2019-2020年二年级英语下 Unit 9(5)册教学实录 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下 Unit 9(5)册教学实录 北师大版教学目的:1.理解How many?的句型的意思,学习课文故事的同时掌握句型;2.能根据故事大意朗读对话,会用There are 进行回答。3.培养学生的朗读语气,能模仿录音变换语气读对话。教学重点:能用How many?进行问答,学习课文内容掌握How many eggs中复数的问法。教学难点:能对How many?的句型做出回答There are教学准备:录音机、评价花园图、调查表、单词卡片教学过程:一、 歌曲导入师:Lets sing the counting song.Ten little Indians 师带领同学边唱歌曲边用手指表示出相应的数字,便于学生记。二、 布置任务师:I have a garden,but have not some flowers,can you help me ?你能帮我把这个花园种上漂亮的小红花吗?哪个组表现出色,老师就把花交给你们来栽培。师发花园图给各组学生三、 区分单复数1.示钢笔单词卡片指生读:a pen再放一个,问:How many?引导生回答:Two pencils,强调pen 的后面“/z/”的音2.继续用单词练读Bagcarbananafrog四、 复习句型How manyare there?There are1.板画师:Look,whats this?生:A bird.师:画完三个bird.问:How many birds are there?放慢速度.我们用how many 来询问数量,领读:How many birds?再出示完整的句子:How many birds are there?引导生回答:Three birds.指生问,全班回答.2.板画问:What is this?生:A flower.领生说:Two flowers ten flowers.师问:How many flower are there?生:Ten flowers指生问:全班回答3.板画指生问:How many eggs are there?师答:There are five eggs师生互相回答4.滚动复习师:谁再来问问这幅图?指生问,及回答在小组中互相问答五.游戏Lets play a game 当个小考官老师先来做一次,看到这幅图,你得先说出他是什么?师范读:strawberry 再出现这幅图时,能考大家:How many strawberries are there?你就是个小考官了,然后就可以指定词语回答,答对的发他一朵小红花依次指同学汇报他们小组的花朵数量 用How many 来问,每个小组都问到。六、学习课文1.过渡:我想知道我的花园被你们布置得怎样了?师依次走到各组,问:How many flowers are there?2.学习单词:big、small师:You can help me .Im very happy. But these flower are small, I have a big one. Do you know what does small ?/big means?指生读:big small 师:a big /small flower再画一棵小树,介绍Its a small tree .然后对比画一棵大树Its a big tree.3.讲故事:(1)教师张贴挂图师look at the picture,在一个阳光明媚的日子里,Lulu和Mocky来到了小溪边,这里的景色可美了,Mocky 看到了几只小鸟停在树上,他也想让Lulu看,于是说look, Lulu, birds .Lulu抬头一看,问Mocky: How many birds are there?(2)让学生按老师的方法介绍其他几幅图.边读英文边给大家讲第三幅图.4.幅,Mocky一不小心丛树上摔了下来,他大叫着:Help! Lulu, help!5.幅:Mocky欣喜的发现了什么?他会说什么6.听录音,学习课文(1)听录音,全班跟读(2)听录音,指生跟读(3)听录音,分角色朗读七、总结评价1.过渡:不知我的花园被各个小组布置得怎样了,看这张表,左边是小组标号,右边让你填出相应组的花的数量,由组员拿自己的图表用How many flowers are there?用There are2.师总结各组情况附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit7 Is it a pear教案 北师大版教学目标 知识目标:Whats this / that? Its a / an . Is it a / an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 能力目标:Listen and talk. 情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。 教学重难点:Asking and answering question about single objects 教学过程: 1.Review and learn.Review some of the English expressions in Units 2 and 3.A: What do we say when we want someone to e with us? B: What do we say when we are surprised or frightened or worried?C: What is Ken feeling when Mocky falls down in the story of Page 27 of Book One? Elicit similar expressions in Chinese for the Questions A-C and have Ss say“e on!” “Oh no!” “Oh! Poor Mocky.” with appropriate gestures or expressions as you do so.2. Model and learn the dialog.Ask Ss what they say when they see something exciting or amazing.Tell them, “In English, we can say Wow!” Have Ss repeat the word a few times with expression their faces.Ask Ss what they say when they taste something very really delicious.Tell them, “In English, we can say Oooh, yum!” Have Ss repeat the words a few times with expression their faces.Ask Ss what they say when they taste something very unpleasant.Tell them, “In English, we can say Yuk!” Allow Ss repeat the word a few times with expression their faces. Practice the expressions Oooh, yum! Yuk! Wow! By asking some questions.3. Talk about the story.Have Ss open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1: Where are Mocky and Lulu?Picture 2: Who has a stall there? What does she sell?Picture 3: What does Lulu taste first? Does she like it?Picture 4: What does she taste next?Picture 5: What is the little fruit?Picture 6/7: What does Lulu try now?Picture 8: Does she like it?4. Listen and repeat the story.Play the tape once without stopping.Play the again, pausing after each picture. Have Ss repeat each sentence after hearing it on the page.Divide the class into two groups. One group will be Mocky, the other group will be Lulu.Play the tape again. Stop the tape after each sentence. Have each group repeat the dialog for their character. Then the groups change roles.5. Set homework.Remind the Ss to practice the new English expressions at home.“ Oooh, yum! Yuk! Wow!”6. 教学后记: Lesson 2教学目标 知识目标:Whats this/that? Its a . Is it a ? 能力目标:Listen, say and sing. 情感目标:在歌曲中激发学生学习的兴趣,寓学于乐。 教学重难点:Asking and answering question about single objects 教学过程:1.Warm-upGuessing game.Choose any six or more flashcards from previous Units. Hold up the first card so that the children cannot see the picture. Give one or two clues about the object on the card. Then have Ss try to guess what it is. Model the question “Is it a / an ?” Have them repeat the question with different English words. Answer, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isnt.”Make the clues less clear for each card. Ss then have to ask more “Is it a / an ?” questions. 