2019-2020年三年级上册英语MODULE 2同步练习题.doc

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2019-2020年三年级上册英语MODULE 2同步练习题一、根据图片,在括号里写出单词的英文大写字母编号。( 8 % ) A、head B、foot C、nose D、armE、hair F、eye G、face H、hand二、听句子,选择单词填写在横线上。(5 % ) 1 . Wash your _ ( hand , hands ) . 2 . Brush your _ ( head , hair ) . 3 . Touch your _ ( face , nose ) . 4 . Raise your right _ ( leg , arm ) 5 . This is _ ( your ,my)三、听句子,判断所读句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写“”,否则写“ ”。(12 % ) 四、选出相应的答句,把所选答句的字母编号写在括号内。(8 % )( ) 1.Good afternoon. A . Good morning . B. Good afternoon . ( ) 2.Whats your name? A . I am Ben Webb . B . Hello . ( ) 3.Wash your hands. A . All right , Dad . B . Thank you .( ) 4.How are you ? A . How are you ? B . I am fine , thank you .五、用英语在方框内写出下列人体部位的名称。(8 % ) 六、用所给字母组成单词并画出相应的图。(8 % ) 1 . o e s n_2 . n d h a _3 . r a e _4 . h t o m u _七、选出符合图意的句子,于巴具编号与任括号内。(10 % ) ( ) 1 . A . Touch your nose . B . Touch your mouth . C . Touch your toes .( )2 . A . Raise your left arm . B . Raise your right leg . C . Raise your left leg . ( )3 . A . Wash your hands . B . Wash your face . C . Wash you hair . ( ) 4. A. Raise your atms.B. Raise your legs.C. Raise your right arm.( ) 5. A. Clean your teeth.B. Clean your nose.C. Brush your teeth.八、判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写“V ”否则写“x ”。(8 % ) ( )1、 Wash your face . ( )2、 Raise your right leg .( )3、Raise your hands . ( )4、 Touch your toes .九、画出每张脸缺少的部位,并在横线上写出这个部位的英文名。(6 % ) 附送:2019-2020年三年级上册英语module 4同步练习一. 写出下列各字母的相邻字母。(1) _ B _ (2) _ f _ (3) _ J _ (4) _ n _ (5) _ R _ (6) _ v _ (7) _ Y _ (8) _ d _ (9) _ g _ (10) _ K _二. 按字母表顺序默写26个大小写字母。三. 写出五个元音字母的大小写:(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ 写出英语中唯一的一个半元音字母: _四. 说出或写出下列缩写词的中文意思。(1) GZTV _ (2) CCTV _(3) WTO _ (4) PRC _(5) NBA _ (6) USA _(7) VCD _ (8) UFO _(9) D J _ (10) WC _五、听短语三次,根据所读的顺序,在相应图的括号内写出相应短语的英文大写字母编号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、听指令三次,按指令画图并涂上颜色。ABCDEF七、听句子三次,选择你听到的单词写在横线上,把句子补充完整。1. A: Whats _(this,that)? B: Itsa _( rainbow,c ar).2. A: What colour is the _(ball,sun)? B: Its _(red,white).3. Lets colour the _(eyes,ears) _(black,brown). 4. Thats a picture _(on,of) a _( girl, hoy ). 5. Wheres your _( blue, brown ) pen? 6. Thats ( right, white ). 八、听问句三次,看图并根据听到的内容选择正确的答句。 1( ) A. Its white. 2. ( ) A. Its on the desk. B. Its black. B. Its a bag. 3. ( ) A. Its an apple. 4. ( ) A. No, it isnt. B. Yes it is. B. Its the sun. 5. ( ) A. OK. 6. ( ) A. Its white.B. Thank you. B. Its a ball. 九、听句子三次,看图选出相应的答案,把答案的字母编号写在括号内。 1234( ) 1. A. Its white. B. Its a car.( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.( ) 3. A. Its a pencil-case. B. Its a pencil sharpener( ) 4. A. Its on the bed? B. Its on the desk.十、根据图的内容,在相应的单词或短语下画横线。 1. a white hus 2. On the desk 3. drawa black car On the table look 4. a ball 5. a rainbow 6. a picturea boy the sun a piece of paper十一、找出不同类的词。 ( ) 1. A.Janet B.name C. Ben ( ) 2. A. pencil B.book C.apple( ) 3. A.colour B.pink C. green ( ) 4. A.hair B.ear C.body( ) 5. A.a B.this C.that ( ) 6. A.rainhow B.sull C.picture十二、看图,选出问题的正确答案。 ( ) 1.Where is the ruhher? A. Its on the desk. B. Its in the desk.( ) 2.Is the ruler in the bag? A. No. it isnt. B. Yes, it is.( ) 3.Whats this in English? A. Its a book. B. Its a box.( ) 4.What colour is the plane? A. white. B. Is black.( ) 5.How are you? A. Im eight.B. Im fine, thank you. 十三、重新排列下列字母,使它们变成一个符合图意的单词。 1. p 1 e p a _ 2. e a k c _ 3. a 1 b l _ 4. n s u _十四、阅读对话,判断对话属于哪一幅图,在相应图下的括号内写上编号。( )( )( )( )1. A : Look, whats that, Jiamin? BIts the sun.2. A : What colour is the desk? BIts white.3. A : Lets colour the apple green. B No, Lets colour it red.A : OK. 4. A : is this a picture of a girl? BYes.


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