2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 12(2)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 12(2)教案 闽教版教学目标:1、知识目标:能听懂会说本课的对话内容,并能灵活运用Are you.? Yes, I am. No,I am not. 2、能力目标:通过创设情境,使学生能运用所学语言,培养学生初步的口语表达能力,做到学以致用.通过竞赛、游戏等活动,激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。3.情感目标努力创造一种和谐,平等,宽松,幽默的课堂气氛,让学生感到这种交流是伙伴间无隔阂的交流培养学生乐于为别人提供帮助,能够正确地使用礼貌用语等,并逐步形成乐于并善于与人交往的素质。教学重、难点. 灵活运用Are you.? Yes, I am. No,I am not. 大小写字母Oo Pp Qq的认读与书写课前准备:1.教学卡片 2.多媒体课件 3.实物等 教学程序:一.热身活动.1.Greetings.2.Sing the songs. A. The Morning Song B.Ten Little Baby Ducks3.Chants二. 呈现新课1.复习数字1-11。叫学生从1-11, 11-1,全班练习、小组练习、男女生分开练习,数数字游戏等,培养学生的灵活思维能力。然后教师呈现课题Lesson 12带读。 2.教师创设一个小情景,(教师被一书包拌倒,打开看是英文名叫Jane的学生的书包,因不知英文名叫Jane的学生是谁,于是用Are you ?寻找失主.)引出句型 Are you ? Yes, I am. No,I am not3.学生两两,横排、竖排,小组操练,并进行两两对话和组与组竞赛。4.做Are you ? Yes, I am. No,I am not练习(做两组猜人游戏)5.教师出示father.mother.brother.sister.的图片,对表示家庭成员的单词进行复习。6. 复习所学的一般疑问句以及肯定和否定回答。通过观看本课文的小动物找兄弟姐妹的四小段教学课件,让学生增强对英语的兴趣.同时教师给学生讲一些科普知识,进行一些学科的渗透。(如:图1 小蝌蚪问还有小尾巴的小青蛙是不是它们的哥哥。小青蛙说:“是的。”这里教师要向同学们讲解小蝌蚪会慢慢地长出四条腿,接着尾巴会渐渐地消失,长成青蛙。图2小鱼问小蝌蚪是不是它们的妹妹,小蝌蚪说:“不是。”教师要向同学们讲解小蝌蚪不是鱼等科普知识)7. 让学生有表情地跟读课文,然后两两、组与组一问一答操练。8. 做P56听音标号练习,听两遍录音,学生做完后,集体订正。三.学习字母1.全班学生认读字母AaNn.进行字母的复习.2.电脑出示易错的字母1)C D 2)b d 3)F E 4)a f 5)B A 6)e c 7) G C 8) h g 9) D B 让学生做判别易错字母练习. 3.教师手拿桔子、猪、皇后的图片,教学orange,pig,queen,引出字母Oo Pp Qq,认识 O o, P p, Q q印刷体大小写.4.四线三格学习字母O o, P p, Q q的书写体,教师自编打油诗,(如:Boys and girls.大O和小o,他们两个有区别,大写的O占二格,小写的o占一格,大家大家别混了。)让学生更快,更准确地记牢字母5.请三位同学上台书写.其他同学在练习本上练习.老师讲评.6. 做找brother,sister的字母游戏.(把大写字母O P Q和小写字母o p q当作是一对对brothers and sisters,让学生用句型Are you ? Yes, I am. No,I am not来寻找O P Q的兄弟姐妹。这样既复习了本课的重点字母O o, P p, Q q,句型Are you ?又能让学生学以致用。四.复习总结,复习总结今天上课的内容, 鼓励学生做到学以致用.五.布置家庭作业Homework 1.听录音,读课文.2.抄写练习册32附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 6 第31-36课时教案 人教新起点课题UNIT 6 My Clothes课型new 目的要求Knowledge Target: Learn to say new words,sentences . Technique Target: Use the sentences in this lesson .Emotion Target: To let the students find out beauty.重点难点To listen and say the words and some sentences.To read and write letters, spell the words.教学方法 TPR Game munication Audio-visual课时分配Sixlessons拟用教具 pictures tape-recorder板书设计 教学过程UNIT 6clothes cap scarfvest gloves jeanssneakers wearDo you have a ?What colour is it?What do you wear in?I wear in Lesson 31 & 32.Warmer.Sing a song.Teach new knowledge.A. Look, listen and match.1.Teacher shows the picture of clothesand asks the students what it is.2.Students answer in Chinese.3.Teacher approves the answer and teach “classroom” for several times.4.Let students read the word one by one/by groups/in pairs. 5.Listen to the tape then match it.B. Ask and answer.1.Students make dialogue by them- selves.2.Ask and answer between teacher and students.3. Call volunteers to show in front of the class.C. Read and write. A. Listen, circle and say.1.Listen to the tape.2.Circle the pictures together.B. Think, link and talk. 1.Call little teacher to teach. 2.Ask and between students.C. Lets read and write together.Consolidate practicing.Play the game of “Where is?”.Homework. 1. Listen to the tape and follow it. 2.Copy the words.To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classmunicationTeachingLearn togetherGame教学过程教学过程 Lesson 33.Warmer. Say a chant. Teach new knowledge.A. Find and say.1.Look at the pictures carefully.2.Discuss in groups then write the numbers.3.Ask and answer.B. Lets talk.1.Call little teacher to teach. 2.Ask and between students.C. Draw and say. 1. Call little teacher to teach.2. Draw and say in pairs then show.D. Read and write.Consolidate practicing. Read the sentences by the way of “Train Train Go”.Homework. Listen to the tape and follow it. Lesson 34 & 35.Warmer. Sing a song. Teach new knowledge. A. Lets chant.1.Listen to the tape and look at the book for several times. 2.Try to follow the tape. B. Lets match.1.Call litter teacher to teach.2.Match together.C. Lets read and write together.1.Try to fill in the blank by themselves.2.Call students to read the result.D. Lets chant.Fun Time1.Let the students guess the meaning of the story.2.Teacher explains each sentences to the students.3.Students read follow the teacher.4.Look at the PowerPoint.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Read the story.Lesson 36.Warmer. Say the chant. Teach new knowledge.A. Look, listen and number. 1.Look at the pictures and get some information.2. Listen to the tape and number them. B. Lets talk.1.Call little teacher to teach. 2.Talk about other situations. C. Find and write the words. D. Read and draw. 1.Read the sentences first. 2.Draw the pictures.Consolidate practicing.Homework. Do exercises book. To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunicationGameTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togetherAudio-visualTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn together


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