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2019-2020年三年级英语上册期末试卷(VI)班级 姓名 分数 一写出对应的字母大小写形式。(28分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m f sing body juice door 二看图,填入所缺的字母。(10分) pl_y d_sk h_nd t_ _cher b_y s_x p_n c_t b_ _k ch_ _r 三给下列反义词连线。(10分) cold laugh short right cry young stand cool in happy left big old hot warm tall sad out little sit四找答语。(20分) ( )1.How are you? A.Shes at school. ( )2.What colour is it? B.No,I have a headache. ( )3.How many pencils do you have? C.Its a chair. ( )4.Whats her name? D.I cut my knee. ( )5.How old are you? E.Im fine.Thanks. ( )6.Do you feel happy? F.Its green. ( )7.Where is Lynn? G.I have two., ( )8.Whats this? H.Her name is Jenny. ( )9.Are you okay? I.Im ten years old. ( )10.Whats the matter? J.Yes,I feel happy.五单词归类。(20分)red,green,one,happy,hand,teacher,doctor, four,sister,arm cry,yellow,three,eye,cold,talk,mother,tired,foot,sit颜色类: 数字类: 感觉类: 身体类: 职业类: 称呼类: 动作类: 六阅读下列短文,判断下列句子正()误()。(12分) Hello!My name is Tom.Im a boy.Im ten years old.Look!This is a picture of my family.They are my father、my mother、my little sister and I.My father is very tall.He is handsome.He is a doctor.My mother is short.She has long、curly hair.My little sister is only three years old.She has two big eyes.( )1.Tom is ten years old. ( )2. Tom is a daughter. ( )3.Toms father is very tall. ( )4.Toms mother has short black hair. ( )5.Toms sister has two big ears. ( )6.Toms sister is only three years old.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册期末试卷(VII)第一部分听力(分)一选出你所听到的字母、单词。(分)( )1.A.Bb B.Pp C. Dd D. Tt( )2.A.Ii B.Aa C.Hh D.Yy( )3.A.nose B.nine C.name D.No ( )4.A.sing B.sick C.son D.sit( )5.A.two B.ten C.toe D.tea二 选出你所听到的句子。(分)( )1.A.How are you? B.How old are you? C.How do you do?( )2.A.Close the window.B.Close the door.C.Close your book.( )3.A.Thats cat.B.Thats cool.C.Thats cold.( )4.A.Theyre crying.B.Theyre singing.C.Theyre talking.( )5.A.I live in China.B. I live in Canada C. I live in Gansu.三 听句子,选择相应的答语。(分)( )1.A.My name is Jenny.B.Im ten.C.Im a student.( )2.A.Yes,I am. B.No, Im not. C.Im sad.( )3.A.Yes, Im sad.B.Yes,I feel happy.C.Yes,Im ten.( )4.A.They are working.B. They are students.C. They are yellow.( )5.A.My eyes are short.B. My eyes are black.C. My eyes are hurts.四 根据你所听到的内容,画画。(分) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

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