2. Learn these words.Have Ss open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the “Words to learn” exercise at the top of the page. Play the tape. Stop the tape after each new vocabulary word. Ask Ss to repeat it. Do this a second time. Play the tape straight through. While it is playing, hold up your copy of the page and point to each fruit as it is named. Hold up your copy of the page. Point to each fruit in turn. Ask “What is it?” If Ss cannot answer, ask, “Is it a / an ?”Ss should answer, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it isnt.”Then repeat, “What is it?” Elicit, “Its a / an ” Play the guessing game outlined in the first part of the period. This time, use only the words for fruit in “Words to learn”.2. Listen to this.Display your copy of the page and point to the bottom half. Tell Ss, “Mocky says, What is it?” Point to the picture of a banana. Elicit the answer, “Its a banana.”Repeat for the other two pictures.Point to each answer and read the words as you point to each one.Have Ss repeat the sentences and touch each word.Play the tape. Have Ss put checks () beside the answer in their books that matches the answer on the page.Play the tape again. Check that Ss have chosen the correct sentences.3. Play the game.Have the class open their books at “Play the game”.When the teacher says the number of an object in Chinese, Ss say its name together in English. If Ss are uncertain of the English name for some objects, the teacher could say the word and have Ss repeat.Put Ss into pairs to play the game by using the question “Whats this?” and its answer “Its a / an .”4. Set homework.Ask Ss to practice structures:Whats this / that? Its a / an .Is it a / an ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.5. 教学后记: Lesson 3教学目标 知识目标:Is it a ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (Phonics)/b/ /p/能力目标:Listen, talk and read.情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重难点:Have the children practice the sounds and letters.教学过程:1. Review the vocabulary of this unit.Hold up each of the flash cards in turn. Ask Ss, “Whats this?” or “Is it a / an ?”Have Ss answer these questions, “Its a / an .” Or “Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.”2. Talk together.Display your copy of the page. Direct Ss attention to the top off page.T: Now we can read what we said. Read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to words as you do so. HaveSs repeat the words after you.3. Listen and number.Have Ss open their books at page 6. Play the tape two sentences at a time. Stop after each pair.Ask, “Which picture matches those sentences?” Have Ss touch the matching picture.Play the tape again. This time have the children number the pictures in the order they hear on the page.4. Sound the letters.Draw Ss attention to the top of the page.Play the tape for baby and ball. Ask, “Do these words have the sound /b/?”Play the tape again and have Ss say the words aloud.Repeat the procedure for the /p/ words.5. Listen and write. Have Ss look at the two rows of pictures at the bottom of the page. Point to thefirst picture and ask, “Whats this?” The Ss should answer, “Its a peach.” Write the letter p in the blank.Play the tape for peach. Draw Ss attention to the word under the picture. Say, “Which letter is missing?” Elicit from Ss p. Play the tape again and this time have Ss write the letter p on the line to plete the word. Repeat the procedure for the other words. Have Ss write the letter in the blanks.6. Set homework.Tell Ss to color the picture on page 6 and 7.7. 教学后记: Lesson 4教学目标知识目标:Whats this? Its a ? Is it a ? banana, nut, peach, orange能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重难点:the correct writing of each words教学过程:1. Trace the words. Hold up the flashcard for banana. Ask, “What is it?” Elicit from Ss “Its a banana.”Have Ss open their books at page 8. Show your copy of the page. Draw their attention to the first sentence. Say, “We are going to write what we said just now.” Have Ss trace the phrase a banana. The second box, have Ss copy the phrase a banana by themselves.Repeat the procedure for the other sentence.2. Find and circle.Draw Ss attention to the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the picture of the lemon and ask, “Whats this?” Elicit “Its a lemon.” Point to the word lemon and have Ss circle the word.