2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 18(3)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 18(3)教案 冀教版Teaching objectives:1.使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool2.教育学生要养成热爱运动的好习惯3.学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识Teaching focal points:使学生能听、说、读和写词汇:swim ,swimsuit ,swimming pool Teaching difficulty points:学生会用英语表达有关游泳的一些简单常识Teaching preparation:tape recorder and tape, CAITeaching steps:一.游戏“你做我猜”复习swim ,duck ,fish ,river ,sandals ,lake等在课堂中将要用到的单词。二.播放课件,学习第一部分 1,提出问题:Whats Jenny doing?引导学生回答:Shes swimming. T: Can you swim? s: I can swim ./I cant swim. T:(show cards) Can chicken swim? What else can swim? 2, 学习swimsuit a,猜卡片游戏复习衣物类单词。引出swimsuit. b,提问:What do you wear to swim? What else ? 3,学习swimming pool Do you want to swim? OK, lets go to the swimming pool? 引出swimming pool. Do you know , where is the swimming pool? 引导学生回答哪些地方有游泳池。 引导学生运用句型:Lets go to the swimming pool to swim!邀请好朋友去游泳 Where else can you swim?化用句型:Lets go to the lake/river to swim. 三、学习短文 提出问题:Do you like swimming? Does Danny like to swim? Can Danny swim? 小组合作学习课文。 分层选择学习: A. 能流利朗读课文 B. 能流利朗读文中对话 C。能读出大部分单词 回答问题:1.Can Jenny swim? 2.What does Danny wear to swim? 3.What does Jenny wear to swim? 4.Can Danny swim? Why?Blackboard show: Lesson 18 Lets Go Swimming!Swim swimsuit swimming poolExercises:一 将下列动词转换成名词:例 skip skipping rope swim _ play _ run_二 回答问题: 1 Can you swim? 2 What do you wear to swim? 3 Where can you swim?附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 19(2)教案 冀教版一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand and say the difference between past-tense, present-tense and present-continuous tense.3.Student can understand read say and follow the following words and drill: cloud, sky, lie and It looks like _.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogue.The difficult point: three tenses.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps:Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an English song. Step 2. RevisionReview “flowers” “leaves” and “grass” with a drill (Use pictures and vocabulary cards)Step 3.Key concepts:It looks like_.cloud , sky , lie 1.Introduce:a.Demonstrate “cloud” and “sky” by pointing out the window of the classroom.b. Draw quick pictures of clouds on the BB. Mark the clouds look like something. Say phrases such as: I am drawing a cloud on the BB. Look! This cloud looks like something. What does it look like? It looks like a _.c.Use a puppet to introduce the word “lie”. Draw quick pictures of a bed and some grass on the BB. 2.Student book :a. The Ss may be familiar with other words in the lesson, including “fly” “kite” and “bird”. b. Review the vocabulary by asking the Ss: What flies in the lesson?c.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3.Practice: a. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about lying on the grass and looking at clouds in the sky.b. Play “Go fish” with the Ss cards for the following cards: cloud, sky, flowers, leaves, grass, snow, ice, rain, sun and wind.六.Students activity:1.Daily dialogue with each other.2.Question and answer drill.3.Draw quick pictures.4.Imitation.5.Group work to practice the dialogue.6.Play “Go fish.”七.Blackboard:Lesson 19Lets go to the park!Cloud sky lieIt look like a _.

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