2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 16(1)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 16(1)教案 广州版 一、教学内容 本节课的教学内容为Module6 unit 16的dialogue,课文主要是谈论天气情况。二、教学对象分析五年级的学生经过四年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的学习基础和语音基础, 对单词的学习和记忆掌握了一定的规律,虽然本课的单词较多,但由于学生对贴近生活的学习内容有强烈的兴趣,所以他们对单词的记忆应该可以较轻松达到学习目标。估计学生对于句子和天气预报的表达比较难掌握。三、教学目标:1.语言知识目标: 学习以下单词:weather, wet, windy, sunny, cloudy, rain, raincoat, snowy, warm, rainy, foggy, cool, ski, sound, New Zealand, zero, yesterday, put on, temperature, degree, umbrella. 学习以下句型:Whats the weather like today? Its .What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be. The temperature will be. Tomorrow will be than today.Put on .Whats the temperature? Its . 2.语言技能目标: 学生懂得运用英语谈论天气。3.情感态度目标:学生通过天气预报的学习,养成善于观察大自然的良好习惯。4.学习策略目标:任务型教学:以任务为主导,以活动为载体,以学生为主体。创设情景,设计游戏,用游戏突破重难点。四、教学重、难点:1.温度的读法。2.下列句型的表达:Whats the weather like today? Its .What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be. The temperature will be. Tomorrow will be than today.Put on .Whats the temperature? Its .五、教学过程:Step 1: Leading-in1. Sing the song. Rain, Rain, Go Away2. Rhyme. Step 2: Pre-Task1. Free talk.What day is it today/tomorrow?What day is it yesterday? Whats the date yesterday?Whats the weather like today? Is it sunny/cloudy/rainy/?2. Tell the aim of this lesson3. Show some pictures of the weather ( eg:sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy.)边趁呈现边教以上单词。同时引出句子Whats the weather like today? Its . 其他的天气现象以类似的方法呈现,同时教新词 warm, cool, wet。4.Play a game(玩转盘游戏,把不同的天气写在转盘):操练Whats the weather like today? Its .句型。5.Ask the pupils to look at the second picture of page 72,intrduce the words “umbrella” and “ raincoat” 及句型Whats the temperature? Its .degree. Put on . 6. 老师在黑板上根据不同的天气现象标出大概的温度,用以操练Whats the temperature? Its .degree. 并根据温度与天气发出指令Put on .或Take your. 7.学生根据表格或天气预报的画面小组操练以上句型,同时引导学生用What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be. The temperature will be. Tomorrow will be than today.预报将来的天气状况。Step3: While-Task and Post-Task1. Listen to the dialogue (1) and answer the questions. 1). Whats the weather like today?2). Whats the temperature?3). Is it raining? 4). What should Ben take?2. Listen to the dialogue (1) and take some key words out of the dialogue, eg; cold, wet, windy, coat, colder, rain, umbrella, raincoat. The pupils should listen to the dialogue and put these key words back into the dialogue. 3. Listen to the dialogue (2) and answer the questions. 1). Whats the weather like now in New Zealand? 2). Whats the temperature there now? 3). Is it much colder than in Guangzhou?4. Get the pupils to read the dialogue in different ways. (以小组、大组分角色读或自读、齐读等)5. The pupils try to act the dialogue out.Step4: HomeworkRead the new words and the dialogue.Copy the new words and the dialogue.Do Page 65.Ex1, 4教学后记:本课要求学生掌握中西方的食品及饮食习惯的不同。 Unit 16 Whats the Weather Like?Work with language第二课时 一、教学内容分析:本节课是Module 6 Unit16的第二课时,学生在第一课时中已经初步掌握了如何描述天气和气候用语,以及温度的表达,在本节课主要是学习和巩固更多描述天气和气候的用语,并能准确对某些城市的天气情况进行Weather report。二、教学对象分析:五年级的学生本身对自然环境已有所了解,而且有了第一课时作铺垫,只要老师善于启发点拔,学生便能在原有的基础上顺利掌握更多有关天气和气候的用语。另外大部分学生的自我表现欲很强,Weather report为学生提供了很好的表现平台。三、教学目标:1.语言知识:1)掌握“四会”新词:cool。2)掌握主要句型:a. Whats the weather like in? Its b. What will the weather like in? Its will be c. Is it cool/warm/? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. d. The weather in Beijing is2.语言技能:1)能准确表达各种天气状况和温度。2)能对某个城市的天气情况进行Weather report.3.情感态度:1)通过本课谈论天气及气候用语的学习,让学生对自己生存的环境有进一步的了解,从而培养学生爱护环境,改善环境的良好习惯,加强环保意识。2)在学习过程中学会与同学相互协作,友好相处。4.学习策略:1)运用活泼多样的学习形式,让学生在学中玩,玩中学。2)利用多媒体辅助教学,创设语言情景,让学生更直观地了解和学习天气状况。四、教学重、难点: 重点:句型 Whats the weather like in? Its难点:对某个城市或地区的天气进行Weather report.五、教学媒体:图片、课件、硬卡纸六、教学过程:(一)Warming-up and leading-in1.Sing a song “The Wind and the Rain”。(To warm up and create a happy atmosphere of learning English.)2.Free talk.(二)Review and practice:1. Ask the questions about weather: T: Whats the weather like today? (示意学生看窗外的天气) P: Its T: Is it cold/hot/wet? P: Yes, . / No, T: Whats the temperature now? (实物投影温度计) P: Its about 22(提醒学生温度的读法)2.学生看电脑课件复习和巩固询问天气的句型,并学习单词cool.(to review the sentence structures.)3.电脑出示北京的天气图T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? T: Is it cool?T: Whats the temperature there? 