2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit4(1)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims:1.To help the students to understand these new words: yesterday/ today/ weekdays/ sick/ railway/ station;2.To help the students to understand the Part A;3.To help the students to use the new sentences: “Where were you?” “I was ”, And help the students how to response it.二、Difficult points and key points:Difficult points:To help the students understand these new words and sentences.Key points:Lets the students act Part A out.三、Teaching aids:1.a tape recorder.2.some pictures.3.some word cards.四、Teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.T:“Good morning, boys and girls.”S:“Good morning, teacher.”T:“How are you?”S:“Im fine. Thank you. And you?”T:“Im fine, too.”And then sing the English song: Days of the week.Step 2 presentation and drill.1.T: What day is it today? / How many days are there in a week? What are they?S:.T:The day from Monday to Friday is weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekdays. Today isand yesterday wasThe teacher uses the calendar to show the new words for the students, and write these new words down.2.Put some pictures under the weekdays words.T: Today is and Im at school. Yesterday was and Im at the library / sick and in the hospital / Where were you?S: Encourage the students to answer this question.3.Listen to the tape recorder and understand the Part A to answer these questions:Where was Mingming on Saturday?4.The teacher use the body language to teach these new words: during / hand in / in bed / visit / meet / finish5.Let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.Step 3 PracticesGame: Chain game.Divide the whole class into four groups. And give each group some place cards.S1: Today isYesterday was and I was Where were you yesterday?S2:(answer it according the cards.)Step 4 consolidationsAct the Part A.Step 5 homework附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit4(2)教案 人教(PEP)教学目标:1、能力目标: 1 能听懂、会说What are you doing? Im并能在实际情景中自如运用。2 能听懂Lets try部分的录音内容,并能独立完成。2、知识目标:1理解Lets talk部分的内容。2 理解Lets try的内容并按要求完成。3、情感、策略、文化等有关目标1培养学生热爱生活、热爱劳动的美好情感。2培养学生互相学习、互相合作的学习精神。教学重点:能听懂、会说What are you doing? Im并能在实际情景中自如运用。教学难点:现在进行时的一般语法的掌握。教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片,Amy和Chen Jie的头饰。教学过程:一、Warm-up1复习词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone2Act and guess:T: Guess! What am I doing?S: drawing pictures/ doing the dishes 师做动作,学生猜学生做动作,学生猜。二、Presentation and Practice1、新授句型:What are you doing? Im1 引出句型T: Hello! Please follow me.S: OK. (让学生跟着老师做动作) T: What are you doing?S: Im2 板书:What are you doing? Im 3 认读:示范读跟读强调be+doing的语法知识。4 问答:师问生答开火2、 Lets try1 讲解题意。2 让学生听录音,个别学生repeat.3 学生独立完成。4 校对答案。3、Lets talk1让学生合拢课本,听Lets talk录音。抽个别学生repeat, 跟读。2跟读录音。3跟读教师。4分角色朗读。 Amy: Hello. Chen: Hi, Amy. Its Chen Jie. Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. What are you doing? Chen: Im drawing pictures. What are you doing? Amy: Im reading a book.5Group work6抽学生act.三、Pair work: 1、教师发给每位学生一张词组卡片,问:What are you doing? 学生回答: Im 2、教师和学生示范打电话询问对方都在干什么:T: Hello!S: Hi. This is What are you doing?T: Im What are you doing?S: Im 3、四人小组互相操练。4、抽学生表演。四、教学后记: 通过本堂课的学习,学生基本能听懂、会说What are you doing? Im并能在实际情景中自如运用,达到了教学效果。

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