2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 7 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 7 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版Unit 7 Its late (the fourth period)一、教学内容Read and act; Listen and repeat; Fun house二、教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whats the time? Its 2.能够认读并表演E部分对话。3.了解辅音字母n ,p的发音。三、教学重点和难点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whats the time? Its 2.能够认读并表演E部分对话。四、课前准备教学挂图、光碟五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Free talk1.Greetings2.Sing a songThis is the way 3.围绕本单元的句型进行交谈Whats the time?What time do you?Whats plus ? 4. 数字接力。5. Play a game :Whats missing ?Greetings.Sing a song.Its I atIts数字接力。Play a game.BRead and act .1.出示挂图,生认人物,猜故事情节。2.放录音,让学生感知对话内容。3.师引导学生明白对话大意。(“Shall we ”表达婉转的语气,让学生在以后的交际中,尝试着运用。)4.师结合图片、实物演示。5.Act ,practice in pairs .6.指名到前面表演。7.小组分角色朗读。看图猜故事情节。听录音。了解对话大意。表演。角色表演。小组分角色表演。CListen and repeat .1.出示单词、句型、学生认读。2.结合挂图、听录音、感知图意。3.Listen and repeat .找出单词中共同音素。4.朗读操练。5.学生根据自己的语言积累,找出还有哪些含有此音素的单词。6.齐读这些单词。认读单词、句型。听录音感知图意。找单词中的共同因素。朗读。说出含有相同因素的单词。齐读单词。DLook and read1.出示挂图,生了解图意。2.让生读图中文字,理解图意。(让学生知道“Whats two and three ”与“Whats two plus three”表达相同的意思。)3.分角色朗读。师生间,小组间,男女生分角色朗读。4.分角色表演。了解图意。读对话,理解图意。分角色朗读。分角色表演。EDo exerciseWrite down the number before .nine _ six _ eight _four_ two_ten_Write down the number before .六、板书设计Unit 7 Its late name panda new Peter The new pandas name is Peter.七、作业设计Listen to the tape two times .八、课后反思 在做d部分时,先跟同学一起复习表格中出现的动词词组.来加深学生的印象.f是一个语音训练部分,在学生掌握n和p在单词中的读音后,要求他们说出已学过的含有字母n和p的单词.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 7教案 上海新世纪版一、教育目标:1.培养学生的审美能力,并教育学生要乐于赞美他人。2.教育学生不同的场合有不同的着装要求。二、知识目标:基础目标:1)Wonderland: a blouse a tie jeans shorts socks a belt gloves 2)Farmland: Whose shoes are these? Theyre3)Grand theater: A Pretty Girl4)Language Lab: 通过填空练习帮助学生掌握单词的拼写,能根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,能根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。5)Music Box: 能掌握音标/F/,/tF/,并能看音标读单词。6)Disneyland: 能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme : Teddy Bear(2),节奏基本正确。7)Difficult Points: jeans, gloves, shorts, socks, gloves, stockings等词的数量的表达。 clothes 的读音。 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的相互转换及两者的正确运用。三、发展目标:1创设一个情境,鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,分组进行小品表演“A Pretty Girl”。2能根据实际情况,围绕“My Favorite Clothes ”这个话题在板报中展开一系列的 讨论.四、课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。Wonderland和Farmland 可以结合在一课时里进行教学; Language Lab 中的问 题与Grand Theatre 的内容密切相关,因此可将两者结合在一起进行教学;Music Box 和Disneyland里的Rhyme可放在每一课时的Pre-task的Warming up中,帮助学生通过每节课前的反复练习逐步习得。五、参考资料:Other clothes Guess the meaning of the words underlined according to the context. An overcoat will keep you warm when it is cold. (外套大衣) An apron protects clothing from getting dirty. (围裙)A bathing suit is a garment you wear while swimming. (游泳衣)Boots are a type of shoe. Boots cover the feet and part of the lower legs. (靴子)Earmuffs keep your ears warm. (.御寒耳罩)A gown is a fancy dress. (礼服)A kimono is a beautiful gown worn by Japanese women. (和服)Some people wear pajamas to bed at night. (睡衣)A raincoat keeps you dry when it rains. (雨衣)Sandals are open shoes worn in warm weather. (凉鞋)A slipper is a casual shoe worn around the house. (拖鞋)A sneaker is a type of shoe used for many sports. (运动鞋)A vest is a sleeveless piece of clothing that is usually worn over a shirt. (背心)A suit is a set of matching clothes. (套装)An undershirt is a shirt that is sometimes worn under clothes. (汗衫)People wear underwear under their clothes. (内衣裤)六、教法建议:一)词汇教学方法Wonderland中服装类的单词对学生来说并不陌生,所以教师不必一个一个地教,可以让学生以小组为单位进行互学。然后根据小组的英语水平,抽取部分的单词进行造句或整和已有的语言知识编写对话,使词汇教学更具有灵活性、趣味性和自主性。a. The red blouse is hers. Mine is blue.b. What can I do for you? Id like a tie.-What colour is your shirt?- Its grey.- What do you think of this blue one?-Its so nice. How much is it?-200 yuan.-Ok, heres the money.-Thank you.二)句型教学方法Farmland中的重点句型是:Whose is this/that? Its Whose are these/those? Theyre教师可通过游戏来帮助学生操练,提高熟练程度,并使句型教学更具趣味性。Memory game: Show a picture of some famous persons wearing all kinds of clothes. Have students observe it for one minute. Then show another picture which only these clothes can be seen and ask the questions: Whoseis this/that? Whose are these/those?三)课文教学方法 Grand Theatre中的对话主要是围绕着装展开的,所以在引入对话前,可给学生一个主题让学生自由讨论,如:What clothes do you wear in winter? What clothes do you wear in summer? Have you got a school uniform? Do you wear it every day? Do you like jeans? What clothes do you like best? Why? 讨论后再引出课文,从情感和知识上为课文学习做好铺垫。

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