2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit11 I can climb 1教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit11 I can climb 1教案 北师大版 Vocabulary: Can, cant, climb, see, catch, walk, carry, listen, run, read, jump, dance, sing, write, talk, draw, house, hand, hat, help, rabbit, ruler, red, rat. Structures: Be careful, all right. Whats the matter? Once upon a time. Period 1 一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1, Review. Review the sentence patterns and vocabulary presented in Grade 1. T: Can you chant: An elephant can walk, walk, walk walk. Have Ss change the other words for it. Step2, Model the dialog. Present the flashcard for “see”. Hold up the flashcard and model the word for Ss, have them repeat it for you. Repeat the procedure for “walk, climb, listen and read.” Hold up your mask for Mocky and say, “I can walk.” Point to your legs and walk around the classroom. Repeat the sentence and add, “Can you?” Now hold up the mask for Ann and say, “Yes, I can.” Have Ss say the sentences after you. Use the mask and repeat the procedures. Let Ss ask and answer. Step3, Talk about the story. Have Ss open their books at pages 50 and 51. Ask these questions about the pictures. Picture 1/2: What can Mocky do? Picture 3/4: What happens to Mocky? Picture 5: How is Ken helping Mocky now? Picture 6: What happens to Ann? Picture 10: What are Mocky, Ann and Ken doing now? Step4, Story. T: We are going to hear what the characters said. Play the tape, have Ss look at the pictures as the tape is played. Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. Have Ss repeat the words before you move oin to the next picture. Explain that people often say “Be careful.” And “Look out.” When someone is going to do something dangerous. “Its all right.” Means thay you think you can solve the problem. “Whats the matter?” is another way of asking what is wrong. Step5, Homework Encourage Ss to tell the story to their families. 教学后记: Period 2 一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step1, Words to learn. Have Ss open their books at page 52. direct their attention to the top of the page. Display your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. T: Run. Have Ss repeat the word. Repeat the procedure for the other pictures and actions. Play the tape. Stop after each new vocabulary word. Point to each picture as the action is named. Step2, Introduce you, he, she can. Review the structure I can . Have Ss repeat the sentence as they see the picture cards and do the action. Now introduce the structure “You can.” Repeat the procedure with different Ss working in pairs. Then use the other action picture cards. Step3, Listen to this. Display your copy of the page. T: Now we will see what Mocky can do. Ask the question, “What can Mocky do?” Repeat the question. Point to the first picture. T: He can carry his bag. Repeat for the other three pictures. Now have Ss open their books. As you play the tape, have them touch the matching picture. Make sure they all touch the correct picture. Step4, Lets chant. Use pictures review the following words: read, write, walk, run, talk, sing, jump, dance. Make sure Ss can say these words when they see the action. Read the rhyme to Ss, pointing to each word. Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Tell them the book only shows the first two parts of the rhyme. Have Ss listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page. Play the tape again and have Ss join in, encouraging them to clap with the rhyme. Have Ss point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out. Step5, Homework. Tell their families in English some things that they can do, using the sentence structure I can 。 教学后记:让学生来说自己能做什么动作时,学生自己来表演,教者就可以纠正学生的读音不足之处。在课后还要多关注一下中下生。 Period 3 一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step1, Talk together. Hold up the jump card. T: I can jump. Have Ss repeat the sentence. T: Can you jump? Ss: Yes, I can. No, I cant. Display your copy of the page. Then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it. Read the words again, and have Ss touch each word in their books as they repeat them after you. Step2, Listen and number. Have Ss turn to the bottom of page 54. explain to them thay you will play a tape and that you want them to number the sentence they hear on the correct picture. Play the tape, one sentence at a time. Stop after each sentence. Have Ss touch the picture after hearing the sentence on the tape. Make sure that Ss choose correctly. Play the tape a second time, sentence by sentence. This time have Ss write the number of the sentence in