2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit7 Lesson13教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit7 Lesson13教案 闽教版 CONTENTS: Clothes(1)AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Talk about the different types of clothes 2. LANGUAGE: Your sweater is beautiful. Its a birthday present from my Mom. Put on your hat/sweater/skirt/T-shirt/socks/shoes/scarf. Take off your hat/sweater/skirt/T-shirt/socks/shoes/scarf.3. VOCABULARY: sweater, skirt, T-shirt, sock, shoe, scarf.LANGUAGE FOCUS: 1.Put on 2. Take off 3. Vocabulary: sweater, skirt, T-shirt, sock, shoe, scarf.DIFFICULT POINT: Be able to distinguish the difference between clothes and use them correctlyTEACHING AIDS: tape, recorder, 相关衣服实物,剪刀和胶水TEACHING STEPS:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESWarm up1. Chant2.A songSs read the chant and sing歌曲营造轻松活泼的课堂气氛,调整学生的情绪Pre-taskPresentationSetting a taskWho can use the words we learn late to help the doll put on her clothes?The teacher sets a task and brings up a request.在上课前,提出教学任务,学生带着明确的目的进行学习,有利于激发学生的学习动机Presentation 1. Learn the new words: sweater, skirt, T-shirt, sock, shoe, scarf2. Review sentences:Whats this? Its a What are they? Theyre 3. Activity 1(实物)T: Look, whats this?T: Its a sweater.T: sweater Ss try to saySs practice one by oneUse the same way to learn the other wordsT: Open your books, listen and point复习旧句型,引出新知识。通过实物向学生提供生动、直观的可视情境,刺激学生的注意力,并在反复操练中掌握新词PresentationSentences:Your sweater is beautiful.Its a birthday present from my Mom.1. Teacher describes the dialogue in Chinese2. Play the tape, Ss listen to the tape3. Read after the tape先通过听,让学生对句子进行感知,然后通过读,掌握句子PresentationSentences:Put on your hat/scarfTake off your hat/scarf(实物)1. T: Take out your hat Listen to me, repeat and do the action.Ss repeat and do after TT: Take off your hat.Ss repeat and do after TT: Put on your scarf.Ss repeat and do after TT: Take off your scarf.Ss repeat and do after TSs practice in pairs.Ss try to make the other sentences: Put on/Take off your T-shirt, etc2. Play a game: Listen and do the action运用TPR教学法和游戏结合,创设出活泼的课堂氛围ConsolidationActivity 3(Page 26)学生根据教师的指令进行剪贴,帮娃娃穿上衣服。通过动手做游戏,帮助学生巩固穿衣的英语表达方法AssignmentSetting the homework:1. Listen to the tape -Lesson7 3 times2. 用句子“This is ”向家人或朋友介绍今天学到的衣服种类。通过分档作业,使每个学生都有锻炼的机会教学追记:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit7 Lesson14教案 闽教版CONTENTS:Clothes(1)AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: 能熟练朗读、背诵童谣;掌握字母Ee的读音规则;会称赞别人的穿着并给予感谢。2. LANGUAGE: I like my sweater. Its very, very yellow. I like it better, than the sweet Jell-O. Put on/Take off your Your is beautiful. Thank you.3. VOCABULARY: pen, desk, bed, bellLANGUAGE FOCUS: 1. I like my sweater. Its very, very yellow. I like it better, than the sweet Jell-O. 2. Put on/Take off your Your is beautiful. Thank you.3. Vocabulary: sweater, skirt, T-shirt, sock, shoe, scarf.DIFFICULT POINT: 熟练朗读、背诵童谣;掌握字母Ee的读音规则。TEACHING AIDS: tape, recorder, cards,a yellow sweater, several Jell-Os, some pictures. TEACHING STEPS:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESRevision and play a game 1.Review the words: sweater and so on2. Play a gameT show the cards把学生分成若干组,每人各有不同类型的衣物一件,听指令把衣服贴到相应的单词下通过游戏复习单词,学生兴趣盎然PresentationReview the sentences:Put on /Take off 1. T: Put on your shoes.Ss do the actionT: Take off your shoes.Ss do the action(change the roll player)T do the actionSs say out the sentences运用TPR教学法,不仅生动、直观,而且营造出活泼的课堂氛围Presentation A rhyme:I like my sweater(tape and radio)1. T show the yellow sweater and read the rhyme2.Play the tape several times3. Ss read the rhyme after the teacher one sentences by one sentences4. Read and do the actions.在朗读中配以实物和简单的动作,能使学生较容易地理解句子,并加强记忆ConsolidationActivity 3Ss listen to the tape and connect锻炼学生的听力,也培养学生认的能力PresentationFinish the exercises(Page 29)Ss finish the dialogue with their partner学生间交流能培养他们互助、合作的精神PresentationWords: pen, desk, bed, bell1.Ss listen and repeat2.教师引导学生找出这些单词的共同读音(e)3examples通过一系列类似读音的单词,使学生自悟元音字母(e)的读音规则AssignmentSetting the homework:1.Listen to the tape -Lesson8 3 times2. Copy the words3. Tell your parents the rhyme通过分档作业,使每个学生都有锻炼的机会教学追记:

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