2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起)TitleBook10 Module3Unit1 have you got the Harry Potter videos?Teaching contents:1.Have you got the Harry Potter videos?2. Yes, we have. No, we havent.3. We havent got the videos.4. We have got the books.Teaching aims:知识目标:A. Grasp the sentence “Have you got the Harry Potter videos? “Sorry we havent got the videos.” and “But we have got the books.”能力目标:A. Develop the students ability of listening、speaking and reading。情感目标:A.提高学生英语的能力和兴趣培养学生大胆开口说,开口练的习惯Main points:Students can listen, say, the new words: puter videos favorite return library librarian.掌握并正确运用:ave you got?Sorry, we havent gotBut we have gotDifficult points:Talking about” How to borrow books in the library.Teaching aids:Picture, cassette, CAI ,some cardstaperecorderstickers ect.Periods:3 periods.Teaching stepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparationI. Warming up and Revision1.Greet the students2.Tell students lets sing a song. Leading-in1. Hold up four of possessions.a ruler a pen a book two eyes. Ask them do you have got?Put them in pairs2. Play a game about guess whats this? Lead in “I have got Harry potter books. Have you got Harry potter books? Tell students we will go to the library. And look at Do Amy and linging borrow any books?Listen and Reading Activities1.Play the tape-recorder2. Have students think of things that they might see in a library. Write a list on the board, Play the tape-recorder3.Play the tape-recorder again, Tell them that you are going toVI Test by themselves1._ you got a pen? Yes, I have A Have B Do C can2. Please return the books _ two weeks.A. in B on C at3.Ill_on the puterA looked B looking C look4.They are _ shelfA in B on C at1. Greet the teacher.2. Sing and do the song “breakfast lunch and dinner.Answer use” Yes, I have./No, haventHe each student put three items on the desk. They should take turns to say what they have and havent got.Until they guess Harry Potter books.AnswerAnswer use“Yes ,Ihave/NoI haventBooks newspapers videosDVDs putersMagazines library cards1. The students just to listen. 2.Copy the list on the booksListen and tick.3.Listen,line and answer the questionsOntheBBModule3Unit1 have you got the Harry Potter videos?Yes, we have. No, we havent.We have got the books.We havent got the videos.Teaching notes本课复习have you got.? we have got.we havent got.得句子,可以给同学多出示一些物品得图片练习句型.会起到很好得效果.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起)Teaching aim and demandUsing Ability task: Students learn how to borrow things the library.ABasic Demands:Vocabulary:borrow, return Review:Video, shelf, library card, favorite Sentences:Have you got the Harry Potter videos?Yes, we have.No, we havent.Please return the books in two weeks.B RevisionSorry, we havent got the videos. But we have got the books. Teaching difficulties: The pronunciation of “return”, and the using way of “Have you got books/videos? Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, and ppt.Teaching processStep 1 warming-up 1. Greeting.2. Boys and girls watch a short part of “Harry Potter” videos.Step 2 Presentation1. Lead inT: Do you like Harry Potter films?I have got the Harry Potter videos? Have you got the Harry Potter videos? You can answer “Yes, I have/No, I havent”2. Practice “Have you got” and “Yes/No” answers.T: Have you got “Mickey mouse” videos?S1: Yes, I have.T: Wow, great! Can I borrow your videos?Thank you! I will return it next week.(Lead out new words “borrow” and “return”.)Do lots of practicing.Step 3 Game1 (Magic box)T: I have a box, in this box, there are lots of things, you can guesswith the sentences on the blackboard “Miss Ma, Have you got.?”If you guess right, you will get this thing.Step 4 Chant Have you got a pen pen pen?No, I havent got a pen pen pen.Have you got a book book book?Yes, Ive got a book book book.Can I borrow your book book book?Yes, you can borrow my book book book.Please return my book in two weeks.Step5 Game2 ( Find the partner)Teacher give each student a paper with a book or a videos name on it, in a group, there will be four students have the same paper, student try to find their partner with asking “ Have you gotbooks name”, the fastest students that find their partner will be winner.Step 6 Learn the text.(1) Listen to the cassette and point.(2) Listen and repeat then T will ask some questions.Q1: Where are Amy and Lingling?Q2: Have the library got “Harry Potter” videos?Q3: Where are the books?Q4: When should they return the books?(3) Explain some words and important sentences for Ss.Step 7 Homework(1)Listen and read the text 3 times.(2)Write the new words. (5words)Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter videos?第二课时Teaching aim:Extend the using of main sentences “Have you got”Teaching content:(1) Students make a role play with the main points.(2) Help Ss try to recite the text.(3) Do the exercise on the Activity Book.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming up:(1) Free talk to review the main sentences.T: Have you got ?S1: Yes, I have/ No, I havent.(2) Game (Happy face and sad face)S1: Face to the blackboard.S2: show faces.All the others ask: Have you got?S1: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Step 2 Role PlayT: I want a student to do dialogue with me.Lets act out the dialogue on the blackboard.Shop assistant: Hello, wele to our shop, can I help you?Customer: Yes, Have you got “Snow white” videos?S A: Yes, we have. They are on shelf B.C: Thank you.C: Here is my library card.S A: Please return the books in 3 weeks.C: Thank you.Step 3 do exercise on Activity Book about Module3 unit1Step 4 Home work(1) Try to remember the new words, prepare to have a dictation.(2)Translate the English sentence into the Chinese.

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