C部分Ask and answer二、教学目标: 1复习本单元所学的词汇。2四会掌握句型Is there ain the ?Are there anyin the ? 及其答语。三、教学重、难点:1四会掌握句型Is there ain the ?Are there anyin the ? 及其答语。2正确灵活使用本单元所学的句型。四、课前准备:1一幅楼层示意图。2C部分的挂图。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1听录音,分句学唱英文歌曲Two jackets。2师生课前自由会话。Step 2 Revision1出示课前准备好的楼层示意图,师生交谈谈论图上设施的名称。Whats on the second floor?There is a puter room. Is there a reading room on the first floor? Yes,there is. Are there any table tennis rooms on the first floor? No,there arent.Step 3 Presentation and practice 1教师引导学生根据上述内容做扩充练习。 2教师出示本部分内容的挂图,师生问答: T:Is there a sports hall in our school? S:Yes,there is. T:Are there any English books in the shelf? S:No,there arent. 3学生同桌操练。 4教师提供其他情景让学生进行练习。Step 4 Consolidation1Magic eyes game(“魔力眼”游戏) 教师出示一地点,让学生根据这个地点特征,猜出这个 地点有什么。猜中着奖励。 如: Is there a basketball in the playground? Are there any apples in the basket?Step 5 Assign homework 1课后用所学句型自由交际。 2抄写本课所学的四会句型四遍。 3继续学唱英文歌曲Two jackets。六、板书设计: Unit 1 The first day at school C Ask and answer(图片) Is there in the? Yes,there is./ No,there isnt. Are there anyin the ? Yes,there are./ No,there arent.七、教后记:


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