the box beside each picture as they hear the sentence on the tape. Step3, Sounds and letters. Draw Ss attention to the top of the page. Play the tape for house, hand, hat and help. T: Do these words have the sound /h/? Play the tape again and have Ss say the words alound. Repeat the procedure for other words. Step4, Read and circle. Have Ss turn to page 55. display your copy of the page. Point to the clor red and sak, “What color is it?” Elicit the correct name from Ss. Pointing to the words next to the color. Tell Ss that there is only one word matches the picture and you want them to find it. Now read the four words again. Have Ss open page after you and and circle circle the word ead. Step 5 Homework. Tell Ss that you want them to color the pictures on page 55. 教学后记: 学生对于动作的单词能较好地掌握,也能做出正确的反应,但对个别单词不能很好发音,需在课后多辅导、纠正。 Period 4 一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step 1, Review. Use this game to review action verbs presented in this unit “carry, catch, climb, dance, draw, jump, listen, read, run, see, sing, talk, walk and write.” Give the instructions. Let Ss say and do. Step 2, Read and match. Display your copy of the page. Read the words aloud to Ss, pointing to each word in turn. Have Ss repeat the words as they touch them in their books. Put Ss in pairs and tell them that you want them to draw lines between the words and pictures. Check to see that all Ss do this correctly. Step3, Teach the song. Have Ss open their books at page 59. T: we are going to learn a song. Read the words to Ss, pointing to each word as you do so. Play the first two lines of the song several times, and encourage Ss to join in by singing and clapping. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the song. Step4, Lets sing. Play the song from the beginning. Encourage Ss to touch the words in their books as they sing along. Play the song again. This time, ask all Ss to sing along and to clap in time. Divide the class into two groups. Go through the song again, once or twice. Have each group sing one line of the song in turn. Have the groups change roles. Step5, let Ss sing the song for four. Step6, Homework. Sing the song for family. 教学后记: 歌曲的单词很多都已经学会,但是节奏快,句子也较长,学生还不能很好地把握,不过,大部分学生都对这首歌感兴趣。在课后多听,多唱,学生可以掌握好的。 Period 5一、Greetings. 二、Presentation. Step1, Warming up. Sing the song. Step2, Review. Do the action of the words and let Ss say “I can .” Step3, Uncle Bookys storytime. Tell Ss to open their books at page 60. draw their attentions to the pictures. Explain that these pictures tell a story about a little turtle. Ask question about the pictures. Have Ss talk about the story and what they think each character is saying. T: we are going to listen to the story, pointing to the matching pictures. Tell Ss to look at each speech bubble. Ask them to find out the words they know. Encourage them to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Play the tape of the whole story again. This time have Ss touch the speaking character. Step4, Play the roles of the story. Step5, Homework. Tell the story for the family. 教学后记: 故事里有很多句子学生都已经掌握,所以能很好地来分角色朗读,同时渗透学生不能随便地讥笑别人,任何人都能做好一件事,任何人都会有优点的。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit11 I can climb教案 北师大版教学目标知识目标:I can (climb). Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant.能力目标:Listen and talk.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。教学重难点:Asking and answering question about abilities教学过程:1. Warm-upReview the sentence pattern and vocabulary presented in Unit 9.Draw three or four eggs , flowers, pears ,and birds on the board . Have one child ask ,“How many eggs are there ?”Their partner should answer , “There are (five ).”Have them repeat the dialogue , substituting flowers for eggs .Then have the partners change roles for the other objects.2. Model the dialogPresent the flashcard for see. Have them repeat after you. Repeat the procedure for walk, climb, listen, and read .Hold up tour mask for Monkey and say, “ I can walk.” Point to your legs and walk around the classroom. Repeat the sentence and add, “Can you?”Hold up your mask and model the dialog .Have the children say them after your.3. Talk about the story 12minsHave the children open their books at page 50 and 51. Ask these question about the pictures:Picture1/2: “Mockey is showing Ann and Ken what he can do. What can he do? ”Picture 3/4: “What happens to Mocky?” How can Ken help Mockey? ” (Present the word catch.)Picture5: “How is Ken helping Mockey now? ”Picture 6: “What happens to Ann?” Picture 7: “Can Ann walk ? ”Picture 8/9: “How can Uncle Bookey help ? ” ( Present the word carry.)Picture 10: “What are Mockey , Ann , and Ken doing now? ”4. StoryHave the children look at the pictures as the tape is played. Play the tape again . Have the children repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.Explain that people often say Be careful and Look out when someone is going to do something dangerous. Its all right means that you think you can solve the problem . We say Are you all right? When we are worried about someones safety. Whats the matter? is another way of asking what is wrong.5. Set homework Encourage the children to tell the story to their families.6. 