八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Self Check同步练习 人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Self Check同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Self Check同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 How often do you exerciseSelf Check.词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Lets go to the zoo together(一起),OK?2The little girl can swing(摆动) with the music.3I dont like these programs(节目)What about you?4His long talk made Sandy feel bored.She almost(差不多) fell asleep.5It rained hard,but none(没有一个) of my classmates was late for school.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Doing sports is good for the mind and the body(body)7I read much less(little) now than I did at school.8Tom got ninetyseven points(point) in the math test.9Do you like the writers(writer) new book?10Look!The flowers are dying(die)Can you get some water?.完形填空。Im a middle school student.In the past,I had some bad _11_I hardly had breakfast _12_ I usually got up late.I didnt like exercising.I _13_ exercised once or twice a month.In the evening,I always watched TV _14_ more than two hours.Then I _15_ the Internet.I liked to play puter games.So I often stayed up late.My parents thought staying up late was bad for my health,so they were not _16_ with that.One day,I fainted(昏倒) in a PE.class.When I _17_,I was in the hospital.The doctor said that my classmates sent _18_ there.He said that I was in poor(差的) _19_Then he told me to eat breakfast every day and do more exercise.From then on,I_20_ to give up my bad habits.Now I usually get up early and have a good breakfast.After school,I always play sports with my friends.Its fun and good for my health.(B)11.A.activities BhabitsCbuildings Dprograms(C)12.A.although BthatCbecause Dif(A)13.A.only BleastCquite Dnever(B)14.A.after BforCthrough Dbelow(D)15.A.waited BswungCbought Dused(A)16.A.happy BboredCafraid Ddifferent(C)17.A.cut down Bthought ofCwoke up Dwent out(A)18.A.me BherChim Dus(D)19.A.percent BdifferenceCmagazine Dhealth(B)20.A.asked BdecidedCstopped Ddisliked.任务型阅读。阅读短文,回答问题及翻译划线部分的句子。Jack and Robert are sportsmen,but they are different.Jack is a runner.Every morning he goes swimming for one hour.Then he practices running.He likes fish,beef and eggs.He eats a lot of fruit and vegetables,too.He_hardly_ever_eats_junk_food. Jack says he cant be fat,or he cant run fast.Robert is a sumo wrestler(相扑手)He weighs(重) over 150 kg,because he eats a lot and sleeps a long time.罗伯特每天只吃午饭和晚饭,_但他吃得很多。 And he usually sleeps from the early evening to the next noon.He only practices in the afternoon.The training is usually very hard.These habits help him keep fat and be a good sumo wrestler.21How long does Jack swim in the morning?For_one_hour.22What does Jack eat?He_eats_fish,_beef,_eggs,_fruit_and_vegetables.23Does Jack want to be fat or thin?He_wants_to_be_thin.24将划线译成汉语。他几乎从来不吃垃圾食品。25将划线译成英语。Robert_only_has_lunch_and_dinner_every_day,_but_he_eats_much.短文填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Gary is a 17yearold high school student.He has lots of bad habits.He likes to use the Internet for fun at night,and he usually _26_(stay) up late.When he feels sleepy(瞌睡的),he drinks some coffee.Because he goes to bed late,he usually gets _27_ late the next morning and arrives at school late._28_ meals,he always eats junk food like hamburgers.And he never exercises.He _29_(like) to exercise at all._30_(this) habits are not good for his body or his mind.He often feels tired and sometimes he cant think _31_(quick)He is_32_(worry) about his health and decides to do something.“Ill try not to spend too much time _33_(play) the puter,” he says.“Ill get up early and exercise in the park at least _34_(two) a week.And Ill try to eat _35_(health) food.People say old habits die hard,but I must make my old habits die.”26stays27.up28.For29.dislikes30.These31.quickly32.worried33.playing34.twice35healthy.短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加或一个单词的删除,其他错误为单词的修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号,并在其下面写出该增加的词。删除:把多余的词用(划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处。I am a student and I have lots of good habits.I usual arrive in school on time and I read books every day. usually atAlso,I hardly ever stay up late and I go to the bed early. Because,I have some bad habits,too.I often play puter games more than two hours a day,and IHowever forsometimes ride mine bike too fast.I eat chocolate and junk foods four or five times a week,but I hardly ever my food andeat vegetables or drink milk,although they are good at me.In the future I will try to do anything to make thefor somethingbad habits die.

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