2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第2页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起)一、教学目标1.学习语法: 方向介词、现在进行时的应用。2.学习句型:动词+介词; be+动词原型+ing. The train is going up the hill. 3.学习词汇:up, hill, down, past, station.二、教学重难点1.重点:学习句型:动词+介词; be+动词原型+ing. The train is going up the hill. 2.难点:学习句型:动词+介词; be+动词原型+ing. The train is going up the hill. 三、教学过程(一)准备导入1.教授新词。2.在黑板上画一座山,山顶上画一座房子、一所学校、一个火车站。告诉学生说:“This is a hill。”用粉笔沿山腰向上画一条线,并对学生协“Im going up the hill”再画一条经过房子的线,说“Im going past the house”接着画这条线,经过学校、火车站,再下山,说:“Im going past the school. Im going past the station. Now Im going down the hill.”3.重复上面的做法,但让学生在你画线时说句子:“Youre going方向介词the处所”告诉学生火车站是上、下火车和买火车票的地方。4.最后,让学生将黑板上的图画抄下来,两人进行练习,一个人画线,另一个人描述他的路线。(二)教学活动1:听音指图。1.板书以下词语:school,houses,hill,department store, station2.让学生台上课本。放录音给他们听,让他们边听边从黑板上抄下录音中听到过的词语。3.再放一遍录音。4.再让学生打开课本看上面的图画,并用中文问他们以下的问题:房子在哪里?学校在哪里?火车停在哪里?5.最后,再放录音,让学生指向相关的图画。(三)教学活动2图描述1.再放录音,每句话后停顿,让学生跟读。2.让学生两人一组轮换角色描述火车动向并相图。3.学生两人一组继续练习,让他们轮流说火车正在行驶的方位。(四)教学活动表演1.让学生看课本上的图画并描述其内容。2.让学生两人一组一起读对话例文。3.告诉学生继续两人一组进行练习。一人给出指示语。另一个人根据他的指示画线,并说出到的地方。4.在黑板上画一幅与课本上相似的地图,并在图的底部注上“You are here”5.再让学生上黑板。,根据教师说的指引路线的句子画线。6.多叫一些学生做这样的练习,之后让同桌同学。做类似的练习,一个说句子指引路线,一个画线然后说出目的地。(五)课堂活动用书1.搭配学生看课本上的词语,并画线将词语与对应的图连起来。再在黑板上画一些向左、向右或向前的箭头,快速指向不同的箭头,让学生告诉你它们的意思。2.听音标号A学生看课本上的图画。B学生听录音。C学生说明图画上发生的事情。D四幅图。E让学生根据录音在图画分标上恰当的序号。3.指图描述A.让学生两人一组练习。B.一个学生指图,另一个学生描述图上所发生的事情。C.学习一会见后,让学生交换角色继续练习。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版(一起)Teaching AimsReview module 7.Learn to say: The train is going up a hill. The train is going down a hill. Teaching important pointsUnderstand and remember the two phrases: going up, going down.Can read: The train is going up a hill. The train is going down a hill.Teaching difficult pointsUnderstand and distinguish “going up” and “going down”. Students Analysis Lets review module seven first and then learn the new module. The children have learned the words “up” and “down” before. So “going up” and “going down” may not too difficult to accept. Teaching AidsCD-ROM, picturesTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming upSing to greetings.Sing a song: Step 2 RevisionReview to say: doing a play, singing a song, saying a poem, doing a dragon dance.Repeat: Daming is doing a play. Linging is singing a song. Sam is saying a poem. The children from Class 2 are doing a dragon dance.Review: having a picnic, flying a kite, sleeping.Repeat: We are having a picnic. My father is flying a kite. My grandma is sleeping. My mother is eating. I am drawing a picture. Page 29: activity four:Read the key words first: walking, looking, eating, talking, sleeping, playing. Observe the picture and say the animals.Answer teachers questions: What are the lions doing? Ss: They are T says the words: walking, looking, eating, Ss say the animals: elephants, snakes, lionsStep 3 PresentationUnderstand the story on page 30. Learn to say: Im on the train now. Im at the station.Look the CD-ROM and understand: going up, going down.Fast reaction: up vs. down; going up vs. going down.Learn to say: The train is going up/ going down a hill.

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