教学后记: Lesson 2教学目标 知识目标:You/He/She can (walk).能力目标:Listen, say and sing.情感目标:在歌曲中激发学生学习的兴趣,寓学于乐。教学重难点:Asking and answering question about abilities教学过程:1. Words to learn 10mins Have the children open their books at page 52. Point to the first picture . Say, “Run.” Now mine swim . Have the children repeat the word. Repeat the procedure for the other pictures and actions. Play the tape again . Have the children touch the correct picture as they hear action named .Have the children do the action and consolidate the words.2. Introduce You/He /She can 15minsReview the structure I can (walk). Hold up the flashcard for walk. Say to the class, “I can walk.” Walk around the classroom one behind the other . Now introduce the structure You can (walk).Have the class repeat the sentence. Repeat the procedure with different children working in pairs.Indicate the boy and say, “ He can walk .” Repeat the procedures using other action flashcards.3. Listen to this 7minsDisplay your copy of the page. Say to the class, “Now we will see what Mockey can do .” Repeat the question .Piont to the first picture . Say “He can carry his bag.” Repeat for the other three pictures.Play the tape ,have them touch the matching picture . Make sure they all touch the correct picture.4. Lets chant 6minsUse pictures review the following words: read ,write, walk ,run, talk, sing, jump, dance . Make sure the children can say these words when they see the actions.Read the rhyme to the children , pointing to each word. Play the tape for the whole rhyme.Play the tape again and have children joint in , encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme .Listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions act the rhyme out.5. Set homework 2minsExplain to the children that you want them to :Tell their family in English some thing that can do , using the sentence structure I can (run)Practice the chant.6. 教学后记: Lesson 3教学目标 知识目标:Can you (draw)? I can (jump). Can you? (Phonics)/h/ /r/ 能力目标:Listen, talk and read.情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重难点:Have the children practice the sounds and letters.教学过程:1. Talk together Hold up the jump flashcard .Say, “I can jump.” Have the children repeat the sentence .Say, “I can jump. Can you?” Elicit the answer, “Yes ,I can.” Hold up another flashcard. Say to the children, “Can you (draw)? Now try to elicit some answer, “ Yes, I can.” Display your copy of the page. Then read aloud the words. Have the children touch each word in their books as they repeat them after you.2. Listen and number 8minsRemind the students the sentences are read in the sequence from the left to right.Play the tape. Stop after each sentence .Ask “ Which picture matches that sentence?” Make sure that children choose correctly.Play the tape a second time, sentence by sentence.3. Sounds and letter 10minsDraw the children s attention to the top of the page. Play the tape for house, hand hat and help. Ask, “Do these words have the sound /h/?”Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud. Repeat the procedure for other /h/ and /r/ words.4. Read and circle 6minsDisplay your copy of page. Point to the color red and ask, “What color is it ?” Elicit the correct name from the children.Point to the first word hat. Ask the children, “ Is it the correct word?” Elicit No from the children , Repeat the procedure with other words until they find the correct answer Now read the four words again. Have the children repeat after you and circle the word red.5. Set homework Tell the children that you want them to color the picture.6. 