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2019-2020年一年级英语阶段考查试卷、听力部分56%一、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图片)10%1.2. 医生 护士 蜜蜂 蝴蝶3. 4.消防员 送牛奶工人 兄弟 姐妹5.6. 黑色 兰色 两只鸟 三只兔子7. 8.左 右 连衣裙 鞋子9. 10. 画画 折纸 气球 礼物二、isten and tick.(听录音,勾出你所听到的单词或词组)6% 1. write sing 2. sweets shoes 3. uncle aunt 4. yellow brown 5. four big birds five little birds 6. make the kite colour the kite三、Listen and number.(按听到的顺序,给下列图片用1、2、3编号)9% 1. 2. 折纸 跳 唱 二只蝴蝶 三只蝴蝶 四只蝴蝶 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 方向盘 信 书( ) ( ) ( )四、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片与听到的句子内容是否一致,相符的用表示,不相符的用 表示)5% 1. 2. 3. 拱手互贺新年 一位邮递员 六个风筝4.5. 头戴熊头饰的男孩 试穿鞋子五、Listen and colour.(听录音,给图片涂上相应的颜色)5%一幅图片,图中有一只狗、一只鸟、一棵树、一朵花、一个风筝。六、Listen and match.(听录音,把人物和物品连线)5% 1. 男孩 枪 2. 警察 风筝 3. 鸟 小汽车 4. 驾驶员 猫5.女孩 新年贺卡、笔试部分30%一、Copy the words and phases.(正确抄写下列单词和词组)8%frog little very high二、Look, read and circle.(看图圈出正确的单词)8% 1. 2. 3. 4. 西瓜 鸟 叔叔 七 lemon bee aunt six melon bird uncle seven 5. 6. 7. 8. 棕色 球 送牛奶男工 老人 brown ball milkman old blue balloon milkwoman young三、Read and circle.(圈出不同类的单词)5% 1. pear lemon leaf apple 2. doll tall ball balloon 3. ten seven eight red 4. pink butterfly frog dog 5. old new bird short四、Look and choose.(看图片,选择与图片意思相一致的句子,圈编号)5% 1. 2. 新年贺卡 A. Happy New Year. 男孩吃香蕉 A. I like the apple. B. Happy birthday. B. I like the banana. 3. 4. 买连衣裙 A. Try your new dress. 男矮女高 A. Hes tall. Shes short. B. Try your new shoes. B. Hes short. Shes tall.5. 八个风筝 A. What do you see? Eight kites. B. What do you see? Seven kites.五、Look and choose.(看句子,选择正确的图片)4% 1. I am a policeman. 2. Is she tall? No, she is short. A男警察 B。女警察 A。男矮女高 B。男高女矮3. What colour is it? 4. Draw a picture. Its pink. A红气球 B。粉红气球 A。画画 B。看书听力内容:一、听录音,圈出正确的图片1. doctor 2. butterful 3. fireman 4. sister 5. blue 6. two birds 7. right8. dress 9. fold 4. present二、听录音,勾出你所听到的单词或词组1. sing 2. shoes 3. uncle 4. brown 5. five little birds 6. make the kite三、按听到的顺序,给下列图片用1、2、3编号1. sing jump fold 2. three four two 3. driver teacher postman四、听录音,判断下列图片与听到的句子内容是否一致,相符的用笑脸表示,不相符的用哭脸表示1. Happy birthday to you. Thank you.2. Is he a fireman? No, he is a fireman.3. Look. How many kites? Seven.4. I am a rabbit.5. Try your new shoes.五、听录音,给图片涂上相应的颜色1. Look, this is a tree. Its green.2. What colour is the flower? Its pink.3. I like the dog. Its brown.4. The bird is flying. Its a yellow bird.5. I see a kite in the sky. Its red.六、听录音,把人物和物品连线1. Im Mike. Im a boy. I can make a new year card.2. I am a policeman. Ive got a gun.3. Im a bird. Im flying very high. I can see a kite in the sky.4. He is a driver. He can drive a car.5. I am a girl. I see a cat.附送:2019-2020年一年级英语(1B)口语测试(学生卷)一、请你按顺序背诵26个字母。(13分)二、请你仔细看看下面的图片,说出他们的英语表达。(20分)1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 三、仔细听老师读句子,看看下面哪张图片跟老师读的内容是相符,请你指给老师看,好吗? (5分)a. b. c. d. e. 四、请你与老师用英语来对话,相信你一定可以的。(7分)4. 5. 五、这学期我们学了一些英文歌谣和歌曲,聪明的你一定都学会了吧,请你选一首唱给我听听,好吗?(5分)

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