2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit1 lesson5(3)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit1 lesson5(3)教案 冀教版一、Suggestions for reviewPlay“Draw and Guess”to review some of the foods the students mastered in Level 2 ( chicken, dumplings, fish, fruit, meat, noodles, rice, soup, vegetables, donut, French fries, hamburger, hot, dog, pizza ). Review“some”Note that in English we say “ some fruit ” and “ some vegetables ” because these words describe categories of food .“ a ” “ some ”donut chickenhamburger dumplingshot dog fish fruit meat noodles rice soup vegetables French fries pizza二、Key Conceptsquick三、INTRODUCELead a dialogue such as:Teacher: ( point to the volunteers. ) What are they doing?Class: Drawing.Teacher: ( point to the “ quick ” student. ) He/She is slow. Are slow and quick the same or different?Class: Different.Teacher: Are fast and quick the same or different? Fast and quick are the Class: same.Teacher: Very good, class!四、Practice五、Use the activity bookNumber 1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:Listen. Write the number for each food picture in the correct circle.a. Li Ming is having some chicken, some soup, a donut and an orange.b. Jenny is having a sandwich, a hot dog, some dumplings and an apple.c. Danny is having a hamburger, some French fries, a pizza, a banana and some grapes.d. Li Mings mother is having some vegetables, some noodles and some melon.e. Li Mings father is having some rice, some fish and some strawberries.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit1 lesson6(1)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:1.知识目标:理解并灵活运用下列句型 : What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing What are you doing? - Im _ing What are they doing? Theyre _ing 2.能力目标:能熟练运用现在进行时的问句和答句介绍你身边的朋友在做什么。3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人.二、教学重难点: 理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing What are you doing? - Im _ing What are they doing? Theyre _ing 三、教学过程Step1. Greetings and reviewGreetingSing an English song(音乐响起,多媒体出现画面,师生共唱一首英语歌曲:I am drawing并可以随意做动作。3让一名同学拿着卡片做动作,其他让学生猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep,draw 等。复习这些词。Step2.New Concept1.用whisper游戏的变化形式做游戏,把全班分成两组,选出同等数量的学生,悄声告诉每人一个动作(如:read a book, draw a picture, jump, sing a song.)由老师进行提问,What are you doing now?What is she doing now?What is he doing now?What are they doing now?检查学生是否能准确回答这些问题,同时让学生理解now的含义,如果学生不能正确理解其含义,教师应作讲解。2接下来,由两组同学轮流提问,Who is _ing? 让学生理解这句话。播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。What are Jenny,Li Ming and Danny doing on the train?”Step3. Reading prehensionRead the text and fill the chartWhoWhat is he/she doing?The babyThe womanThe three menDanny检查学生的完成情况,进行指导。Step4. PracticeDo “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)Whats the baby doing? He is_ing.教师先与一名学生示范一组,然后再让学生练习。Step 5:Make a dialogue将全班分成若干小组,要求每组学生以做某事然后做其他事为内容编排一段对话,引导学生使用单词now和其他想用的任何词汇,鼓励学生努力尝试并发挥独创性。教师可做以下提示:playing cards with his friendsreading the newspaperflying a kitewatching TVdrawing a picturelooking out the windowStep 6:PresentationStep7: Homework画一幅运动会的图,并写出句子Whats the _ doing? He/She is_ing.四、板书设计Lesson6 What are they doing?What is _ doing? - He/She is _ing What are you doing? - Im _ing / Were _ing nowWhat are they doing? Theyre _ing 五、课后习题选择填空( )1.Look! Li Ping and Li Ying_football now.A. play B. played C. are playing D. will play( )2.It is seven oclock. Jim _lunch now.A. is having B. are having C. have C. has( )3.-What are you doing now? -I am _a book.A. read B. reading C. reads D. readed( )4. Jenny is drawing a picture. She is _A. loud B. quiet C.quick D. slow( )5. He often plays _ his friends.A.to B. at C. with D. behind连线read the newspaper 打扑克have lunch 看报纸play cards 看电视 watch TV 玩儿得开心read a book 观看比赛watch a game 和玩儿play with 看书3用正确的be动词填空I_ reading a book.We _ playing ping-pong.She _drawing a picture.They _ playing cards.He _ sleeping.六、教学资源BE动词用法口诀。我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it);单数is,复数are,勿忘be的三变化。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易, be后not莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。

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