2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 7 No smoking(5)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 7 No smoking(5)教案 新世纪版一、Teaching Aims:1. Basic aims:To learn how to express the negative sentences: Dont shout Dont paintDont touch. Dont feed. (2) To use the verbs pupils learned before to practice the sentences. ( Dont eat in the classroom. Dont drink in the reading room.)2. Developing aims:(1)Acrroding to the situation to make a short dialogue二、Teaching aids: slides pictures a tape recorder三、Teaching procedure:Step 1Pre-task preparationSay the rhyme: Walk and RunReview the new wordsStep 2. While-task procedureTo learn “Dont shout”出示幻灯Mike在剧场中叫喊T: Where is Mike? S: Hes in the Grand Theatre.T: Can he shout? S: No. (指着禁止标志)T: Yes. Look over there. Theres a sign on the wall.Learn the sentence: Look over there. Theres a sign.T: Whats the sign meaning? Dont shout.Learn the sentence: Dont shout.Practice: A: Look over there. Theres a signB: Dont shout.To learn “Dont feed.”出示动物园长颈鹿的幻灯T: Whats this sign meaning? S: Dont feed.T: Dont feed the giraffe. Learn this sentence: Dont feed the giraffe.Practice: (出示动物园里各种动物的图片)S: Dont feed the panda. Dont feed the monkey. Dont feed the fox.The same way to learn the other pictures.Dont paint on the wall. (2) Dont touch.Step 3. Post-task activity Use the sentences: Dont swim here. Dont pick flowers. Dont walk on the grass. Dont drink in the classroom. 让学生创设情景表演小对话。A: Look, the flower is beautiful. Ill pick it.B: Look over there. Theres a sign. Dont pick the flower.A: I am sorry.附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 7 No smoking(6)教案 新世纪版Basic aims: Learn new sentences: Excuse me, sir. No smoking. Dont smoke here, pleaseRead the text fluentlyDeveloping aims:Using the sentences in different situations.二、Teaching aids:slides, tape recorder.三Teaching procedureStep 1Pre-task procedure:Daily talk,(warning up)Step 2. While-task procedureNew lessonShow the slide of picture1T: They are at the gas station. What is the man doing? (指图片)He is smoking. Learn the word “smoke”.Show the slide of picture2T: Can he smoke there? S: No, he cant smoke there.T: Yes. He cant smoke there. What will you say to him?S: Dont smoke.T: Dont smoke here, pleaseLearn the sentence: Dont smoke here, please.T: Now, lets listen to the tape. What does Sandy say to him?Listen to the tape and learn the sentence: Excuse me, sir.Show the slide of picture3T: What will Sandy say?S: Look over there. Theres a sign (Farmland 已学过)T: This sign means “Dont smoke.” We also can say “No smoking.”Learn the sentence “No smoking!”Show the slide of picture4T: What does the man say?S: Im sorry.Books open, play the cassette. Pupils listen and repeat.Step 3. Post-task activitiesAct out the dialogueShow some other pictures and act out a new dialogue.


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