2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 3(2)教学反思 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 3(2)教学反思 沪教牛津版为了这节英语课,我提前很久就开始学习了。英语课堂教学模式,教学内容的设计,老师的课堂用语都是我需要强化的。为此,我每次听其他老师的课时都十分留心,学习她们上课时是怎样做的:从开始的问候,接着利用sing或者chant活跃课堂,激发学生学习兴趣,课前的知识复习与新学知识的联系,新单词的引入、学习、记忆、运用,句型的练习、学生的对话表演,到最后的练习巩固一系列的教学过程都需要我好好地揣摩。这些形式还好学,关键是我的英语单词发音像是个难攻的堡垒,教师的课堂用语,指令性的语言要想课堂上能顺手拈来真不是件易事!辛辛苦苦准备,再把这节课顺顺当当上完后,自我感觉还可以,紧接着听了小陈老师的课后,顿时泄气!差异就是那么明明白白摆在眼前!我的这节课只能说是完成了既定的教学目标,教学内容的安排还算合理。但是很多教学技巧和细节还需磨练!开始的歌曲选择上,我就显得经验缺乏,歌曲太冗长,没让学生动起来,课堂气氛就显得不够活跃。课堂教学中,我也忽视了学生学习的愉悦性,没有英语儿歌的学习。在新单词的学习中,我借鉴了一些老师的方法,在区别单词复数的发音,学生练习的还不够,我只是一带而过,相比较小陈老师的方法,我的就显得形式单调,学生记忆没有那么深刻了。我在教学设计时,创设了很多学生能够自我表现,直接交流对话的机会,在实际教学中我创设条件让学生多说多练,鼓励学生用“I like .I dont like”的表达自己的喜好,用“Do you like?”的问句让学生相互交流。虽然英语课凸显出许多问题,但是也让我学到不少,例如英语儿歌在课堂教学中的运用,学生的动作,很能够调动课堂气氛,激发学生学习积极性。课堂中学习形式要新颖,又能便于学生知识的掌握,开展多种形式的活动,多样操练,例如谜语,表演等就使教学显得精彩、灵活、更见成效。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 3 Uint 1 Colours教案 沪教牛津版eaching Aims:1.Teaching the new words: rainbow, purple, violet 2. To teach the new sentences: Look at the rainbow in the sky.Emotion aims: 培养学生欣赏美好事物的情感Difficult teaching points: colours: purple, violet, red, orange, green, blueTeaching aids: pictures, colour cards, cassette and a cassette player, crayonsTeaching Process:Step One: warming-up1. sing a song2. Daily talk3. Ask and answer: Whos he? Hes Whos she? Shes What is it? It is Who are they? Theyre Step Two: Revision1. Read the colour cards: red ,yellow, blue, orange, pink2. Ask and answer: What colour is it? Its What colour are they? TheyreStep Three: Presentation1. To teach the new words: purple, violet(1) show the colour cards: red and blue(2) red + blue = ?(3) show the colour card: purpleT: What colour is it? Is it red? No. Its purple.purple read it after the teachermake phrases& ask and answer(4) show the colour card: violet(5) Is it purple? No. What colour is it? Its violet.violet read it after the teacher2. To teach the “rainbow”(1) Draw a rainbow on the blackboard, then ask: what is it? Its the rainbow.rainbow=rain bowWhats the meaning of “bow”?(2) Wheres the rainbow? In the sky.(3) Add a blank beside the rainbow. Ask students to find the word for it in their books while listening to the cassette. (For less able students, write the letter r for them as a clue)What colour is the rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and violet.3. Play the cassette. Students listen.4. Invite the students to fill in the blank,5. Play the cassette again. Students sin along.6. Ask the students to draw a rainbow on their own paper and colour it use the crayons. Play the cassette for the third time.Step Four: Sing a song Act out this song.Step Five: Look and tick1.Ask students to look at eh picture on page 29 of the book and tick the colour boxes. 2. Students to check answers.Step Five: Consolidation1. Read “the rainbow”2. Students discuss the colour of the objects around them. Students use: What colour is it? to elicit Its in the discuss3. form every two pairs of students into a group. Encourage students to ask: What colour is your? To elicit: Its or Its andStep Six: Homework1. Listen to the tape2. Sing a song 课堂上要尽量激发学生的英语学习爱好,例如教材里有一首歌唱“彩虹”的歌谣,第一次我请七个同学每人画一种颜色,边画边用英语说彩虹的名称,假如说错了就叫这个同学唱一首英语歌曲。第二次上课时,我又叫七个同学穿成像彩虹一样的颜色,站在黑板的前面,其他同学跟随录音机唱彩虹之歌,等学生唱熟了这首歌曲,我就叫七个同学唱和自己的衣服颜色相关的英语句子,其他同学则跟唱,这样的课堂学生很难忘记,学生很快学会了用英语表达七种颜色。学生在有节奏的歌谣中体验语言,在愉快的活动中把握语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学,从而为培养他们用英语交流打下良好的基础。Period TwoTeaching Aims: 1. Words: sea, mountain2. Ask and answer:What colour is the_? Its _. What colour are the_? Theyre_.Emotion aims: 培养学生对大自然的热爱Difficult teaching points: What colour are TheyreandTeaching aids: pictures, colour cards, cassette and a cassette playerTeaching Process:Step One: Warming up1. Sing a song2. Listen and choose: ( Look at the picture above, then choose the colours.)Step Two: Revision1. Read the colours: red, green, grey2. Drills: Whats this? Its a _. What colour is it? Its _What are they? Theyre_. Whos he/she? Hes/Shes_.Step Three: Presentation1. Teaching “mountain, sea”(1)T: Draw a mountain on the board. Look at the picture. Whats this? Oh, its a mountain.Write “mountain” on the board.