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2019-2020年三年级英语下学期期末试题(2)一、选择正确的答案(10分)1、Hello ! ( ) A My name is John B Good moring C Hi2、Nice to meet you !( ) A Im Sarah B Nice to meet you too C OK3、Good bye!( ) A Bye B Great ! C Good monring4、How old are you ? ( ) A Im three B I have four balls C Me too5、Whats your name ? ( ) A Hello B Im John C How are you ?二、将问题的序号填在相应回答前的方框中。(14分)A How are you ? B Good morningC Nice to meet you D Good bye E who are you?F whats your name G Happy TeachersDay! Thank you Im MikeBye My name is BailingGood morning Fine thanksNice to meet you too三、在正确的答案下画线并填在后面的横线上。(15分) am 1This is a cat are am2Here you is are am3、How is you ? are I4、Look at my dog ? you May5、 How I have a look? Who 四、连词成句(15分)1、meet you Nice to 2、are How you 3、Green morning Miss Good 4、is This ear myFly a kite . Bounce the ball . Drive the car . Throw the plane . 5、are Here you 五、连线(20分)boat squirrel plane bearkite eleplantballoon pigcar catball duck六、将下列句子填在相应图片下(16分) 七、读下列句子并将它们按正确的顺序排列(10分)A Hi.B Good afternoon Chen Jie.C Mom ,This is Chen Jie.D Me tooE Hi , MomF Good afternoon , Nice to meet you .E 附送:学校:_班级:_姓名:_座号:_2019-2020年三年级英语下学期期末试题(I) 拟题人:乐乐听力部分一、根据你听到的单词,将下列每组中的单词选出来,并将其标号填在题前括号里。(10分) A B C( ) 1、 thirteen fourteen fifteen( ) 2、 family funny friend( ) 3、 lock 1amp 1ion( ) 4、 my five I am( ) 5、 grandma grandpa grandmother( ) 6、 teacher c1ass student( ) 7、 hot dog hamburger how( ) 8、 strawberry friend sister( ) 9、 fat has he( ) 10、 goose giraffe girl二、Listen and number (听录音,标号码).(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三. 听音,圈出正确图片的编号。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. A B A B A B A B5. 6. 7. A B A B A B8. 9. 10.A B A B A B四、Listen and choose the right answer.(听录音,选择正确的答案)(12分)( )1、A.I am fine. B. I am 12. C. I can see 12.( )2、A. Im from China. B. I am sorry. C. I have 10.( )3、A. Shes my mother. B. My sister. C. My brother.( )4、A. Its in the pencil case. B. Its under the desk. C. Its a desk.( )5、A. Youre wele. B. No problem. C. Its OK.( )6、A、Its tall B. Its short. C .Its funny.五、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“”,错的打“”。(分)笔试部分六、 Calculate and draw a line.(计算后连线)(10分) eleven seven A. eleven thirteen three B. fourteen seventeen six C. eighteen nineteen five = D. eight twenty twelve E. ten七、找出下列不同类型的单词。(5分)( )1、A、taxi B、bus C、chair D、jeep( )2、A、eighteen B、sixteen C、ninteen D、some( )3、A、duck B、Coke C、coffee D、milk( )4、A、in B、on C、under D、we( )5、A、W B、i C、 F D 、X八、根据题意,选出正确的答案填入括号中。(10分)( )1、Mary : Where are you from ? Amy : -_. A、Nice to see you . B、Good morning . C、Im from America . D、How are you ?( )2、Whos this girl ?- . A 、Shes a girl . B、Shes my sister .C、Hes my brother . D、Shes beautiful .( )3、Lucy : -? Jim : I can see five boys and four girls . A、Whos that ? B、Who are they ? C、How many boys and girls can you see ? D、How many students can you see ?( )4、Sarah : Look at my new skirt , Amy . Amy :-. A、Oh , how nice . B、Its OK . C、Wonderful . D、Funny ( )5、Amy: Can I use your pencil-case? Mike:-.A、Thank you! B、How nice! C、No problem.九、将下列几句话按正确的顺序排列。(10分)。A、She is an actress.B、How beautiful!C、Whos this woman?D、Thank you.E、Shes my mother.( )( )( )( )( )十. Read and draw.(读一读画图) (5分)This is my bedroom(卧室). There is a desk 、a bed and a chair in it. I have many books. They are on the desk. I have a lovely(可爱的) dool. Its on the chair. There is a bus under the bed. Wheres my kite? Oh, Its under the desk.

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