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit.Explain to Ss that they can find all the fruit names in the puzzle.Put Ss into pairs. Tell them that together they must find the other fruit namesin the puzzle and circle them out.Check that Ss find all the words and circle them correctly.3. Uncle Bookys Blackboard. Hold up the Whats and this? Drill cards. Read the sentence aloud. Have Ss repeat the words after you. Repeat the procedure, substituting that? for this? Have two Ss stand in front of the class. Have one student hold up the It is a drillcard, and the other student a flashcard for this unit. Together they makea sentence, It is a Point to each in turn and say the words as you point. Repeat the two procedures. Have Ss say the words. Do the same with the “Is it a ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.” drillcards.Have Ss open their books at page 9 and read these words together. Encourage Ss to touch the words as they read them. Use all possible binations.4. Guess and say. Ask Ss to take out their small fruit flashcards of this unit.1) Put children in pairs. Have each pair mix their cards together and then spread them face down on the desk.2) Student A puts his/her hand on one card and asks student B to guess. Student B says, “Is it a (lemon)?” Student A flips over the card and answers, “No, it isnt. Its a (pear).” or “Yes, it is.”3) Continue the game until all the cards are flipped over. Then the two students change their roles.5. Set homework.Ask the children to finish tracing words on page 8.6. 教学后记: Lesson 5教学目标知识目标:Is this a ? Is that a ?能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:有学习英语的愿望,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。教学重难点:use the structures in munication教学过程:1. Warm-up Review the flashcards for this unit. Hold up one of the flashcards and ask,“Whats this?” Elicit, “Its a / an ”2. Read and check. 1) Have Ss turn to page 10. Display your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Then point to the question, Is this a lemon? Read the words aloud as you point to each one. Elicit the answer, “Yes, it is.” 2) Ask SS to point to the answer in their books. Have them read the words with the teacher. 3) Repeat the procedure for the other pictures. Check each answer. 4) Put Ss into pairs to ask and answer the questions. 3. Lets chant.1) Use picture or read objects to review the following words: orange, pear, apple, lemon, nut, strawberry, kite, bird. Make sure the children can say these things when given a picture or a real object.2) Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.3) Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.4) Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.5) Have children point to the picture in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.4. An additional activity: Match the names.1) Photocopy the page and give each child a copy.2) Ask the students to say the words and color the pictures.3) Have the children use their fingers to follow the trail between the pictures and the words.5. Set homework.1) Ask their families about the fruit, using the structure Is this a (pear)? and the correct English names.2) Color the pictures on page 10.6. 教学后记: Lesson 6教学目标知识目标:e on, guess!能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:体会英语学习中的乐趣,乐于接触英语读物。教学重难点:consolidate the structures and vocabulary learned in this unit教学过程:1. Uncle Bookys storytime.1) Tell the children that they are going to listen to a story.2) Play the tape, ask the children to listen to the story with their books closed.3) Have the children open their books, and look at the pictures.4) Ask them to look for familiar words in the story.5) Have children read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.6) It doesnt matter if they dont know the words. The requirement for this part is to understand the story.2. I spyThis game reviews the beginning sounds of some of the vocabulary introduced in Units 1 through 7. It also reviews the structures Is it a (desk)? No, it isnt. and Yes, it is.3. Self assessment.Have Ss do this part by themselves.1) Ss could work in pairs to do the first activity. On student points to a picture, the other says the name. The first student checks his / her answer in the box below each picture. Then they change their roles.2) Have Ss do the second part individually. Encourage them to pare their results with his / her classmates.4. My notes and teachers notes. This activity is to help Ss have a look at what they have done in this unit. Ask them to assess themselves according to the items in My Notes individually. Explain to them that the starts here only indicate how well they have done in their learning and they should not be changed to scores.The teacher should evaluate the Ss positively in the part of Teachers Notes. The purpose is to have Ss realize that they are making progress and to help them build up a sense of achievement and confidence. Stickers provided at the end of the Teachers Resource Book can be used here.5. Set homeworkFinish the exercises in workbook.6. 教学后记:


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