(2)Say after the teacher(3)Colour the mountain and say: This is a mountain. I like the mountain. The mountain is green. The mountain is nice.(4)The same way: sea2. Draw the picture on the board. Add a blank beside each object. Ask the students to find the correct word and fill in the blanks.3. Play the cassette. Students listen .4. Point to the picture on the board. Ask :What colour is / are the ?Students answer by looking at the picture in the book. Colour that object on the board with a piece of coloured chalk.(1)Point to the pictureT: Whats this? P: Its a mountain.T: What colour is the mountain? P: Its green.T: What colour are the clouds? Theyre grey and white.(2)Play the cassette again. Students repeat.(3)Invite a few students to e to the board. Encourage them to ask any classmate: What colour is/are the? To elicit:Its/TheyreStep Four: Ask and answer 1. Students work in pairs to discuss the picture. Students take turns to ask another the colour of all the objects on the picture. Students ask: What colour is/are ? To elitic: Its/Theyre 2. Studens work in groups to discuss the objects around them. Ask and answers.Step Four: Consolidation1. Workbook page17(exercise2)(1) plete the exercise with the class orally(2) Students fill in the blanks(3) Students work in pairs to check answers by asking and answering.2. Workbook page 18(1) Review the words given by asking students to draw them on the board.(2) Fill in the blanks and colour the picture.(3) Students work in groups to check the answer.3. Grammar Practice Book P30: Look , write and colourStep Four: Homework1. Listen to the tape2. Draw their own pictures and colour it. Ask and answer 在教案设计中我主要突出激发学生的学习动机和爱好为宗旨,从小学生的角度考虑问题。基础教育最重要的是教会学生学习,尽量在课堂上开发学生的自主学习、合作交流、合作探究的能力,发展学习策略,培养创新能力。Period ThreeTeaching aims: 1.words: blouse, T-shirt, shirt 2. New sentences: He has . She has . 3. Ask and answer: Who is he? Hes Who is she? Shes4. Learn the sound: /D /Emotion aims: 培养学生仔细观察的良好习惯Difficult teaching points: He has She hasTeaching aids: pictures, paper, crayons, cassette and a cassette playerTeaching Process:Step One: Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Listen and act3. Daily talkStep Two: Revision Ask and answer:What colour is the? Its What colour are the ? Theyre Step Three: Presentation1.( Show a picture of dress)(1)T: Look, this is a dress. Its very nice. I like it very much. Have yougot a dress?dress say it after the teacher (2)Make some phrases eg. a red dress a red and yellow dress(3)Make some sentences with “dress” e.g. This is a dress. My dress is red. I have a dress. (4)Introduce: blouse, T-shirt, shirt (5)Say the words togeter2.Read and guess(1)T: (Point to one girl) Have you a dress? S1:Yes.T: What colour is it? S1: It is red and white.T: She has a dress. She has a red and white dress.(2)T: (Point to one boy) Have you a T-shirt? S2: Yes.T: What colour is it? S2: It is blue and purple.T: He has not a dress. He has a T-shirt. He has a blue and purple T-shirt. (3)Work in pairs. (4) Play the cassette. Students listen. (5) Guess: She has a Who is she? Shes He has a Who is he ? Hes (6) Tell students that they are going to prepare for a childrens fashion show. Divide students into groups. Ask students to draw the clothes and colour them, then cut them out. Put the colthes on the paper boy or girl. Encourage students to introduce their model by saying:This is She/He has a 3. Learn the soundStep Four: Consolidation 1. Encourage students draw new models and design new clothes for the fashion show. Introduce their own models. 2. Introduce: My mother has My father has 3. Ask students to draw their friend on the paper. Ask students to puttheir friends name in the first sentence and describe their friends clothes in the second sentence.Step Five: Homework 1. Copy the new words: dress, blouse, T-shirt, shirt 2. Divide students into groups. Ask them to use the pictures or magazines. Provide each group with cards and paper 3. Write a few sentences to describe the clothes. 在小学英语教学的课堂上要培养学生自主学习和运用语言去做事的能力,力求用简单生动、通俗易懂的方式来完成教学,鼓励他们多积极表演,在课堂上大胆开口进行交流,发掘他们身上的潜能,引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习,增强他们自我评价的意识,以利于学生终身学习和发展

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