2019-2020年二年级英语上册 Unit 6 第三课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语上册 Unit 6 第三课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语上册 Unit 6 第三课时教案 苏教牛津版Text bookFun with English 2AUnit 6Title A picnicPeriod 3Aims 1. Help students to review how to ask the things far away and answer: “What are those? They are ”2. To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of municating in English.Main points and difficult points1. Sentence pattern: What are those? Theyres.2. Review the 4 words spelling.3. Help Ss differ the words: this, that, these and those.Aids Pictures, tape recorder, multimediaStep 1: Warming-up and reviewEveryday English:(1) T: What day is it today?S: Today is Tuesday.(2) T: Whats the date today? (Wait for a moment)Its Nov. 28.(slowly)T: Read follow me.Group1, 2, 3, 4.T: Whats the date today?S: Its Nov. 28.(3) T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its (4) T: What class are you in?S: Im in Class 4, Grade 2.(5) T: What school are you in? Ss: Im in Xinghai School.Step 2 Revision 1. Review the words. T: Here I have some pictures. Whats this? Ss: Its an ant T: What are these? Ss: They are ants. T: Whats that? Ss: Its a flower. T: What are those? Ss: They are flowers. Ss follow teacher : Do the finger exercise: “this and that” “these and those” T does the exercise, Ss say.2.Review the four words spelling.3. Listen and choice. (1) T reads and let Ss answer: this that these.(2) Ss read after the words.(3) Asks the meanings of the four words.Step 3 Practice1. T asks and Ss answer: Whats this/that? What are these/those?2. Let Ss ask the questions by using the correct words.3. Work in pairs.4. Show time.5. Let Ss use their own things to make dialogues.Step 4 Rhyme1. T: Lets listen to a new rhyme2. Ss try to follow the tape recorder.Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape and read aloud.2. Recite the words.3. Practice the sentence “What are those?”Step 6: Writing design.Unit 6 A picnicthis that these thoseResourcesPostscript The exercise about “this” and “that” from Miss Yaos class is very effective. So I taught the exercise about “this” and “that”, then add the “these and those” exercise. Ss use their fingers and do them actively. After that, they can distinguish them clearly.附送:2019-2020年二年级英语上册 Unit 6 第二课时教案 苏教牛津版Text bookFun with English 2AUnit 6Title A picnicPeriod 2Aims 1. To provide students with basic languages to put questions and try to spell the words.2. To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of municating in English.Main points and difficult points1. Vocabulary:Butterfly, flower, tree, ant, picnic.2.Sentence pattern: What are those? Theyres.Aids Pictures, tape recorder, multimediaStep 1: Warming-up and reviewEveryday English:Sing the song: appleT: Whats this? Ss: Its an apple. T corrects “an apple”T: Whats that?Ss: Its an orange.T: Whats this?Ss: Its an ant.Step 2 Revision 1. review:a) sing a song b) T: Whats this? Its a butterfly.Ss: Its a butterfly.T: Butterfly butterfly Ss Im a butterfly.(动作) louder, louder and louder T: Whats this? Ss: Its a butterfly. T: butterfly, butterfly (Spell) Ss spell.T: Who can spell it?Ss: b-u-t-t-e-r-f-l-y, butterfly. Several times. 小图片(奖励)c) T: Whats this?Ss: Its a flower.T: Flower flower Ss, train, train, go, go, go. Flower flower , Im a flower.T: Who can spell flower?Ss answer. d) T: Its a tree. Read after me. Tree. (Ss) Tr tr ee i: tr-ee, tree.T: Lets read the word loud, louder and louder.T: 拼读tree. Ss 拼读.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a tree.e) T: Whats this?Ss: Its a/an ant.T: I heard someone said an ant. Is it an ant? Here we should use a or an?Ss: anT: Why? Why should we use an? Ss answer.T: An ant. Read after me, an ant. Its an ant This is my aunt. And that is an ant.嘴巴张大 aunt; 嘴巴裂开 antAunt, aunt, 阿姨; ant, ant, 蚂蚁.2. Review a) T: What are these? They are? Ss: They are butterflies (butterfly).T: I heard someone said butterfly. Not butterfly, butterflies. Butterflies. Ss They are butterflies. SsT: What are these? Ss: They are butterflies.b) T: What are these? Ss: They are flowers.c) T: What are these? S: They are trees.d) T: Oh. They are so far. 它们太远了What are those? What are those?Ss: They are birds.T: Maybe. What are those? Several times.e) (卡片)Those O is pronounced . z thoseGroup 1,2,3,4.f) T: Whats the difference between those and these? Who knows? 谁知道?Hands up. Those: 那些(远处的事物)。 These: 这些(近处的事物)。g) T: Its your turn now. 轮到你们问了哦Ss: What are those?T: They are birds. Are they all birds? Lets say the magic words. What are those?They are planes.h) Half class: What are those? Half class: They are Exchange.i) Group read the question.j) S reads the question. T gives some pictures.k) T: Now work in pairs. One asks “What are those?” and the other one answers “They are” Then exchange.l) Lets say a rhyme Read after T. those and singing 3. a) T: What are they doing? You can speak in Chinese. Ss:他们在野餐。 T: So they are having a picnic. Read picnicb) This word can be divided into (手势) parts. Ss say 2. Pic i pic, nic nic, picnic c) T: Today we learn Unit 6 A picnicOpen your books and read after the tape.d) Read after T.e) Lets say the rhyme again. Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the tape and read aloud.2. Recite the words.3. Practice the sentence “What are those?”Step 7: Writing design.Unit 6 A picnicWhat are those?They are Resources Postscript Ss have no difficult to learn the sentence “What are those”, and they know the sentences easily after learning “What are these?” So this class is very smooth. Ss enable to read “those” correctly.

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