教学后记: Lesson 4教学目标知识目标:You/she/we/they can(run). (Phonics and writing)run, jump, talk, sing能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重难点:the correct writing of each word教学过程:1. Trace the words (6mins)Ask “Can you run?” Elicit from the children “Yes , I can .” Say “I can run .” while doing the action .Have the children repeat after you .Have the children open their books at page 56. Have the children trace the word run. On the second line ,have the children copy the word run by themselves.Repeat this procedure for the other sentences.2. Read and Write (5mins)Point to the first picture. Elicit the correct sentence from the children “He can swim.” Read the sentence pointing to each word. Have them repeat after you. pointing to the word on their books.Ask the children which word is missing. Elicit from them the word swim. Repeat the procedure for other pictures and sentences.3. Introduce we and they (10mins)Display your copy of the page . Point to the picture for sing .Say “I can sing .”Indicate all three of you and say , “We can sing .”Now have the class say . “We can sing .”Have half the class stand together .say “They can sing.” Use the picture in “Words to learn” to review the structures in a class drill, I can /We can /he can /she can /they can (read).4. Uncle Bookys Blackboard (12mins)Pin up two drillcards on the board to make the sentence I can run. Have the children repeat the sentence after you .Substitute the You can drillcard and say the words. Repeat the procedure, using the other pronouns with different verbs.Model the structures on Uncle Bookys Blackboard by reading them to the class.Have the children repeat the sentences after you in a class drill.5. Touch and say (6mins)Display your copy of the page . Have the children repeat the sentence after you.Now point to child who is dancing in the picture and say “I can (dance).” Have the children repeat the sentence after you .Repeat the procedure for the rest of the child in the picture .Divide the class into groups of three or four .Have each child take turns in their group to point to a child in the picture and say “I can (read)”6. Set homework (1min)Remind the class to class to finish their tracing and copying task7. 教学后记: Lesson 5教学目标知识目标:Can Ken (walk)? I can (climb) I cant (dance).能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:有学习英语的愿望,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。教学重难点:use the structures in munication教学过程:1. ReviewUse this game to review action verbs presented in this unit:carry,catch,climb,dance,draw,jump,listen,read,run,see,sing,talk,walk,and write.Give the instructions Simon says,(walk).2. Read and match (6mins)Read the words aloud to the children , pointing to each word in turn.Put the children in pairs and tell them that you want them to draw lines between the words and pictures .Now hold up your copy of the page and read the correct answers.3. Teach the song (8mins)Have the children open their books at page 59 .Read the letters to the children, pointing to each word as you do so .Play the first two lines of the song several times, and encourage the children to join in by singing and clapping.4. Sing the song 8minsPlay the song from the beginning. Play the song again divide the class into two groups. Go through the song again , once or twice . Have each group sing one line of the song in turn. Have the groups change roles .5. An additional activity :Read ,match and color 10minsPhotocopy the page for each child Read the words aloud to the children ,pointing to each word in turn .Have the children repeat the wordNow say “Can Ken run ?”Elicit, “No, he cant.” Encourage the children to explain their answers. Repeat the procedure for the other words. Put the children in pairs and do the work.6. Set homework (2mins)Explain to the children that you want them to :Color the picture of the additional activity.Tell their families what Ken can and cant do .Tell the children to color the pictures on page 58 . 7. 教学后记: Lesson 6教学目标知识目标:e on, join us!能力目标:Listen, read and write.情感目标:体会英语学习中的乐趣,乐于接触英语读物。教学重难点:consolidate the structures and vocabulary learned in this unit教学过程:1. Uncle Boookys story time Explain that these picture tell a story about a little turtle .Ask questions about the picture .Have the children talk about the story and what they think each character is saying.Encourage them to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Play the tape of the whole story again this time have the children touch the speaking character.2. Slap and matchThis is a game for pairs .it review s numbers one through nine, the vocabulary, and letters learned in Unit 7 through 11.Explain to the children that the aim of this game is for student B to match student As arrangement of cards on his or her own board. It is important that student B does not see student As board.Student B should then cover square number one on his or her own board with the matching card (a picture of a pen)When the two children have finished, have them pare their

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