4.学生看图谈论各城市的天气情况(To encourage teamwork.) 并抽查个别小组。(三)While-task电脑课件放(北京,广州,重庆,上海,武汉)的图片,make a weather reporter in groupsPlay a game. 教师准备几幅城市的图(北京,广州,重庆,上海,武汉) 分五个组抽签描绘该城市的天气预报. 并评选最佳weather reporter给予奖励.Finish P75 E x.1.2.(四)Development:1.Make a weather report about Guangzhou (today, yesterday)根据天气实际情况预报明天的天气.2.Play a game:鼓励学生上讲台进行weather report,让其他学生猜是哪个城市的天气. (五)Homework1. P66.Ex62. Recite the dialogue.3.看天气预告节目,选一个城市用英语写一份Weather Report.教学反思:五年级的学生本身对自然环境已有所了解,而且有了第一课时作铺垫,只要老师善于启发点拔,学生便能在原有的基础上顺利掌握更多有关天气和气候的用语。另外大部分学生的自我表现欲很强,Weather report为学生提供了很好的表现平台附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 16(2)教案 广州版一、教学内容分析本节课以谈论The Weather about Sightseeing为话题,是Unit 16的第三课时,属于巩固拓展课。在口语第四册和前两课时词句及课文的学习中,学生对天气、温度的相关知识已有一定的了解。但本课的词汇较多,而且天气预报是一项专业的知识,学生在理解及综合运用方面有一定的难度。为了让学生能更好地去理解和灵活运用Unit 16的相关知识,本节课教师通过以帮Doraemon解决去旅行前要关注的天气、温度、衣着和活动等问题为主线展开话题。在学习与谈论中,教师通过形式多样的教学策略,循序渐进,为学生创设各种情景及任务,使学生能将课本的知识与实际生活联系起来,提高综合运用知识的能力。 二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.习巩固关于天气的词汇:weather, sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy, wet, dry, hot, cold, warm, cool, temperature, degree, centigrade, zero, raincoat, umbrella, put on等。2.习巩固句型:Whats the weather like in ? Its .Whats the temperature? Its from to .Is it er than ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.3.解和运用下列句式:Im going to visit . The weather in is . The temperature in is from to .Its er than in . I like . Wed better take/ put on . We can .(二)语言技能目标1.准确表达各种天气状况和温度,并能对某个旅游城市的天气情况进行问答。2.据天气情况,能合理地选择恰当的旅行必需品。3.正确理解并能在交际情景中恰当地运用上述句式对去旅游前关注的一些方面进行综合的描述。(三)学习策略目标1.在单词、图片和现实天气情景之间作出正确的反应。2.在活动中学习,在学习中拓展知识,提高综合运用语言的能力。(四)情感态度目标1.一步了解保护环境的重要性,培养爱护和改善环境的好习惯,提高环保意识。2.会公平竞争,学会合作的技巧,懂得乐于助人。(五)文化意识目标了解不同地方的气候差异及特点,并了解大自然中一些与天气预报有关的现象。三、教学重点1.固并掌握与天气相关的词汇和句型,并能灵活运用。2.用英语结合实际天气情况,介绍某一城市的天气状况及适宜的衣着和活动。四、教学难点综合运用有关词汇与句型对一些城市的天气状况进行正确的描述和介绍。五、教学策略1.过游戏与活动来巩固语言知识,使学习更具有趣味性。2.设情景,让学生运用语言完成任务,使知识能学以致用,培养学生的交际能力和获取信息的能力。3.助多媒体教学,让学生在观察和比较中,开拓视野,综合运用知识,发展学习能力。六、教学过程I. Leading-in1. Sing and chant.2. Greetings and daily talk.3. Free talk and introduce the task. (Enjoy some pictures of cities, talk about where we like to go sightseeing, and Doraemon needs help today.)II. Pre-task1. To know that Doraemon needs help to go sightseeing in a city about weather, temperature, clothing, activities and so on.2. Revision: (1) Games about weather: Listen and find out the weather which is not mentioned. Look and say out the missing word about weather. (2) A PK match: Read out the temperature in groups quickly.3. Lets Talk: According to the pictures of the four cities, ask and answer the weather and the temperature in the cities that Doraemon may go sightseeing by using: Whats the weather like in ? Its .Whats the temperature? Its from to .Is it ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Is it er than in Guangzhou? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.4. A funny acting: Set situations, pupils do some actions to show and say out the advice of choosing the right clothing and activities to Doraemon for sightseeing in different weather. The sentence structures may use: Its . Wed better put on/take . / We can .III. While-task1. Exercise: Match the right weather, temperature, clothing and activities.2. Make a plan of sightseeing for Doraemon.(1) According to the problems, pupils choose one city to make a good plan for Doraemon to go sightseeing in groups.(2) Introduce the plan to Doraemon.3. Read and write a short passage about the weather of sightseeing in a city.(1) Read the passage of the city which Doraemon is going sightseeing, and choose if the statements are True or False.(2) Choose a city and write a passage of the weather about sightseeing in it.IV. Post-task1. Share the passage of sightseeing with the others.2. Enjoy a song: Oh, Susanna! (Show it if the time allows.)V. Check1. Sum up and talk the gains in class.2. Knowledge about weather.3. Assessment in groups: Whos the winner?VI. Homework1. Read and dictate the words about weather.2. Listen, read and recite the dialogues of Unit 16.3. According to the weather, introduce a famous traveling city to your family in English.

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