2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 第四课时教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 第四课时教案 人教新起点课 题 Unit3 My Food Lesson 16课 时1课时教学内容Words:must Sentences: An egg a day keeps the zero away.教学目标1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.3. Tell what good foods for our health are.教学重点To grasp the new words, make some sentences and dialogues.板书设计Unit 3 My Food Lesson 16 mustAn egg a day keeps the zero away. and are good for your health. 教学难点To tell what are good foods for our health.教学准备pictures word-cards tape-recorder教学过程二次备课I. Organization1. T and students sing a song.2. Free talk : II.Presentation1. Teach the new words and sentences: must An egg a day keep the zero away. T show the picture in part A on the board, show the record.Ss listen and number. 2. T and Ss ask and answer. What do you want for breakfast?And let the Ss to say and are good for our health.3. Ask the answer in pairs: What do you want for breakfast/ lunch /supper/the picnic ?I want.4. Read the words in Part C.B and C and D and Ge before P, T and VG and P and T and Ve after B and C and D5. Fill in the blanks in Part D. 6. Show the small letters: 7. Write down the big letters in the book.家庭作业1. Listen to the tape and read the text.2. Make a healthy menu.课后回顾附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3(1)教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:The first period : A Learn to say二、教材分析: Learn to say中,在复现前面所学问候语Hi/ Hello! Nice to meet you.的基础上增加了新的称呼语:my father/ my mother/ my brother/ my sister.由于中西方文化的差异,学生可能对教材中出现的Mr. Black和Mrs. Black之间的关系产生疑问。教师可以借此机会对学生进行一些欧美礼仪方面的介绍。三、教学目标: 1.能用 this is my 句型介绍家庭成员。 2.能听懂、会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语:father mother brother sister. 3.认识3个人物:Mr. Black ,Mrs. Black, Gao Shan,并能正确理解和运用Mrs. 4.培养学生孝敬父母的美德,体会亲情的可贵。四、教学重点: 1. 单词 father mother brother sister. 2. 日常交际用语:This is my五、教学难点: 1 单词father mother brother sister 。 2 能用This is my 介绍家庭成员。六、教学准备:1. 教具准备:指套、课文人物图片、磁带、录音机、单词卡片、挂图等。2. 教学准备:请学生带好合家欢照片。3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题:Unit 3 This is my father七、 教学过程:Step1 Free talk T: Hi, Im Miss Sun. Whats your name ? S1: Im T: Hi, Im Miss Sun. Whats your name? S2: Im T: Nice to meet you ! S2: Nice to meet you ,too.小学 xj5u T: Hello, Im Miss Sun. Whats your name? S3: Im T: Nice to meet you ! S3:Nice to meet you ,too. T: Can you tell me hisher name?(教师把中文说一下。) S1: This is (如果学生一时反应不过来,可引导说this is ) T: (就刚才介绍的同学名字),Can you tell me his her name? S2: This is The same way ask three to five students. 教师指向一个同学,全班一块用 This is 来介绍。Step2 PresentationT: Now boys and girls .Look at my fingers. These are my family members. Let me introduce them to you. (用代表fathermotherbrothersister的指套引起学生兴趣)Wave fingers to learn the words.1. T: This is my father.(师反复重复: father ,this is my father 板书:father my father)T: What does “father” mean ? Do you know? “Father” means “爸爸” Read one by one.(针对错误的纠音) T: my father ,my(教师可用手指向自己,让学生理解意思)。What does “my” mean? my means “我的 my father means Ss:“我的爸爸” Read the words again. 2. T: Look at the woman .This is my mother.( 师反复重复:mother , this is my mother 板书:mother my mother) Whats meaning? Ss: “我的妈妈”。(学生可以猜出) Read the words one by one. And read the sentence one by one .3. T: Look at the boy .This is my brother.( 师反复重复:brother , this is my brother 板书:brother my brother) Whats meaning? T: “brother” means “哥哥或弟弟”. Read after the teacher.小学 xj5u 4. T: Look at the girl .This is my sister.( 师反复重复:sister, this is my sister 板书:sister my sister) Whats meaning? Ss: “我的妹妹”。(学生可以猜出) Read the words one by one. And read the sentence one by one . T: Now, read after me. Fathermy father Mothermy motherSistermy sister Brothermy brother (read them together) The students read the words in line.T: Say the sentence: This is my . Please introduce your family members to me. Discuss in groups of four. The students introduce their family members.T: You should say :Miss Sun, this is my(照片可放在实物投影仪上,与大家一起分享)在此环节,教师适当引导,教育学生要关心父母,孝敬父母,并在活动过程中,体会亲情的可贵。T: Im Nancy. (Wearing the mask) This is my father, Mr. Black. (Show the picture) Read follow me.出示Mr. Black的图片 T: This is Mr. Black。 Teach “Mr.” 意思是先生,一般用在姓的前面,Black”在这里是姓名的姓,翻译成中文是布莱克。This is my mother, Mrs. Black. (重点操练Mrs. 注意发音, 和Miss区分出来)出示Mrs. Black的图片 T: This is Mrs. Black。 Teach “Mrs.” 意思是夫人,指已经结婚的妇女,一般用在姓的前面。 T: Now lets know them again. Pass the pictures( Mr. And Mrs.) and introduce them.e.g. This is Mr. Black. / This is Mrs. Black. (Mrs. Black操练时间可长一点)Step 3: Practice and consolidation1. The T shows Picture One.T: How many people are there in the picture?Ss :Three.T: Who are they?小学 xj5uSs: Nancy, Mr. Green , Mr. Black. Open the books.Listen to the tape and repeat .(twice)2. 学生四人合作,先讨论交流,组内表演。3. Show the masks(Nancy, Mr. Green, Mr. Black)T: Whod like to act out the dialogue? By using the masks.4. The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss. (This is Gao Shan)5. Show Picture Four and masks (Gao Shan., Nancy, David)/T (wearing the mask): Im David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gan Shan? Listen to me ,please.T say: “Hello, Gao Shan ,this is my sister ,Nancy.”Gao Shan says: “Hi, Nancy.”Nancy says:“ Hi, Gao Shan.”6. Three students a group make the dialogue. (在这里认识一下另一个新人物Gao Shan)7. Listen to the tape and repeat it again, ask Ss a group choose one picture to act it out.8. Check. ( act out the dialogue in front by wearing the masks).Step 4 .Homework for today.Listen to the tape and read after the tape .小学 xj5uDESIGN:Unit 3: This is my fatherFathermy father: This is my father.Mothermy mother: This is my mother.Sistermy sister: This is my sister. Brothermy brother: This is my brother.

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